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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 128
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 131

69 Mate and Mark

Alpha Jayden POV

I still can’t believe that I’m sitting here with my mate, my Luna. I thought I had lost her. I will never let

anything hurt her again. I will protect her and our pups until my last breath. “We need to mark her”

Storm growls in my mind. “I will not rush her after all she has been through Storm.” He whimpers at the

thought of what she has been through. He recedes to the back of my mind. I want to solidify our bond

as much as he does, but Brooke’s well being is what is most important right now. I bring my thoughts

back to focusing on the meeting. My phone vibrates in my pocket and the only one that would dare call

me right now is Andrew. “Could you all excuse me for a moment”, I interrupt Gabby. “Of course” she

says, and I step out into the hallway. “Andrew, what’s wrong?” “I know that you are busy but this

couldn’t wait. Your father has been acting very suspicious since you left. One of the guards told me he

was downstairs talking to Rian. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but why would he be talking to her?

This afternoon I followed him to one of the offices after I was done with training.” A pit forms in my

stomach. “I, of course, could only hear his side of the conversation but he was telling whoever he was

talking to about Jocelyn coming here.” I ball my fist at my side feeling anger like I’ve never known. “Tell

me exactly what he said.” “He told them that Jocelyn came to the pack and that she was with the

Alphas of the Scarlett Rose pack.”

“Andrew, I believe that he played a part in Brooke and Jocelyn being taken. How could my father do

such a thing?” “I don’t know Jayden. Your father has always been an a**hole but this is next level shit.”

“Keep watching him. I will be back soon to deal with it. I will not let him hurt my mate again.” “Your

mate, did you find Brooke?” I smile for the first time since we started this conversation. “Yes, I did and

she is more beautiful than I even remembered.” “So the pack will have its rightful, Luna?” “Yes it will

and I have two pups.” There is silence for a moment because I’m sure what I said is sinking in. “That’s

amazing, what are they, Jayden?” This is why he is my best friend and Beta. “My son is Henry and my

daughter is Anna.” “Congratulations, who will be the next Alpha of our pack?” “You know I forgot to ask

Brooke who was born first. We still have a lot to discuss.” “Alright, I’m going to let you go so you can

get back to the meeting.” I hang up and take a deep breath. I really had hoped I was wrong about my

father, but obviously I wasn’t. I turn and Brooke is smiling at me. “How long have you been standing

there”, I ask, smiling back at her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Brooke POV

“I came out right after you did.” His face falls and I know that he is thinking about his father. I step

forward, wrapping my arms around him. He pulls me as close as he can and I breathe in his delicious

scent. The tingles are overwhelming and if I didn’t know that Candace was a wolf I would think she was

a cat purring. “I’m so sorry Brooke. I can’t believe he did this.” I can hear the pain in his voice. At the

end of the day, he is still Jayden’s father. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for him. “You have

nothing to be sorry for Jayden.” I pull back, looking into his eyes. “Brooke, the day you came to the

pack and killed the two guards. Did they attack you?” “No, I had no intention of killing them when I

came that day. I was angry at you for betraying me. I hadn’t been back near the pack since we were

taken. Those two men approached me and told me that they helped the vampires take us. I lost control

and drained them.” He stiffens at my words. “They were a part of you being taken, my guards?” “Yes

they were and they mentioned the Alpha. I thought they were talking about you. I’m sorry I ever

doubted you, Jayden.” He leans down and kisses my forehead. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You

were fed lies and endured unthinkable things. I’m glad you took care of them. Now let’s get back to the

meeting. I want them all dealt with as quickly as possible for what they have done.” We head back

inside and we take our seats, but I don’t let go of his hand. We start to talk about the battle. I’m sure

that Jayden isn’t going to like it but I will be there to end that ba**ard. I’m sure that Jocelyn feels the

same way. We aren’t little girls anymore and I need to see the light leave that ba**ard’s eyes.

“Alphas, would it be alright if Adrian joined us as she knows Drayce better than any of us do?” Lake

looks at Gabby. “That is an excellent idea,” Lake says. “I’ll go get her and be right back.” I head upstairs

and a few minutes later I return with Adrian. She bares her neck in respect and takes a seat near me.

“Adrian, what can you tell us about Drayce”, Gabby asks.

Adrian POV

“I can tell you that my brother is an unfeeling monster. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He is

exactly like my father and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.” A knock sounds on the door

and it opens. Harris and Willow walk in, followed by a man and woman I haven’t met yet. “Harris will be

joining the battle”, Lake says. I smile glad to have my cousin there with us. “Normally, Tabby would be

front and center, but as you can see, she is in no condition to be in battle”, Gabby says. The woman

who is a witch is very pregnant. “I promised Jonathon that I would remain with the pups and Gabby this

time, but if you need me I can be there in seconds. Lake knows to link me if you run into trouble. I have

no doubt that you can handle these pathetic vampires.” The thought of Prudence’s visit before I left

comes rushing back. “The vampires shouldn’t be a problem, but my brother had called upon a witch

named Prudence to locate Jocelyn. She is an evil b**ch.” The woman smiles like she knows a secret.

