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Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 121: Xue Bao’er
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Chapter 121: Xue Bao’er

Lin Jin wasn’t obligated to engage in an apprenticeship inside the Friar Association.

The Museum of Deadly Beasts provided him with many methods to cultivate his blood contract and they were all superior techniques that stretched back to ancient times. So why should he get himself a mentor?

If he did, it would only serve as a restricting spell, limiting his freedom of movement.

It wasn’t worth it.

It wasn’t worth it at all.

Not to mention the fact that he’d run the risk of his secret being exposed.

Hence, Lin Jin’s current strategy did not include getting into an apprenticeship. From now on, he would keep a low profile until the day of the disciple’s tournament when he secures the dragon blood pill.

After that, he could even drop out of the Friar Association.

However, that mentor, Luo Beihe did remind Lin Jin not to underestimate his opponent.

Yang Jie definitely didn’t rely on luck to achieve his ranking as the number one disciple. Moreover, the man’s teacher was Maple City’s Friar Association’s number one expert, Ye Yuzhou. They might even be researching some new skills in their seclusion right now.

Lin Jin had to tread cautiously from now on.

Now that his strategy was set, it was time to focus on tactics.

Yang Jie was no doubt Lin Jin’s primary opponent in the disciple’s tournament. Previously when they clashed, even with the coiled wire needle, both sides suffered injuries so they could be said to be on par with each other.

Though, this didn’t mean that the coiled wire needle was weak. Quite the contrary as Lin Jin had yet to bring out the best in the coiled wire needle. Hence, one task he must complete is honing his coiled wire needle skill before the tournament.

This was an offense skill.

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Lin Jin needed another defense skill.

And there was also the beast duel.

If it were a straightforward battle, Lin Jin didn’t think Yang Jie’s pet beast stood a chance against Xiao Huo.

But the Friar Association’s definition of a beast duel didn’t just allow their pet beasts to duke it out in a ring. Both owners were allowed to supplement their pets with various spells.

For example, ‘Berserk’, ‘Thirst for Blood’, “Might of an Elephant’, ‘Whirlwind Perception’, and other similar spells. There were at least dozens of them that were commonly used.

Spells that could bless their pet beasts were important.

And Lin Jin knew that this was where his difference from Yang Jie lie.

Therefore, he needed to improve on this aspect in the time leading up to the battle.

Lin Jin hastened to the Spirit Library. There were many books on spells over there. Together with these prized collections and the available spells shown in the Museum of Deadly Beasts, Lin Jin would carefully screen and pick a few to learn.

For spells, it was quality rather than quantity that counts.

The last time Lin Jin came to the Spirit Library was only a few hours ago, but his identity was completely different this time.

When they saw four cloud pattern’s on Lin Jin’s disciple’s robes, the disciples around sensibly made way, casting respectful looks toward Lin Jin.

Blood contract fourth realm was the highest rank among disciples. Out of all disciples at Maple City Friar Association, only three people had reached the fourth realm. Lin Jin became the fourth to achieve the status today.

The elder stationed at the library looked equally shocked. He studied Lin Jin before nodding in approval.

Once inside, Lin Jin headed straight for the spells section.

Along the way, every disciple he met stepped out of his way and proactively bowed toward him. No one dared to mock him nor whisper anything behind his back. The Friar Association was a place where power was above all else.

As Lin Jin walked, he checked Xiao Huo’s attributes in the museum.

The museum’s appraisal and explanation of a pet beast were extremely detailed. But to what extent?

There was even a comprehensive introduction on which blessing spell was most effective on a pet beast. In other words, placing the same blessing spell on different pet beasts could have tremendously different effects.

Xiao Huo was a fire wolf and his attribute was pure fire. The most suitable buffing spell for him was the ‘Fire Spirit Possession’.

‘Fire Spirit Possession’ was a dual spell. Meaning to say, not only could the user invoke it to bless his pet and enhance the creature’s fire attribute, but it could also be used against his opponent’s pet beast to engulf it in flames, making the creature suffer.

As long as the pet beast required it, the museum would automatically present the spell’s details. Lin Jin had already begun reading the ‘Fire Spirit Possession’s description in the museum.

Then, he found the corresponding book on the ‘Fire Spirit Possesion’ spell inside the Friar Association’s Spirit Library.

After comparing the two, the museum’s explanation was evidently more detailed. It wasn’t just theory elaboration that was superior, but the cultivation method provided was also more ‘advanced’.

One was a thin scrapbook with several pages while the other had hundreds of pages filled with thorough explanations. It couldn’t be more obvious which one was better.

Lin Jin shook his head, about to put the Spirit Library’s Fire Spirit Possession book back onto the shelf.

However, a voice suddenly asked, “Brother, are you trying to learn the Fire Spirit Possession as well?”

It was a crisp voice. Turning around, Lin Jin saw the porcelain-like face of a young girl around the height of his chest, dressed in a matching set of red shirt and pants.

Age-wise, she only seemed about thirteen or fourteen. Definitely younger than he was.

And yet, this young girl was wearing a disciple’s robe with four cloud patterns, just like his.

Lin Jin recalled Lu Yunhe mentioning that Maple City’s Friar Association only had three disciples who had reached blood contract fourth realm at present.

One was Yang Jie, ranked number one. Then there was Lu Yunhe, ranked number three. And the last one was Xue Bao’er, ranked number two.

Needless to ask, this ‘little loli’ before him must be Xue Bao’er.

Who would’ve thought she would be this young?

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Following beside Xue Bao’er was a fairly large fire wolf.

No, it wasn’t a pure fire breed. With Lin Jin’s current capabilities, even without relying on the Museum of Deadly Beasts, he could tell from experience that her fire wolf had dual attributes.

The fur growing on the forehead, back, and the paws of this fire wolf were not crimson fur that represented flames but was instead a greenish-white color.

“An exotic fire wolf?” Lin Jin’s pupils dilated as he mumbled to himself quietly.

Xue Bao’er obviously heard him so she replied in astonishment, “Brother, how could you tell? Only my teacher and I know about Xiao Qing’s attributes. She asked me not to tell anyone so nobody should know.”

Lin Jin responded with a smile.

What she said was true. Most would just assume this was a mongrel type of fire wolf but Lin Jin wouldn’t be deceived that easily.

He reached out to touch the pet beast’s head.

To Xue Bao’er’s surprise, as Lin Jin caressed the exotic fire wolf, the latter obediently steadied its head as if it was enjoying Lin Jin’s patting.

Upon seeing this, Xue Bao’er put on an expression of adoration. “Brother, how did you do it? Other than me, Xiao Qing wouldn’t even let Teacher touch him.”


As he watched the Museum of Deadly Beasts record this creature as a rare beast, Lin Jin was overwhelmed by a wave of conflicting emotions.


Why wasn’t this incredible pet beast his?

They were both fire wolves but when comparing Xiao Huo to this Xiao Qing, there was a world of difference between the two.

“Rank 2 pet beast, exotic fire wolf.”

“Of both fire and exotic fire (green flames) attributed. Potential rate: 3.”

“The two perfect evolution methods (pure green flames enhancement evolution) are…”
