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My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 113 A Misunderstanding
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As they continued their journey northward on their flying swords, their speed reaching an astonishing 80 miles per hour, the group started to feel the creeping onset of fatigue. The constant utilization of their spiritual energy was taking its toll.

"How am I already so tired? We've only been flying for a couple of hours." Lily, feeling drained, voiced her weariness. 

"You're right, Lily. Our spiritual energy is depleting much faster than expected." Anna nodded in agreement, a mixture of surprise and frustration etched on her face. 

 "I'm feeling it too. Our Qi is diminishing rapidly." Emma said, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"Flying on a sword consumes a significant amount of spiritual energy. Given our current cultivation levels, our reserves can only last for about three hours." Grace analyzed the situation, her expression thoughtful. 

Grace's words resonated with the others, and Xi Meili offered her insights. "Sister Grace is correct. Flying on a sword drains our spiritual energy quickly. In the Nine Heavens, cultivators tend to conserve their energy in case of unforeseen circumstances." 

"However, in this world, we can freely fly since there are no other cultivators or, if there are, they remain deeply hidden from the outside world. This is only speculation, as we cannot be certain."

Lily's curiosity sparked, and she probed further. "Do you think there might be other cultivators in this world, Xi Meili?"

Xi Meili pondered the question before responding. "The likelihood of other cultivators existing in this world is slim. If there were, the spiritual energy would be much thinner, and our progress would be ten times slower. In summary, we can safely assume that there are no other cultivators here, and we need not worry about encountering them."

Sigh! Lily let out a sigh of relief, her worry alleviated. "It's a relief to know that we are alone in this world. Meeting other cultivators with our current strength would be a troublesome situation."

Her concerns about potential encounters with other cultivators had been weighing on her mind. However, Xi Meili's explanation brought a sense of calm. With no other cultivators present, they could proceed without fear of hostility or aggression.

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However, as they continued their flight, even Yuan and Xi Meili, who initially seemed unaffected, began to feel the strain on their spiritual energy.

"I'm so tired. I can't go on for more than ten minutes!" Emma, barely able to hold on, voiced her exhaustion. 

"Just a little longer. There's a small village nearby. We'll reach it in five minutes." Yuan reassured her, a note of fatigue in his voice despite him having a much larger dantian than his wives. 

Yuan reflected on their situation, realizing the wisdom of cultivators preferring to walk instead of flying, preserving their spiritual energy for emergencies. The constant drain on their energy was taking its toll on all of them.

Unlike the others, Xi Meili remained untiring, her motivation and spiritual energy seemingly boundless. This stark contrast made it clear that she had more reserves to draw upon.

A few minutes later, Yuan's keen eyes spotted the tall wooden wall and the cluster of small buildings in the distance. This village appeared larger than the Havenbrook village where they had spent the previous night at the Wildflower Inn.

"That's Pinebrook village, a popular stop for merchants and hunters. Many merchants choose to spend the night here, and hunters come for the variety of liquor and other enjoyable offerings." Lily, having stayed in Pinebrook before during her travels to the Magic Academy, provided some insight. 

As they drew closer to the village, Yuan and his wives descended slowly toward the village entrance, instantly capturing the attention of the onlookers.

Gasps and whispers filled the air as people marveled at the sight above. 

"Gods! What are those large shadows in the sky? They look like people!"

"My goodness! They are gods!"

"How fortunate! I have witnessed real gods. My life has been blessed!"

"Indeed, they are gods! I've never heard of or seen people flying in the sky, except for the angel race that resides in seclusion in a distant place."

"Oh, dear gods! Bless our lives with your divine presence!"

The awe-struck villagers murmured among themselves, their gazes filled with admiration and devotion toward Yuan and his wives. 

Having never witnessed a person flying in the sky without a magical beast as a mount, the villagers believed that Yuan and his wives were indeed gods and goddesses descending before them.

When the guards stationed at the village gate caught sight of Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili approaching, they immediately dropped to their knees and bowed their heads in reverence. "Dear Gods, welcome to Pinebrook village!"

"Pinebrook village is blessed by your divine presence, dear Gods!"

