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My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 480
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Chapter 480: Meeting VIII

The suffocating silence engulfed the conference room when Gu De played the video on the large projection screen.

Everyone closed the documents that they were reading and turned their attention toward the screen.

Jiang Ru’s facial complexion turned pale when the video started. Did he find any evidence against her?

She can somehow get out of the situation of swindling the company’s money if she managed to prove these documents were forged and false. However, she was more worried about the evidence of her planning the accident of Jiang Yue.

Because the charge of attempting to murder someone is not an easy one.

Her hands under the table were shaking in fear as she watched the video in nervousness.

When the video started, it was a video from Grandfather Jiang’s study room.


The camera position seems to be behind the chair in the study room that was capturing the view of the whole room.

For the first few seconds, there was no one in the chamber and it was empty which confused everyone.

The corner of Jiang Ru’s lips curled up into a smirk as she was sure that Grandfather Jiang failed to acquire the evidence against her and that’s why he was scaring her by showing a fake video.

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“Hah! Grandfather, is that your evidence? It is a video of your empty study room. I can’t believe you’re accusing me of a murder on the basis of-” She expressed her dismay at Grandfather Jiang.

Just as she was trying to question Grandfather Jiang in front of everyone and was doing her best to flip the situation in her favor, she was shocked when she suddenly appeared in the video and was sneakily entering the study room of Grandfather Jiang when he wasn’t around.

She closed her mouth immediately and her face turned crimson in embarrassment because all the other shareholders turned to look at her in surprise.

Earlier, she revealed to everyone that it is the video of the study room of Grandfather Jiang at the Jiang Mansion, so why was she snooping around his study room like a thief when he wasn’t present if she had no ill intentions?

Jiang Ru covered her mouth in shock and avoided having an eye-contact with any of the shareholders present at the meeting.

Just like her, Jiang Yahui was also hiding his face in shame as he wasn’t expecting Grandfather Jiang to be recording the things inside his study room.

Jiang Ru said that her people were keeping an eye on Grandfather Jiang, then how did he manage to do all of this without anyone finding out?

Everyone was surprised to see Jiang Ru appearing in the video. However, her next actions caused everyone to gasp in horror.

After snooping around his study room and going through the documents in his drawers, she pulled out the bottle of medicine from his drawer and changed the pills with some other kind of pills that she was carrying with her.

“Did....did she just change Mr. Chairman’s medicine without him knowing?” People gasped to see the direction where the video was going. How can she change his medicines without him knowing?

“Was she trying to kill Mr. Chairman?” Someone else asked in horror.

“What...what are you saying? What changed? I was simply replacing the sleeping pills with some vitamins. It was all for his sake.”

” After Jiang Yue’s death, Grandfather was having a hard time sleeping and had gotten addicted to those pills. I was afraid that he might do something wrong if he continued to take these pills. That’s why I did it. Everything is a misunderstanding.” Jiang Ru hastily explained the contents of the video.

Grandfather Jiang scoffed at her words while still leaning back on his chair in a comfortable manner and taunted, ” Vitamins, my foot!”

“The pills that were changed to in the video are not vitamins. These are the medications that cause people to hallucinate and blur their sense of judgment.” He said.

“It’s a medication to make someone mentally weak and cause them to go mad. It has other side effects, such as tiredness, dizziness, lack of appetite, and loss of eyesight.”

” I took these medicines for a few months after Jiang Yue’s passing away because I was unaware of the truth at that time. However, after finding out that there are people who are after my wealth and were trying to prove me as a crazy man, I started avoiding taking these medications.”

“If I had taken these medicines for a few more months, I would have gone completely delirious and crazy by them. Thankfully, I found out the true snakey nature of my granddaughter sooner and started to create a distance between us.” He explained calmly which caused everyone to be shocked even more.

Jiang Ru was even more vicious and heartless than they had imagined. How can she do such things to her Grandfather after smiling at everyone in the company and faking being the most generous and hardworking Managing Director ever?

“What nonsense! Why would I give you a medicine which makes you crazy? Why are you blaming me without any proof?” Jiang Ru lost her temper and hollered at Grandfather Jiang in front of everyone.

Everyone was startled to see her shouting like a mad woman. However, Grandfather Jiang ignored her shrieking in his ears and started itching his ears with his finger while looking unbothered.

After relieving his ears from the itch, he looked at others and said, ” Since someone insignificant has asked for proof, I should provide it. There is proof regarding this matter in the file in front of everyone as well.”

Gu De took his cue and started directing everyone to the particular document, ” Please turn to page number 30. It has the report of the pills that were submitted to the lab to run tests on them. In the tests, it has been discovered that these aren’t vitamins but the pills could make someone crazy over time and if consumed for a longer period, it can also cause a heart attack.”

Everyone pursed their lips to see the way Grandfather Jiang had prepared everything in detail and gave proof to justify all of his claims.

They were shocked by the heinous crimes of Jiang Ru, however, they were even more surprised by the preparation done by Grandfather Jiang.

” You are crazy! You are lying. This old man is framing me. I didn’t do anything. I am innocent.” Jiang Ru lost her control and shrieked loudly while trying to prove her innocence in front of everyone.

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At that moment, she was helpless and desperate. She dressed in a beautiful customized white suit because she was expecting to be promoted to the position of CEO of the company.

However, who would have expected that her happiest day would turn into the most dreadful day of her life?

Everyone was shocked and scared by the outburst of Jiang Ru. Who would have thought that the woman who used to greet them with a smile every time they meet could go crazy like that?

She even tried to break the laptop of Gu De and ruin his presentation, however, Gu De was swift in his actions and blocked her attack.

He grasped her wrist and twisted her arm, causing her to wail in pain. “Ahhh! Are you trying to kill me?”

“Did you see how he is trying to attack me and kill me? This old man wants to kill me, just like he killed his other daughter Jiang Yue.” She started speaking nonsense in her hysterical state.

” Jiang Yue’s accident wasn’t an accident. It was a fully planned murder that only looked like an accident. This old man and his secretary were involved in this. Just like how they killed her, they now want me to be gone as well.” She shouted and tried to wriggle out of Gu De’s tight grip.

” Father, please ask your secretary to free her. This is not right. We can talk it out. I am sure there is some misunderstanding.”

“He is your Granddaughter after all. How can you let her be treated like that by your secretary?” Jiang Yahui begged Grandfather Jiang to spare Jiang Ru and brush it away like a small misunderstanding.

Grandfather Jiang glanced at his son and scoffed to see him begging in front of him to save his daughter. “Jiang Yue was also my granddaughter. However, how did your daughter treat her?”

“Yahui, the way you’re begging in front of me to save your daughter, if you had slapped her to discipline her when she was young, all of this wouldn’t be happening.” Grandfather Jiang looked at his son in disgust.

Because he knew everything yet ignored all the crimes of his daughter. How can he do that?

“Father....” Jiang Yahui pursed his lips in a thin line when the old man mentioned Jiang Yue. So he knows about everything!

” I wonder where I failed to teach you. If I had taught you to be a good father and an upright man, maybe you wouldn’t have ignored your daughter’s crimes. It’s all my fault, my fault.” The old man’s voice dimmed and his eyes glistened with tears as he witnessed his family crumbling in front of his eyes.

He has never thought in his wild dreams that he would be the one destroying his family with his hands.

While everyone was surprised by the outburst of Jiang Ru and the conversation between the Chairman and Jiang Yahui, another video started to play on the screen, which shocked everyone.