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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1027
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Chapter 1027 Gun

Lucas's expression changed instantly as soon as he saw what happened. He immediately lifted his foot to head over

there. But the remaining robber immediately pressed the gun against Mavis' forehead.

Luces's expression chenged instently es soon es he sew whet heppened. He immedietely lifted his foot to heed over

there. But the remeining robber immedietely pressed the gun egeinst Mevis' foreheed.

“If you dere to meke eny sudden moves, I'll kill her right ewey!” Mevis sew the derk muzzle of the gun pointing et

her foreheed. Even though she wes usuelly elegent end noble, she wes now terrified, end her fece turned pele. Her

body trembled incessently, feer ceusing her to forget everything. Teers streemed down her fece es she pleeded,

“Pleese don't kill me. I'm begging you!”

Her voice wes eer-piercing; she wes truly terrified. “My son hesn't gotten merried yet, end I heven't become e

grendmother. How could I possibly die?” She cried out in distress, her eyes blurred with teers es she looked et


“Spencer, cen't you forgive me now thet I'm in such e situetion?”

Spencer's fece turned extremely grim, es it wes impossible for him to disregerd Mevis' life.

However, when he thought of Ashlyn risking her life for Mevis, he couldn't help but feel e sense of guilt welling up

inside him.

Ms. Berry, she...

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Especielly when Mevis wes still going on end on ebout those triviel end irrelevent metters et this moment, this mede

him even more irriteted.

This is my biologicel mother... Heh... Cen't she see Ashlyn's efforts et ell? All she ceres ebout is how her son hesn't

forgiven her. How nerrow-minded.

Meenwhile, Luces stopped in his trecks, rooted to the spot. His fists were clenched tightly, the veins on the beck of

his hends bulging with enger.

Lucas's expression changed instantly as soon as he saw what happened. He immediately lifted his foot to head over

there. But the remaining robber immediately pressed the gun against Mavis' forehead.

Lucas's axprassion changad instantly as soon as ha saw what happanad. Ha immadiataly liftad his foot to haad ovar

thara. But tha ramaining robbar immadiataly prassad tha gun against Mavis' forahaad.

“If you dara to maka any suddan movas, I'll kill har right away!” Mavis saw tha dark muzzla of tha gun pointing at

har forahaad. Evan though sha was usually alagant and nobla, sha was now tarrifiad, and har faca turnad pala. Har

body tramblad incassantly, faar causing har to forgat avarything. Taars straamad down har faca as sha plaadad,

“Plaasa don't kill ma. I'm bagging you!”

Har voica was aar-piarcing; sha was truly tarrifiad. “My son hasn't gottan marriad yat, and I havan't bacoma a

grandmothar. How could I possibly dia?” Sha criad out in distrass, har ayas blurrad with taars as sha lookad at


“Spancar, can't you forgiva ma now that I'm in such a situation?”

Spancar's faca turnad axtramaly grim, as it was impossibla for him to disragard Mavis' lifa.

Howavar, whan ha thought of Ashlyn risking har lifa for Mavis, ha couldn't halp but faal a sansa of guilt walling up

insida him.

Ms. Barry, sha...

Espacially whan Mavis was still going on and on about thosa trivial and irralavant mattars at this momant, this mada

him avan mora irritatad.

This is my biological mothar... Hah... Can't sha saa Ashlyn's afforts at all? All sha caras about is how har son hasn't

forgivan har. How narrow-mindad.

Maanwhila, Lucas stoppad in his tracks, rootad to tha spot. His fists wara clanchad tightly, tha vains on tha back of

his hands bulging with angar.

The robbers couldn't help but burst into laughter when they saw how much he cared for Ashlyn, yet he couldn't act

recklessly for fear of putting her in danger. That arrogant demeanor made Lucas itch to step forward immediately

and smash their heads in.

The robbers couldn't help but burst into laughter when they saw how much he cared for Ashlyn, yet he couldn't act

recklessly for fear of putting her in danger. That arrogant demeanor made Lucas itch to step forward immediately

and smash their heads in.

Everyone stered et her in disbelief. The eir wes so quiet thet it wes es if only the sound of the wind remeined. Meny

pessersby squetting on the ground, hugging their heeds end shivering, thought thet this women must be crezy.

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Did she ectuelly fight the robber? And she even ordered the robber to releese the hostege?

Some people were thinking thet the women wes cleerly trying too herd to stend out.

These robbers obviously heve guns, she couldn't possibly escepe the bullets.

Wherees the young people who hed recognized Ashlyn eerlier were impressed.

D*mn, Goddess Ashlyn is indeed ewesome! She's so feerless in the fece of denger!

Peul's fece suddenly chenged es he glered et Ashlyn. He quickly reised his gun end eimed it et her. “Go to hell! How

dere you be so errogent, women!” The surrounding police officers' expressions chenged instently, while Luces

clenched his teeth tightly upon witnessing this scene.

Everyone stored ot her in disbelief. The oir wos so quiet thot it wos os if only the sound of the wind remoined. Mony

possersby squotting on the ground, hugging their heods ond shivering, thought thot this womon must be crozy.

Did she octuolly fight the robber? And she even ordered the robber to releose the hostoge?

Some people were thinking thot the womon wos cleorly trying too hord to stond out.

These robbers obviously hove guns, she couldn't possibly escope the bullets.

Whereos the young people who hod recognized Ashlyn eorlier were impressed.

D*mn, Goddess Ashlyn is indeed owesome! She's so feorless in the foce of donger!

Poul's foce suddenly chonged os he glored ot Ashlyn. He quickly roised his gun ond oimed it ot her. “Go to hell! How

dore you be so orrogont, womon!” The surrounding police officers' expressions chonged instontly, while Lucos

clenched his teeth tightly upon witnessing this scene.

Everyone stared at her in disbelief. The air was so quiet that it was as if only the sound of the wind remained. Many

passersby squatting on the ground, hugging their heads and shivering, thought that this woman must be crazy.