"Gods?" Yuan and his wives to raise their eyebrows in amused disbelief. Did they truly resemble gods and goddesses to the villagers? They couldn't help but be amused by the exaggerated reaction.

Yuan stepped forward, a kind smile on his face, and gestured for the guards to rise. "Please, there's no need for such formality. We are merely travelers passing through your village. We appreciate your warm welcome."

The guards, still overwhelmed by the perceived divinity before them, hesitated but eventually stood up, their expressions a mix of awe and gratitude.

The villagers, now in the presence of their perceived gods, began to gather around, their curiosity piqued. They stared in wonder at Yuan and his wives, their eyes filled with reverence and anticipation.

Yuan and his wives exchanged glances, amused by the situation but also understanding the villagers' perspective. They were strangers in this world, possessing abilities beyond the ordinary, and the villagers' awe-stricken reactions were a testament to their uniqueness.

With a sense of humility, Yuan addressed the gathered crowd. "We are honored by your warm reception, but we are not gods. We are simply travelers seeking respite in your village. We hope to find rest and perhaps learn more about this place during our stay."

"How could it be? We clearly witnessed you descending from the heavens. How could you be mortals such as us pitiful beings?"

Yuan sighed, understanding the confusion that had arisen. "You have misunderstood us. As I mentioned before, we are not gods but humans, just like the rest of you. However, we are in a special situation. So please don't refer to us as gods, and kindly show us the way to the best inn available in this village."

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The villagers listened attentively, their initial adoration now tempered by Yuan's words. They began to comprehend that these extraordinary beings before them were not divine figures but rather fellow travelers on a journey.

'Are they really not gods, as we thought?' wondered the guards, still in a daze. What kind of beings were they to possess the ability to fly without wings? Their minds were filled with questions, but they dared not challenge the authority of a supposed god.

"We deeply apologize for the misunderstanding, seniors!" 

The guards apologized to Yuan and his wives respectively, snapping out of their daze.

[Hahaha! Those pitiful mortals are hilarious. To think they mistook you and your wives for gods just because you were flying on a sword. They are truly ignorant and pitiful,] Nora chimed in with amusement.

"Well, considering they have never witnessed anyone flying without a magical beast as a mount, it's no wonder they mistook us for gods," Yuan commented, understanding the villagers' perspective.

"If you seniors are looking for a comfortable place to rest, may I recommend the Village Head's Manor?" one of the guards suggested.

"A 'manor' sounds like a luxurious place to stay. Sure, lead the way. We have enough resources to cover the cost of the most opulent rooms," Yuan replied with a smile. They had a substantial amount of gold coins, enabling them to afford the most lavish accommodations.

"Seniors don't need to worry about the cost; the head of the village will cover your expenses," the guard assured Yuan.

"But we don't want to intrude on this 'head of the village' person without any proper reason. Moreover, we don't even know each other, so there's no reason for us to be indebted to him," Anna voiced her concerns instead of Yuan. 

The idea of staying at someone's house without a valid reason felt awkward to her, especially considering it was the head of the entire village with over 200 houses. They were complete strangers.

"To tell you the truth, we are following the Village Head's orders. Currently, our village is constantly threatened by powerful monsters, and she is in a troubled situation, actively seeking powerful hunters for help," the guards revealed the true reason behind their invitation to the Village Head's Manor.

"Oh?" Yuan and his wives' eyes flickered with interest upon hearing the guards' words. The prospect of facing formidable monsters intrigued them.

'If it's indeed a group of powerful monsters, joining the Village Head would be highly beneficial for us. Perhaps the system will assign me missions with generous rewards," Yuan pondered to himself, considering the potential benefits.

"I guess it won't hurt to visit this person who needs our help. What do you all think?" Yuan nodded after a moment, seeking his wives' opinions.

"I agree, darling! It would be advantageous for us to engage in combat against those monsters, wouldn't it?" Grace responded calmly. The others nodded in agreement.

"Indeed!" Yuan then turned to the guards and said, "Okay then, let's go to this Village Head's manor. Lead the way."