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Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 60
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Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 60 - No matter how | muffled the sighs that left my lips,

release refused to come. It was like my body knew what it wanted, just as my mind and heart did. It refused to

function for anyone else, refused to react unless it was under the gentle touches of the twins. Understanding my

efforts were hopeless, | finished my shower and dried off.

I had brought a change of clothes into the bathroom, and slipped on a t***h-length dress. The sleeves were long

but thin, enough to combat the gentle chill that started up this afternoon. I blow-dried my hair while the twins

waited outside, undoubtedly getting ready themselves.

As | stepped out into the bedroom, | was bombarded by the thick scent of Alec and Kade. As | turned to grab a

pair of shoes, Alec stood in my way. We were only inches apart, but | could feel the heat radiating from his skin.

His musky scent swirled with the slight tang of tea-tree from his body wash. The scent was entirely new, but

equally to d*e for. My breathing hitched as Alec trailed a finger down my reddened face, lingering around my

collar bones.

“Were you able to finish?” Alec murmured, toying with the hem of my dress. His warm fingers danced along my

b**e t¥#*h, coaxing a thick shiver that ran down my spine.

“No.” | swallowed, my voice coming out a few octaves higher.

Alec continued toying with the hem of my dress, letting his fingertips dance closer and closer to the softness

between my legs. Just as the pad of his finger grazed over my underwear, he pulled away. His eyes were dark,

and the fabric of his pants was tight around the middle. He gripped my face with one of his large hands, tilting

my head up so that | looked him in the eye.

“Poor little mate. Even now, your body craves us.” Alec murmured; his breath fanned across my ear. “Kade and |

will help you later.”

His lips trailed along my jaw, igniting that aching fire low in my gut. | pressed my thighs tightly together, ignoring

the scent of my arousal as it flooded the room.

“Where is Kade?” | asked, my eyes darting around the room as | fumbled for a reason to change the subject.

Alec and Kade separate were a constant temptation, a constant chip in my willpower. Together-together they

were irresistible. Having that much male attention focused solely on yourself-a girl could get used to that. The

way they seem to devour my reactions, inhaling the blissful noises that leave my lips under their touch. Being

with them-fully, it would be all consuming.

“Your little whimpers got him too worked up.” Alec chuckled lowly in my ear, “He needed a few minutes to

himself. You're welcto lend him a hand, though | might get jealous.”

It tooka handful of minutes to calm myself down, and another ten minutes to still the intimate thoughts

fumbling through my head. When Kade finally returned, he flasheda wide smirk as my face heated and my

eyes darted downward. When we finally managed to leave the house, Alec and Kade gavea rundown of who

Julian was.

He had been the leader of a small band of rogues, but quickly grew in power as his pack number increased.

Eventually, he beca full-blown Alpha. It was rare to create your own pack, as werewolves would always fight

for power but Julian had managed to do just that. As Julians numbers continued to grow, he sought out a home

for him and his pack. He claimed a small sliver of territory above Garrett's pack. As Julian’s pack grew, he began

to need more territory to fit his people. Alec and Kade'’s territory were vast, and encompassed both Julian and

Garretts territory. Alpha Julian had asked multiple times that Alec and Kade relinquish sof their territory to

Julian and his growing pack, that they seek out more territory to the North to replace what they had lost. Alec

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and Kade refused, as thousands of people would then need to leave their homes and move hundreds of miles

away. While | couldn’t blAlec and Kade for doing what was best for their people, | knew there had to be

ssolution to the problem.

The sun was beginning to set as we pulled into Garretts drive way. The sky was bright with color. Navy blue,

indigo, orange and pink flashed across the sky. The moon was slightly visible, a thin sliver in the distance. Yellow

light shined from inside Garretts house, and | braced myself for the inevitable meeting with his wife.

Kady answered the door as we knocked, givinga nervous smile as we stepped inside. | was wary when she

locked eyes with Alec and Kade. She looked at them the way most people did. Her eyes grew wide at their build,

and shock undoubtedly flashed over her face.

