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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 495
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Chapter 0495 "Can we...can we take stime? To think? Maybe then we can figure out what we really want," I whispered.

Enzo nodded, his chin brushing against the top of my head. "Yeah, we can do that, Nina. We'll take the twe need to decide what's right for us. And whatever that decision is, we'll make it together." I woke up nestled in Enzo's arms, my head resting comfortably on his chest. For a brief, blissful moment, the world outside didn't matter.

It was just the two of us, wrapped in the warmth of our shared bed and the soft morning light filtering through the windows. But that illusion shattered as a wave of nausea washed over me. I hastily disentangled myself from Enzo and rushed to the bathroom.

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The cold tiles felt almost comforting against my palms as I hunched over the toilet bowl, emptying the contents of my stomach. When it was over, I rinsed my mouth and splashed water on my face, trying to wash away the last remnants of sickness.

I looked at my reflection-the sbut also irrevocably changed. The weight of yesterday's conversation settled back in, looming large in the spacious bathroom.

When I finally ventured downstairs, the comforting scent of chamomile greeted me. Enzo was in the kitchen, arranging toast on a plate and carefully pouring hot water into a cup. My eyes met his, and in that glance, I found the hthat had momentarily felt so distant.

"I made you stea and toast," he said, looking up and smiling that half-smile that never failed to disarm me." Slight breakfast to help settle your stomach.

I nodded, taking a seat on our plush couch. Enzo brought over a blanket and the tray, placing them on the coffee table in front of me. He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders before sitting next to me, his presence both familiar and reassuring.

The tea was soothing, the toast perfectly buttered. But as I sipped and nibbled, I found myself contemplating the complexities of the life we were suddenly immersed in.

"I can't believe you're doing all this for me," I said, my fingers absently tracing the patterns on the blanket." Imagine nine months of this. You running around, worrying about me, while you're supposed to be working your dream job." He looked at me, and his eyes were as clear as the day we met. "What about your dreams, Nina?" That question struckharder than I wanted to admit. I was suddenly transported back to the night before, when I blurted out: "What about my decision, Enzo?" It was a question that I should have asked myself more. For a long time, maybe I had been too focused on what other people wanted-or what I needed to do-to think about what I wanted.

"Look, you don't have to decide on anything right now," Enzo said softly, pullingfrom my thoughts. "We can wait, think things through, and figure it out together." I looked at him, my heart swelling with a love that was complicated by the choices we were facing. But underlying that love was a tiny shred of doubt, a shadow that loomed over every warm moment we shared.

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Could we really manage this pregnancy? Could I continue with medical school and be a mother? Could Enzo really chase his dreams if he was constantly worrying about me?

I didn't have the answers, and neither did he. But I realized, with a kind of quiet clarity that maybe it was okay to be unsure for now. For what felt like forever, I had built my life around certainties-exam grades, scholarships, and career paths.

Maybe it was tto navigate the unpredictable, to let myself be the uncertain while holding tightly to th one certainty I had: Enzo and I, trying I to figure it out, whatever 'it' turned out to be.