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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 “Huh?” Sofia arched an eyebrow when she looked at the photographs that Josef handed her. “This-” This was the current update about Charlotte's state. The Charlotte in the images was far from the Charlotte that Sofia knew.

“Teresa was hiding her?” Why? However, her question was answered by the next few images and videos from the tablet. Apparently, Teresa caused the miscarriage and instead of ending Charlotte's life, she chose to hide her somewhere remote.

Because of this, the Charlotte in the video looked like she had already lost her mind. She was so thin; that no one would probably recognize her as the beautiful starlet. Her face was pale with large bags under her eyes. Even her gaze seemed lackluster as if she had already lost everything in life.

Josef informed her that Charlotte had been in this place for a month. “And... Alexander told you that | can do everything with this information?” she asked.

“Yes,” Josef said.

Just as she was about to ask more questions, her phone vibrated. She quickly answered it. “Have you had your lunch?” It was Alexander. His voice sounded too warm, as if... as if he had no idea about the images that Josef had just handed her.

“Isn't it currently midnight on your end?” she asked. Alexander was currently abroad for sproject.

“I missed you,” there was a husk in his voice.

Sofia signaled Josef to leave her office. Alexander's secretary complied without saying anything. “Josef just arrived. Why did you send him back? Who is going to help you there?” she asked.

“I will be going back tomorrow, anyway. | am going to assyou have already received my gift?” “A gift...” she pursed her lips, her gaze landed on the images on her table. For a few seconds, she said nothing.

“A gift you say?” “You didn’t like it?” “I was wondering where Charlotte was...” Sofja said. From tto time.

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1/7 09:111 Chapter 105 she would wonder about the woman that she had treated as her sister for years. Her social media had been deactivated and it seemed like she disappeared off the face of the Earth. However, she never searched for her whereabouts.

To Sofia, it would be better if they did not see each other again. So much has happened in these past few months, and all she wanted was to move on. Currently, she is doing fine.

The company is flourishing and even her relationship with Alexander was going well. Lawrence was still in prison, and Daniel was currently in Asia doing stherapy to calm him down. The last tshe heard, Daniel was in Bali, Indonesia. It was Alexander who told her this information.

“It seems that you already knew about this information for a long tnow?” Sofia uttered.

“Hmmm...” “What do you wantto do with this? Report it to the police?” “I originally wanted to use it against Teresa Beaumont,” his honesty astounded her. “A video of her doing something like this would be enough to ruin her life. But that would not be enough.” “Then...” “Daniel now refused to talk to his mother.” “You mean?” “He cut off contact.” Alexander made a deliberate pause. She could hear smovements on the phone, and then she heard the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Alexander told her that the hotel he was staying at was next to the Ocean and promised to bring her there one day. “What could be worse than a son hating the mother that loved him so much?” he asked.

“You wanted him to hate his mother?” Sofia asked. Until now, Alexander refused to tell her why he was doing this. She did not ask him, as she knew that he would tell her his reasons once he was ready.

“Yes.” His answer calmost immediately. “Do you think that was cruel?” Cruel? “Yes,” Sofia said. Everyone in the business world already knew that 17 Chapter 105 Alexander Beaumont was a cruel man. The thing is... Sofia doesn’t actually care. Perhaps it was her selfishness.

Perhaps she is just cruel. But Alexander never treated her badly. If anything, he was the one who helped her the most.

She heard him chuckle. “Really?” he asked.

“Yeah...” Sofia said.

“And... do you dislike that?” he asked, his voice a little low.

Dislike? “No,” the answer cbefore she could even think about his question.

“So what do you want to do to Teresa and your sister?” he asked.

“I would like to report it to the police.” “Hmmm...” “Then Adam will be helping you. He already received the details and will be working with the authorities tomorrow. A news agency will then release news about you and your efforts to investigate your sister's disappearance. The news...” Soon, Alexander started telling her everything that was going to happen. From the press to making sure that this would not ruin her name, to Teresa's arrest and sother safety measures.