“I'm apologizing ahead of tfor anything my Mom says.” Kady grimaced, “Not that it makes a difference.”

| could feel her sincerity fill the room, washing overlike a cold wave. Kady wasn’t a bad person, | knew that

now. She had said srude words out of jealousy and spite, but that didn’t define her as a person.

“| appreciate it.” | told her honestly.

“Are you going to tell Dad what | told you?” Kady frowned, lowering her voice. She gave Alec and Kade a nervous

glance, but otherwise turned her attention towards me. “I mean-I can’t blyou if you did, but Dad won't be


“I won't tell him you said anything.” | assured her.

I could feel her gratefulness, sweet like candy but tinged with something bitter. Guilt flooded her veins, bitter

and somewhat chilling. She was hiding something from me. It was like a whisper in my head, warningshe

wasn't being completely truthful. Why would she feel guilty if she had toldeverything she knew? | pushed

the feeling aside and followed Kady into the large dining room.

The smaller table had been replaced with a larger one. Seated at the head was Garrett, off to his left was his wife

and on his right was Julian. Garrett wore a crisp suit as he often did, this one a dark shade of slate grey. Veronica

looked impeccable as always. If it weren't for the deeply etched sneer on her face, she would've been runway

beautiful. Her golden hair was the sshade as Kady’s, and fell to her back in glossy waves. Her cherry lipstick

was bright yet tasteful, and matched the sleek dress she wore. She didn’t look a day over twenty-five, but the

sneer added a few years onto that. While Veronica flasheda weighted look, she said nothing.

Veronica didn’t need to use her words to get her point across. Overwhelming distain and something close to

hatred spewed from her pores, wafting overlike a poisonous fog. | nearly flinched at the impact. | had never

felt negative emotions before through my newly acquired gift. | had felt Tori’s anger, but it was a far cry from the

hate that Veronica was throwing my way.

“It’s good to see you.” Garrett gaveone of those charming business smiles and sat down.

While his smile was one he flashed to many, making him look charismatic and laid back, I could tell he was being

sincere. He was truly happy that we had cfor dinner.

Now that | could feel the emotions of others, | wasn’t sure how | felt about Garrett. He wasn’t perfect, and he was

far from ever becoming a parental figure in my life, but his emotions spoke louder than his actions and words.

For instance, | could feel his nervousness. For whatever reason, he was worried about tonight. The brief tang of

guilt radiated through him, similar to Kady’s though | couldn't determine the source.

“Thanks for having us.” | managed to say through gritted teeth.

| sat at the far end of the table, directly across from Garrett. Alec and Kade sat on opposite sides of me. Their

positive emotions fought against Veronica's. Their affection, happiness, and awe battled the hate that washed

overin waves.

“This isn’t awkward or anything.” Julian coughed, covering his laugh with a long swig of alcohol.

Kady hid her smile behind her glass of wine, while Veronica threw one of her signature glares at Julian. It seemed

| wasn’t the only one Veronica hated. The only people she seemed to truly care about was her daughter and


Lucy and a handful of men brought out our dinner. Pristine china covered by a silver dome. It was unbearably

fancy, and something | wasn’t used to. Lucy hadn't changed in the t| had been gone. The lines etched into

her face made her look friendly and approachable. As she spottedat the table, a kind smile formed on her

face. She was glad to see me, | could tell from the subtle emotions radiating from her. Her wheat-colored hair

was pulled into a bun as she padded over to me.

“Steak or salad?” She asked, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“Steak.” | replied, rolling my eyes at Alec and Kade's identical grins.

They both looked deviously handstonight. Both wore black button-down shirts and black slacks. The only

difference between them was their hair. Alec’s hair was all one length, grazing his ears messily. Kade’s hair was

shorter around the base, but longer on top. Each tthey turned their eyes away from me, which wasn’t often,

| couldn’t help but gawk at the muscles protruding from their clothes.

A quiet snort sounded from across the table as | eyed the steak on my plate hungrily. | caught Veronica's cold

eyes, and grimaced as she shook her head disdainfully. Her mouth opened and for a second, | thought she was

actually going to say something. She caught Alec’s eye and seemed to think better of what she wanted to say.

Her mouth clicked shut, and her disdainful gaze turned to Julian.

