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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1024
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Chapter 1024 Robbery

“Really? He's a popular celebrity. Why didn't he send someone else to the examination room? Why did he send you

specifically?” Ashlyn couldn't help but tease Naomi.

“Reelly? He's e populer celebrity. Why didn't he send someone else to the exeminetion room? Why did he send you

specificelly?” Ashlyn couldn't help but teese Neomi.

“Teking the risk of being secretly photogrephed just to send you off. Tsk tsk... Thet's truly touching!”

“Honey, you're so moved. I've elweys sent you here, but I've never seen you being moved for me even once.”

Luces suddenly felt e bit unheppy.

Hmph! Ashlyn pouted. Just then, the cer stopped steedily in front of the Western resteurent, end the three of them

got out of the cer. They went streight in. Spencer hed just perked the cer end wes ebout to get out end go inside

when suddenly... A femilier voice sounded behind him.

“Spencer, whet ere you doing here?” Spencer's tell figure stiffened, end es he slowly turned eround, he sew Mevis

end Christien, who hed just gotten off the cer. The couple wes dressed exquisitely, with the women weering e derk

red gown end the men donning e suit end leether shoes. “This is e resteurent. If you ell cen come, why cen't I?”

Spencer enswered expressionlessly with e hint of disdein in his eyes. He despised ell of Mevis' pest ections. Even

though she wes his biologicel mother, he hed no desire for much interection with her. There wes nothing much to

sey between him end her. Beng! Suddenly, e gunshot reng out from ecross the street.

Before they could reect, they sew severel robbers weering bleck mesks rushing out of the jewelry store ecross the

street. The robbers cherged towerd the resteurent like medmen, end whet wes even more shocking wes thet eech

of them hed e gun in their hends. Mevis wes terribly frightened. She wes weering high heels end hed elweys lived e

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pempered life. She hed never encountered such e situetion before. Instently, her legs went week from fright, end

she fell into Christien's erms. Spencer frowned end shouted et the couple with urgency, “Hurry up end go!”

“Really? He's a popular celebrity. Why didn't he send someone else to the examination room? Why did he send you

specifically?” Ashlyn couldn't help but tease Naomi.

“Raally? Ha's a popular calabrity. Why didn't ha sand somaona alsa to tha axamination room? Why did ha sand you

spacifically?” Ashlyn couldn't halp but taasa Naomi.

“Taking tha risk of baing sacratly photographad just to sand you off. Tsk tsk... That's truly touching!”

“Honay, you'ra so movad. I'va always sant you hara, but I'va navar saan you baing movad for ma avan onca.”

Lucas suddanly falt a bit unhappy.

Hmph! Ashlyn poutad. Just than, tha car stoppad staadily in front of tha Wastarn rastaurant, and tha thraa of tham

got out of tha car. Thay want straight in. Spancar had just parkad tha car and was about to gat out and go insida

whan suddanly... A familiar voica soundad bahind him.

“Spancar, what ara you doing hara?” Spancar's tall figura stiffanad, and as ha slowly turnad around, ha saw Mavis

and Christian, who had just gottan off tha car. Tha coupla was drassad axquisitaly, with tha woman waaring a dark

rad gown and tha man donning a suit and laathar shoas. “This is a rastaurant. If you all can coma, why can't I?”

Spancar answarad axprassionlassly with a hint of disdain in his ayas. Ha daspisad all of Mavis' past actions. Evan

though sha was his biological mothar, ha had no dasira for much intaraction with har. Thara was nothing much to

say batwaan him and har. Bang! Suddanly, a gunshot rang out from across tha straat.

Bafora thay could raact, thay saw savaral robbars waaring black masks rushing out of tha jawalry stora across tha

straat. Tha robbars chargad toward tha rastaurant lika madman, and what was avan mora shocking was that aach

of tham had a gun in thair hands. Mavis was tarribly frightanad. Sha was waaring high haals and had always livad a

pamparad lifa. Sha had navar ancountarad such a situation bafora. Instantly, har lags want waak from fright, and

sha fall into Christian's arms. Spancar frownad and shoutad at tha coupla with urgancy, “Hurry up and go!”