“You already knew that | am going to report this to the authorities?” she asked. Was she that predictable? “Yes.” She pursed her lips, her breathing calm and collected. Soon, a smile appeared on her lips. “Silly...” she mumbled.

“What did you just say?” “There is no need to involvein this matter.” Yet he did. Why, you ask? Because he wanted to make sure that Sofia’s nwouldn’t get dragged into the mud by Charlotte's fans.

In the online world, everything was pretty unpredictable. One person could easily create a story that would affect Sofia’s name. To prevent this, Alexander made it seem like it was Sofia who wanted to find her sister and accidentally stumbled upon the kidnapping. Then Sofia immediately reported this matter to the authorities and in response, the police rescued 3/7 09:11 Chapter 105 Charlotte from the evil Teresa.

This would take care of both Charlotte and Teresa too! This was killing three birds with one stone. A simple move that would wrap up everything.

“But | really appreciate it,” Sofia said. “Thank you.” “I am your husband...” “I know. | just want to thank you,” she interrupted him. She knew that he would start telling her about his responsibility to protect her but this was different and Sofia knew it.

There was a brief silence on the other line before she spoke.”Then thankwhen | get home.” “What?” a mischievous smile appeared on her lips.

“I said- 11 “What do you wantto do to show my gratitude?” she interrupted him.

“I thought you already knew?” he asked.

She chuckled in response. “Did 12” There was a low chuckle in response. “My flight will land at six... in the evening,” he said.

“I thought you would be hat nine” she beamed. His flight was scheduled to arrive at nine in the evening.

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“What can | do? My wife just toldshe’s willing to do everything to show how much she appreciates my efforts.” “I did not say that.” “You did.” “I didn’t.” “Then are you not going to do it?” he asked.

That shut her up real quick. “Then I'll see you tomorrow,” she mumbled. “Ah... by the way... didn’t | already tell you not to callduring office hours?” It was distracting her.

“Are you blamingfor missing you?” he retorted.

4/7 09:11 Chapter 105 “Fine... I'll forgive you this time.” The man had been in China for three days and he had been acting like this since he left. She already told him not to call her at least during the day, but he kept on doing that. “It should be around midnight on your end. You should sleep.” “I will... | just wanted to hear your voice.” Sofia did not know what to say. For sreason, she could feel her face heat up. She frowned. “Then | will see you tomorrow.” “Callbefore you sleep,” he said.

“Right,” she responded before ending the call. Then Sofia immediately held her head back, her expression unreadable. Her face felt hot-too hot. Was she going to have a fever? In the end, she could only smile. Silly Sofia, she thought inwardly. They had been in this limbo for a few weeks now. Their relationship had improved and they had been treating each other like husband and wife, yet not one of them had uttered ‘I love you’ first.

Why was it bugging her too much? Those are merely words. What was so important about it? Well, if she wanted to, then she could just tell him that, right? But does she really love him? She closed her eyes.


What is love? She thought about her relationship with Daniel in the past and quickly realized how different her current relationship with Alexander was.

Currently, her relationship with Alexander seemed warmer. It is more comfortable. But does that mean she is in love with him? Or does she just love the feeling of being with him? “Aish...” she slapped her own forehead. It's still daytand she had a lot of things to take care of. She straightened her back and then placed the images of Charlotte back into the folder. Then she called Josef and asked him to take care of everything.

She cannot just sit down here and think about Alexander all day! She has a company to manage! “Miss Amores, please ask the team to go to the board room so we can 5/7 09:11 Chapter 105 proceed with what was scheduled today,” Sofia said. The only thing that could calm her mind was more work. So, she started working.

What started as her trying to forget about Alexander soon turned into Sofia overworking herself. She turned the lights inside her office before she eyed her watch. If her phone hadn't died just now, she wouldn't have stopped what she was doing.

It was a few minutes after one in the morning. Slowly, she made her way out of the building and into the car waiting for her. Then she instructed Miss Amores to drive her back to Alexander's place.

Sighing, Sofia walked inside the flat, intending to take a nice quick bath before going to sleep.

To her surprise, however, the light inside the bedroom was already on when she walked in.

Almost immediately, her eyes widened.