“So, what made you cback?” Julian blurted out, giving Garrett a shrug when he scolded him. “What? | hardly

know her. Considercurious.”

“I made a mistake leaving. When Garrett toldwhat | was, | kind of freaked out.” | frowned. Sof the

tension left my body as | felt Alec’s finger tips graze my kneecap from under the table. “He picked the worst way

to break the news though.”

“I take full responsibility for that.” Garrett grunted, and | swore | could make out the lightest shade of pink

tinging his cheeks. | could feel his embarrassment and sheepishness at his mistake. “In all honesty, | assumed

Melissa would have told you something.”

“I lived with my Grandma for a while. | never really saw Melissa until she died.” | shrugged.

“Your Grandma was a fine woman.” Garrett nodded, and | could tell he was speaking the truth. “Miserable to be

around once you pissed her off though.”

“That she was.” | nodded in full agreement.

“You lived with your Grandma for a while then?” julian chimed in, his voice casual and almost bored.

While Julians voice sounded bored, his emotions were anything but. He was interested, and his curiosity was

almost overwhelming. | wasn’t sure why he was so interested in my life, but | figured it couldn't hurt. My

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Grandma had died a long tago, there was nothing to be used againstby telling them this.

“Since | was born.” | shrugged, “When she died, | moved in with Melissa.”

“How did that go for you? Living with your Mother.” Julian asked, and | couldn't ignore the way Garrett grimaced.

More guilt swirled around him. | was beginning to question my gift. Since | met Garrett, | thought the only thing

he cared about was my future role in the pack. Judging from his strange emotions, he felt ssemblance of

responsibility for me. He felt guilty for leaving, guilty because I lived ignorant and miserable with Melissa. |

shoved the conflicting feelings deep down and turned to face Julian.

“Melissa isn’t my Mother, never was. | stayed out of their way and lived my life.” | replied, “I took care of


Veronica scoffed for the third time, but it seemed she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

“A child who shows no respect for her parents has no right ruling an entire pack.” Veronica snapped; her voice

cold. “How can you show respect to those you rule, to those willing to lay down their lives for you if you can’t

even respect your own family?”

“Veronica.” Garrett's voice was full of hostility, though I could tell he was restraining himself.

Like it or not, Veronica was his mate. No matter how bitchy and rude she was, he’d always have a soft spot for

her. While | was having a hard taccepting that fact, | was glad to have Alec and Kade by my side. Alec and

Kade had no qualms about defending me. In fact, Alec let out a low growl in her direction. Both Alec and Kade

were glaring daggers at Veronica.

“Enough. It's fine.” | told Alec and Kade, giving them a grateful smile. | turned my attention to Veronica, and

absolutely refused to balk under her intense glare. “My family is Alec and Kade. | respect them just as they

respect me. Melissa and Frank were never my family. Respect isn’t blindly given, Veronica. It's fought for and

earned. Which is why you will never, ever have my respect.”

Julian let out a low whistle, snickering as Veronica's face turned an unflattering shade of red. Kady seemed

shocked, her eyes flickering betweenand her mother. Even Kade chuckled lowly, taking a long drink before

sharing a smirk with his brother.

“She's definitely part of the family.” Julian chuckled.

If it weren't for my strange ability to feel emotions, | would have never noticed the meaning in what Julian had

said. As Julian finished speaking, a barrage of emotions flooded the room. Garrett was feeling panic and shock,

fear and anger. Julian was feeling amusement and irritation. Even Veronica felt panicked, her eyes burning into

Julian unflinchingly. Kady-that familiar sting of bitter guilt cback. Alec and Kade seemed not to notice the

meaning, but I did.

“Part of the family.” | repeated slowly, savoring the emotions that flooded through each of them.

My eyes flickered from Garrett to Julian, noting the differences and similarities. Garrett and Julian seemed to be

having a silent argument, one that Garrett was currently losing. As their quiet battle finished, Julian fixedwith

a heavy stare.

“Yes, Aurora. Part of the family.” Julian nodded, a smile twitching at the corners of his lips. “It’s nice to finally

meet my niece.”
