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My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 322
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Chapter 322: Knighting The Knight

One of these days, I’ll look back on this day and think of it as a day treasured fondly.

Sure, it wasn’t perfect, headaches were hard, tempers rose to never-seen peaks, and flying fists were exchanged... but all those snags I hit prior seem so far away now, and in a week or two looking back, I’ve no doubt they’ll be even further.

Except for the now, except for right here, however... this moment here, front and center at the clock tower, was forever.

The glimmer of raised golden trumpets in symmetrical rows on my left and to my right. The bulging, slightly reddened cheeks of many a-trumpeters blaring a tune triumphant, swelling to a crescendo ever higher with my every step forward along the grand red carpet laid out before me.

Behind me was a crowd gradually amassing bigger and bigger. I felt the intense pressure of a million stares on my back, felt it even more when staring front...

I lost sight of Tyler somewhere in the midst of things, but I found him again at that same front – standing right there on the opposite end of the carpet atop a short flight of steps to a small platform, an overenthusiastic presence especially when placed alongside the lax, more composed demeanors of the other hosts either side of him.

But it was on the closest edge of the platform where my unblinking gaze ended up straying the most, and how could it not? Not when the glimmer of emerald green gazed right back, nor could it with the sight of bright yellow flowing ever so gently like a winding river of gold.


Ash was an everyday sight, as was Amanda, there wasn’t a day in days where that wasn’t true... but it was only today in all those days, where the sole exception rang its truest.

I reached the platform, ascended the stairs, and with one last high note, the trumpets fell quiet just as I scaled the last step upwards. I’m no stranger to knighting ceremonies, I don’t think anyone who has seen their fair share of movies was... as such, unprompted, I fell a knee forward and bowed my head before them both.

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There was a light shuffling that sounded about, and a moment later... I found myself staring down at a pair of designer-brand shoes in a realm of sandals and boots.

Nice yeezys, Tyler.

“Big Man Of House Playboy. We are all gathered here at this moment not as judges, not as members of royalty, nor as crowd looking on with admiration and envy, but as mere men and women bearing the first witness to the birth of a hero of legend, whose name would leave many lips in words of comfort, assurance, and awe all throughout the realm of Asteria...”

Tyler continued on in a drab tone so explicitly rehearsed it almost hurts. One thing was for certain, Tyler definitely does not write his own speeches. When he was finally done, and his shoes had left my sight... another came to take its place, one in a fine layer of inky black leather.

The Vampire host somehow sounded even more monotonous than Tyler, despite his best efforts at adding in a mystical flair to his words. The same could not be said about the Hunter, who evidently was a little more than just disappointed that his best man Leon wasn’t the one kneeling before him now just by the slight edge in tone finishing his every sentence.

As for the Witch, unsurprisingly, she did a better job than most, was also the most enthused of the most going by the sound of her voice. For some reason it feels as if she was staring down at me with more than just pure admiration in harboring beneath her gaze... but maybe that’s just me reading a little bit too much into it.

Not that I could help it though, my knees felt like they were about to snap from their joints, and there wasn’t much to think about staring at a pair of slender feet fitted snug into a pair of four-inch heels.

How the hell does she even walk in that? Forget me, she’s the true champion forging on in those compact torture devices of hers. Get her on her knees over here instead.

Wait, that came out wrong.

“... and thus, in the wake of your extraordinary achievements, and your exuberant display in the face of your many perils,” She went on, a widened smile sounding clearly through her words. “It is with great pride in the part of I, and my peers in the court of judges, to bestow upon you our highest, most coveted title of The Hero of The Kingdom of Astra. So without further ado – your Royal Highness, may you please do the honors?”

It was during a wave of applause that the Witch’s heels clattered and clacked away, and in its place came the striking brightness of a pure white gown, its frilly curved edges swaying lightly once as it came to a sudden stop before my very eyes.