“Prudence will not be an issue.” I look at her confused. “Prudence may be a power-hungry b**ch but

she will never put her life on the line for your brother and she knows my power. I left her a message

when I killed Morganna. She will stay as far from me and my pack as possible.” I feel relief wash over

me. Our coven is strong, but based on what I’ve seen, this pack is stronger.

“Adrian, are you going to have any trouble fighting against your brother,” Gabby asks. “No” I say

abruptly. “I mean no disrespect, Alpha, but he isn’t my family. Brooke, the pups, and Harris are my

family. My loyalty is to all of you.” She nods and I continue. “Drayce has always been cruel and we

never had a brother-sister relationship. If I had known what he was doing to Brooke and Jocelyn before

I found her I would have tried to get them out of there sooner.” Brooke reaches over, taking my hand

and squeezes it. “We will have our warriors ready for attack in a weeks’ time. Will you be ready to

attack Jayden”, Lake asks. “Absolutely, I will have my men ready.”

Alpha Jayden POV

I want that ba**ard dead today, but I want to be prepared so I can wait a week. I know Brooke is not

going to like what I’m about to ask, but I have to think about the safety of both her and our pups. Being

away from her will kill me, but I can’t trust my father around my family. “Alphas, would it be alright for

Brooke and our pups to remain here until after the battle?” “No way” she says and stands. “Jayden I

would like to speak to you alone now.” I look to the Alphas and I see sympathy on their faces. Gabby

and Lake nod and she leads me up to her room. Once we are inside and the door closes, she turns on

me. “You have no right to make decisions for me.” “Brooke”, I start to say and she stops me. “Am I your

equal?” “Of course, you’re my equal but” I start to say and she shoots a glare at me. “I will not stay here

and wait to hear what happens. I have Adrian with me and in case you forgot I’m a hybrid. I can protect

myself and our pups. I will be in that battle and so will my sister. We will bring the pups here before the

attack but I intend to return with you today.” “I have no doubt of your strength, Brooke.” “Then prove it

and trust me. I would never put our pups at risk. I am your Luna and should be by your side. Do you not

plan to mark and mate me?” Her words take me off guard.

“Absolutely, when you’re ready. I want to claim you as mine and I want you to claim me more than I

want my next breath.” “I know you’re afraid that what he did broke me.” “That is not what I am afraid of.

I know you are not broken. No man could break you, in spirit or body.” She smiles and before I can say

another word she reaches down, grasping her shirt hem. She pulls it over her head. I am hanging on by

a thread to my resolve. “Brooke” I say like a whisper. She unhooks her bra, dropping it on the floor, and

my resolve is gone. I pull my shirt over my head and pull her against my chest. Feeling her skin against

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

mine is amazing. I have never been with any other woman and I’m so glad that she will be my one and

only. I bend down, pressing my lips to hers. I take her breast in my hand, kneading it as I deepen the

kiss. She moans into my mouth and I growl. I pull back and scoop her in my arms, carrying her over to

the bed. I lay her down. I place my hands on each side of her pants and pull them down her body. A

flash of anger at the visible scars must cross my face. “Jayden, look at me. They don’t matter, we are

the only thing that matters.” I bend down and kiss each scar on her legs and belly.

I press my lips to hers one more time before I stand up and pull off my own pants. Her gasp when she

looks at my c**k for the first time makes me smile. The blush that crosses her cheeks when she looks

at my face makes me harder, which I didn’t think was possible. I climb up on the bed and kiss down her

body until my face is at her core. “Jayden” she says, but it dies on her lips when I take a long lick of her

core. She moans and her noises spur me on. I swirl my tongue around her cl*t and she begins to buck

against my tongue. I press my finger to her entrance, sliding inside. Her heat is warm and wet as I

begin to pump in rhythm with my tongue. She grabs my hair as she starts to scream out her orgasm.

Her juices flood my mouth and I drink every last drop. She is so sweet and I plan to taste her every day

for the rest of our lives. I kiss back up her body as she comes down from her orgasm. I place myself at

her entrance. I look into her eyes to make sure that she is ready and she shocks me when she places

her hands on my a** pulling me into her.

I have never felt anything like this in my life. Her core is hugging my c**k. If I didn’t know better, I would

think she was a virgin. She is so tight and wet. I start to move and I know I won’t last long with how

good she feels. I want her to c*m again before I embarrass myself. I start to pump into her and she is

moaning. I place my face on her marking spot. I speed up, pressing myself deep in her core. I extend

my canines and pierce her skin. She screams out her orgasm. I pull back and lick the mark I just made.

She pulls me down and sinks her canines into my neck and I see stars. The orgasm is earth shattering.

I feel the bond and when I look into her eyes I know our souls are connected in this life and the next. “I

love you Brooke.” “I love you, Jayden. I’m ready to go home.”

I roll to the side and pull her to me, her back to my front. I just want to hold her for a few minutes before

we go back downstairs. I smile because I want nothing more than to announce my Luna. I will keep her

and the pups safe. I know she is strong and we will fight side by side. “I know you are strong and we

will defeat the coven together.” She turns in my arms, laying her head on my chest. “Thank you, for

believing in me and wanting to be my mate.” I lift her chin so she can look into my eyes. “You are the

only woman I will ever want or touch in this lifetime.” I see the confusion before the realization hits.

“You waited for me?” I lean down and kiss her lips. I pull back “I wouldn’t have waited my lifetime for
