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Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 574
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There is also a little girl behind her, the girl who lived with her last night. She has just entered Hong Mingxu company.

The storm destroyed her poor umbrella mercilessly, and the two men looked like headless flies in the mountains for shelter from the rain.

They were not very lucky. Even if they kept going up the slope, they were soon flooded to their bare feet by the flood. Only by holding a big tree in hand could they barely stand firm and not be washed away by the flood.

The little girl finally cried out, "it's terrible. I can't swim. Are we going to die? Why did no one come to save us? "

It was the first time that Jingli met with this kind of situation. He was also afraid of a major disaster from nature. But the little girl seemed to be more afraid than she was. She could only give two people courage. "When I came last night, I saw that there were troops stationed near Nancheng mountain village. It was only a matter of time before someone would come to save us. It was only a matter of time. They also had to come in from outside the scenic area, so we had to save ourselves first."

"I I also want to help myself, but you can see that there is no place for shelter from the rain I don't feel washed away by the flood. I'm going to die in the rain The little girl clenched Jingli's hand. Both hands were cold. Jingli's lips were white because she was still in menstruation today. Although it is the later period of menstruation, it is a little weaker than when the body is normal.

What's more, she is cold in the palace. Now her feet have been immersed in the cold rain, and her body has been overdrawn.

"Don't cry, don't talk, conserve our strength. We climb up the mountain. The mountain is full of stones, which can't be broken by the flood, but we have to climb higher." Jingli pulls her, and their feet separate from the cold water.

The rocks on the mountain are very slippery and not very easy to climb. Jingli not only has to take care of himself, but also takes care of the little girl behind him. Seeing that the flood was going to submerge their ankles, Jingli gritted his teeth and made every effort to jump onto a big stone.

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Sitting on the stone, Jingli saw Hong Mingxu on the other side of the river. They were also trapped on another stone by the ferocious flood.

Without enough time to think about it, Jing Li pulls up the little girl who is still behind her. They are a little relieved.

Jingli also had time to wipe the rain on his face and observe the surrounding terrain. The situation was not very good.

Because all around are flooded, if the flood doesn't stop, they need to continue to climb up. And the climbing stone is very smooth, there is no place to start.

Shaking hands, he took out the mobile phone without signal from his pocket and dialed the rescue call again. Like countless before, the phone was cut off before it was dialed out, and the mobile phone was directly in the state of no signal.

Looking at the torrential flood with shivering all over his body, Jingli suddenly wants to Miss Li Jingchen very much. If he is there, he can surely save her from here.

But she knew that Li Jingchen would not come, because Li Jingchen had been promoted now, and there was no need for him to come forward in person for front-line work like this

With a warm breath to her cold hand, she ignores the crying of the little girl next to her. Jingli opens her mobile wechat. No matter whether there is a signal or not, I found out the communication box with Li Jingchen and typed a paragraph: "maybe this is the last time to send you a message. Li Jingchen, I regret it. I regret going abroad. After going abroad, we really did not contact again. It doesn't matter whether you love me or not. Maybe there will be no Jingli in the world after today, and you won't have any trouble because of me... "

Click send, directly send failure, Jingli do not give up, stand up from the stone everywhere to find the signal.

Maybe it's the emperor who has the heart. After more than ten minutes, Jingli's mobile phone finally has a signal, which shows that the message sent by Li Jingchen is successful.

She was surprised to look at the mobile phone, and hurriedly dial the rescue call, the mobile phone quickly returned to the no signal mode.

Fortunately, the torrential rain gradually turned into a rainstorm. Just when Jingli felt that he was going to be drenched by the rain, several rescue workers in orange clothes appeared not far away.

She quickly stood up to call for help, may be the reason for a long time in the rain, just stood up legs a soft, almost fell from the stone.

Fortunately, the little girl pulled her, and Jingli stepped on another stone to avoid falling into the torrential flood.

Returning to his position, Jing Li took off his pink coat and yelled at the rescue team in the storm, "help! here! Help

However, no one heard her voice. Rescue workers first found Hong Mingxu's group of people and went to the opposite side.

Seeing the situation, Jingli withered again.

They have a terrible headache. If it rains like this, they will not be able to support the rescue team

As early as two hours ago, an organization had received the task from the higher authorities. Li Jingchen gathered a group of subordinates in the playground at the first time.

All of them are fully armed and ready to start at any time. Li Jingchen's voice sounded, "after receiving the emergency rescue notice, the rainstorm with a rainfall of 180 mm in Yujun mountain scenic area of Nancheng mountain village triggered collapse and mobile mountain torrents. The number of people trapped is more than three figures. We need to rush to rescue, and now set out! Report“1!”

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Li Jingchen opened the walkie talkie and said, "report! Everyone is here, please go

"Yes! The number of people who are trapped in Nanjing village is more than three figures! At the same time, we must ensure that all people return safely! "

Li Jingchen stood up straight and answered forcefully, "yes! Not one

When Ji Wenzhe arrived at Nancheng mountain village, Li Jingchen's people had been in action for more than ten minutes. He came down from the car in suits and leather shoes, just in time to see Li Jingchen arranging rescue measures. Seeing Li Jingchen here at this time is no doubt not a kind of peace of mind for Ji Wenzhe.

Li Jingchen holding the walkie talkie saw Ji Wenzhe that moment, the heart filled with bad premonition.

Ji Wenzhe stood in the temporary rescue tent and looked at Li Jingchen anxiously. After a while, he said, "today is the fourth day of her return. Yesterday she came to Yujun mountain for a tour. If there is no accident, she should be on the mountain now..."

Ji Wenzhe didn't know that Jingli had come to yujunshan, but Ji Zhiyong told him. Knowing that when the mountain torrent happened, Jingli's mobile phone was no longer available. Let Ji Wenzhe come and have a look. Ji Wenzhe came here in the rain from nearly a hundred li away.

With a bad feeling in his heart, Li Jingchen did not have any hesitation and gave his walkie talkie to another colleague. He put on his equipment and rushed to the heavy rain.