I held my breath, fighting tooth and nail the overpowering temptation to veer my eyes upwards.

“Great Hero of Astra,” spoke a light, dainty, almost melodious voice. It felt like ages since I heard her voice. “You have proven yourself valiant, fearless, dauntless... the makings of a true warrior of unmatch potential, and for your efforts...”

I heard the faint sound of something being unsheathed, then I saw a shadow cast against the floorboards looming over sharp and narrow. Could almost laugh, the bizarre prospect of a Knight knighting her very own Master... I’m sure Ash, in her unique view on things, found this whole thing an even more bizarre notion than I could ever... especially since she knew Astra better than most anyone here.

But she was also a better actor, and continued to play the facade straight – resting the cold steel of the blade against my right shoulder, speaking as she did, “I now appoint you a cherished Knight to our Kingdom of Astra – ” then to my left. “To defend, to protect, to devote your entirety to, until your last dying breath.”

In my opinion, dedicating my whole life to a Kingdom I barely know anything about doesn’t sound like a very good offer. Knightly pensions must pay pretty good, I suppose.

Ash withdrew the blade back, and right before she went, I gave in to the impulse and took a peek at her – all this time, never once realizing – she was waiting for me to take that chance too.

Her soft gaze implied it, her warm smile affirmed it... and her reluctant stride away was proof more than any other. Just from that single glance, and all was crystal clear. i????n????ℯ????????. Com

There were far more things she’d rather say than that. She wanted to talk more, say more... and was in agony keeping herself from doing so. But not for long...

Soon, Ash, soon. We’ll talk again, walk together again... if nothing else, that was already a reward far better than any other.

A flutter of sleek silky black entered my sights. Amanda was an immediate telltale just by the squirming of gloved fingers buried within palms. What a twist, the live streamer doesn’t do well with attention either.

“Oh G-Great Hero,” She sputtered out, breathing out. “Please rise... would you?”

I immediately did as I was told, gladly too... any longer aching down there, and their oh-so beloved Knight would have been made a cripple.

Face to face, I haven’t been this close to Amanda since our little waltz. I distinctly remembered her smug mug back then, face flushed with a confidence so haughty... well currently, her face was still flushed but I don’t think it was confidence making her cheeks go so red like that.

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“F-for your successes through your many t-trials,” Her hand shot out to a little stand on the stand, fumbling between her fingers a small gold-plated object. “I a-award you with the distinct p-privilege of bearing this crest of valor, so that all may know of your achievements here t-today... so, uh...”

And so with that awkward abrupt end, she reached the crest out to towards me attempting to fasten it to my robes, but whether the fabric was just too thick to be easily pierced, or if her twitchy hands had something to do with it... she just couldn’t tack it on me to any avail.

I tried to help her out, whispering as faint as I could, “I think it’s upside-down...”

“Shh!” She shushed me, growing a shade of red darker as she hastily amended her error. “I can’t even look at you right now, let alone hear – ! Not now at least...”

“Why not?” I said, frowning, furrowing.

“Shh!” She shushed me again, finally able to click the pin in place, and drawing her hands away to marvel at her work, which honestly looked a little crooked.

Amanda formed a smile, more out of relief than anything, then silently gestured at me to turn to the breath-bated crowd, but then right before I finished that full 180, I heard her whisper to me again.

“Come find me after they’re all done having you, okay?”

Hearing that, I tried to spin the opposite way again but it was already far too late. The cheers already sounded, the trumpets already blared... and charging like a raging bull to my side, Tyler – eager-eyed – took my hand in his, and soared them both high into the air to even greater cheers, to even louder blares.

“Ladies and gents!” He declared. “Your Hero has arrived!”

A swarm of bees from a hive gigantic. An avalanche across from the many peaks of mountains, that’s what they all looked like charging forth... without restraint, without control... and I could only give a smile in the face of it all.

Find you after they’re all done having me, huh?

Well then, Amanda, think that’s gonna take a while.