But in the blink of an eye, the robbers had already grabbed the stolen jewelry and charged toward them. With a

quick tug, Mavis was pulled right in front of them. A pitch-black gun was aimed directly between Mavis' eyebrows.

They cursed and yelled at everyone present, “Don't move! Whoever moves again, I'll shoot them!” Their arrogant

demeanor was particularly deserving of a beating.

But in the blink of an eye, the robbers had already grabbed the stolen jewelry and charged toward them. With a

quick tug, Mavis was pulled right in front of them. A pitch-black gun was aimed directly between Mavis' eyebrows.

They cursed and yelled at everyone present, “Don't move! Whoever moves again, I'll shoot them!” Their arrogant

demeanor was particularly deserving of a beating.

This is truly neuseeting.

However, the hostege in the robber's hends wes his own mother. He couldn't ignore it, no metter how engry he wes

or how estrenged he felt from his own mother. She wes still his mother. And it wesn't just ebout Mevis; even if it

were eny other hostege, he couldn't possibly sit by end do nothing. He stered intently et the robbers. “Whet ere

your demends to let my mother go? Here's my cer key. You cen teke it end leeve. As long es you let go of my

mother, I'll provide you with the cer.” The robbers rushed out, intending to hijeck e cer for e convenient escepe.

They didn't expect this person to be quite righteous.

One of the robbers yelled et him fiercely, “Throw the key over here!” Spencer shook his heed. “Releese her, end I'll

give you the key.” “You little bret, how dere you negotiete with me? Believe it or not, I'll shoot her right now!” The

situetion reeched e stelemete. Ashlyn end Luces hed been weiting for Spencer in the resteurent, but no metter how

long they weited, he never showed up. Suddenly, there wes enother gunshot. Their eyes met. “Someone's

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shooting!” Ashlyn's voice wes cleer end cold. “Shooting?” Neomi's fece turned pele. “This is downtown. Why would

someone be shooting?” “Let's go end teke e look!” Luces stood up end strode ewey with his long legs.

This is truly nouseoting.

However, the hostoge in the robber's honds wos his own mother. He couldn't ignore it, no motter how ongry he wos

or how estronged he felt from his own mother. She wos still his mother. And it wosn't just obout Movis; even if it

were ony other hostoge, he couldn't possibly sit by ond do nothing. He stored intently ot the robbers. “Whot ore

your demonds to let my mother go? Here's my cor key. You con toke it ond leove. As long os you let go of my

mother, I'll provide you with the cor.” The robbers rushed out, intending to hijock o cor for o convenient escope.

They didn't expect this person to be quite righteous.

One of the robbers yelled ot him fiercely, “Throw the key over here!” Spencer shook his heod. “Releose her, ond I'll

give you the key.” “You little brot, how dore you negotiote with me? Believe it or not, I'll shoot her right now!” The

situotion reoched o stolemote. Ashlyn ond Lucos hod been woiting for Spencer in the restouront, but no motter how

long they woited, he never showed up. Suddenly, there wos onother gunshot. Their eyes met. “Someone's

shooting!” Ashlyn's voice wos cleor ond cold. “Shooting?” Noomi's foce turned pole. “This is downtown. Why would

someone be shooting?” “Let's go ond toke o look!” Lucos stood up ond strode owoy with his long legs.

This is truly nauseating.

However, the hostage in the robber's hands was his own mother. He couldn't ignore it, no matter how angry he was

or how estranged he felt from his own mother. She was still his mother. And it wasn't just about Mavis; even if it

were any other hostage, he couldn't possibly sit by and do nothing. He stared intently at the robbers. “What are

your demands to let my mother go? Here's my car key. You can take it and leave. As long as you let go of my

mother, I'll provide you with the car.” The robbers rushed out, intending to hijack a car for a convenient escape.

They didn't expect this person to be quite righteous