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My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 533
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Chapter 533: Don’t Sweat It

So yeah, guess I’m a bonafide actor man now.

The most inspiring rags to riches story you’ll ever hear about.

You’ll be seeing my face on the highway billboards soon and my own countless list of fanfictions tales too... just wait, you’ll see.

Apparently, the director has a knack for authenticity and was a perfectionist in every way, so this would be quite a first hurdle for me to jump across.

But Amanda for one thinks that I’d be the perfect guy for the job because according to her, “Who better to play the role than the actual son of the main hero himself?”

“I’m just an extra though, aren’t I?” I reconfirmed. “A mercenary to fill in the background? That’s all you need my vast talents for, right?”

“Yes, of course, of course,” Her stiff smile quickly assured. “You, Ash, and maybe Adalia too... if we haven’t gathered enough people in time by then.”


“And you and Leon... the main roles... ” I went on. “Remind me, what characters are you two playing again?”

“Leon’s Leonardo, that’s a given,” Amanda explained. “As for me, I’m Tressa Yar – the most famous archer in all the lands.”

“Tressa Yar,” Ash quietly interjected. “Descendant of the Great Riolus Yar?”

“The very same,” She affirmed. “See, this is my introduction, Leonardo will be recruiting me in this scene.”

At this point, she’s lost on the character’s lore, but at any rate, for some reason I felt as if I should be reading closely on the fine print here, but seeing as how I was already kinda on thin ice with the female lead herself... I just let my suspicions slide.

But alas, in spite of putting my prestigious name and star power on this fan film’s credit roll, Amanda still wasn’t exactly rainbows and sunshine with me just yet.

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As she rightfully shouldn’t be, of course. It was going to take a whole lot more than being her yes man before I started seeing approval in her eyes again... but hey, at least this was a start.

Besides, the more we talked, and the more I looked – the more I started seeing signs of her lingering affections... some of which were practically being rubbed brazenly in my face.

“Hey, hold up,” I said, now squinting closer than ever at her figure on the screen. “Isn’t that... you’re wearing my sweater, aren’t you?

Amanda merely typed on away, maintaining ignorance and innocence on the matter. “No, it’s my sweater.”

“Right, two sizes too big?” I sighed. “How foolish of me, my mistake.”

“I figured I’d grow into it.”

“Your fingers are barely poking through the sleeves.”

“Umm, which part of ‘grow into it’ did you not – ”

“How many more of my clothes did you make off with, you sneaky thief?”

“Two, three?” She started guessing in her head. “Less than five, that I know. You don’t really have many good clothes, and I rummaged for a long time.”

“I nearly died, and you decided the best course of action was to go through my belongings? Grave robbing is still a crime, right?”

Amanda shook her bangs from her brown eyes to throw me a dull look.

“Can you honestly blame me? Yeah, you nearly died, I couldn’t hear from you... and this was the only way I could somewhat feel like I’m near you, with you. Besides, it’s not like I have anything substantial to remember you by either... can’t exactly hang your hugs and kisses on the walls now, can I?”

Once again, the ruthless needle of guilt pricked at me again. Amanda was right, she did have nothing to remember me by, hmm... I think I remember seeing a gift shop somewhere at the station back then.

Should pay it a visit as soon as I get the chance.

“The sweater looks cute on you,” I said, much to her delight that she tried so valiantly to hide. “Cuter than if it was on me, anyway... can’t know for sure about the others though, wherever they are.”

“Oh, I’m using them as replacements for my pillow casings actually.”

I gave her a good long stare.

“I’m kidding,” She eventually confessed, but knowing her, I’m still maintaining my suspicions. “They actually make good pajamas...”

“Kay’ you give them back,” I demanded. “I decided that bad clothing senses do not become you.”

“Oh, you sure that’s the right call to make here?” She inquired, propping her head up against her fist that’s been entirely swallowed by my sleeve. “In case you forgot, your girlfriend is still pretty mad at you, you know? And as the repenting, guilt-ridden boyfriend, wouldn’t you like to change that?”

I couldn’t believe the implications I was hearing. “Are you seriously leveraging your level of happiness by using my clothes as a bribe?”

“Hey, if you want... I’m happy to loan you a skirt or two. That way we’ll be even, okay?”

I didn’t even take a second to consider her proposal.

“Fine, keep ’em,” I conceded. “It’s been a long time since I went shopping for clothes anyway.”

Then finally – an actual smile, a large one too. I almost forgot how lovely she looks when she’s not constantly looking like she’s looking at trash on the sidewalk.

“Yay!” She cheered, raising both loose sleeves into the air in triumph. “Means more sweaters for me too!”

I gave her another long stare.

“Kidding,” She smirked again.

We talked for a bit longer, and it wasn’t long before she kinda forgot about her anger towards me... and I did all I could to keep her from remembering to.

At one point, at the sound of my voice, I heard the faint tinkle of a bell, and with a near toppling of almost everything on her desk – Mr. Black leaped up and began sniffing at the camera lenses as Amanda in the background stared pale-faced, holding onto a mug that nearly went flying.

Well. seems someone’s been missing me too. Actually, he looked kinda different, better... sleeker.

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“You took him to a groomer?”

“Well, you weren’t going to,” Amanda said, sorting out the contents of her desk. “I figured why not? New bell, new collar, now with a nametag too.”

“Wow. You take cat-sitting to a whole ‘nother level,” I remarked, seeing the pristine shine of Black’s coat as he hopped back down with a tail wag bidding goodbye. “I’m impressed.”

“Well, he is my boyfriend’s cat, after all,” She said, with a wide obvious stare. “I’m always thinking about how to make him the happiest he can be, and not like stressed or anything, you know? I mean, what kind of partner would do that, right?”

I could only agree with her, moving the rusty hinges of my neck up and down with a narrow smile. “Right...”

After a while, Amanda eventually reached a hand out toward the camera. “Anyway, I don’t think I should keep you for too long. We’ll talk later soon.”

Really?” I raised a brow. “I figured you’d wanna catch up more after so long.”

“Oh, trust me I do,” She said. “But alas, I’m sure I’m not the only girl here you’re eager to update on your current condition, right?”

Amanda saw my face stiffen, and her smile grew even wider.

“Say ‘hi’ to Irene for me, won’t you?”

Then the call dropped, and my blank expression reflected back at me through the darkened display. Slowly, with deep breaths, I began venturing through my contacts list once more.

“Acting...” Ash then muttered out of the blue, still partly stuck in the conversation prior. “I’ve seen stage plays in my time... but I’ve never once partaken in the affair as an actual member before. It seems an intimidating venture.”

“You’ll do just fine, trust me, you’re perfect for this,” I assured her, half-distracted, a thumb hovering inches over Irene’s name. “Just be your usual self, and you’ll be receiving nominations in no time.”

Ash fell to a silence to further linger on the prospect, whereas I was still frozen in place, having no idea what to say.

I knew Irene. I knew she was not the type to talk much. Opting only to keep in touch when absolutely necessary.

So the fact that I was left with at least a good dozen and half unread messages from her plus a few missed calls does not bode well for me at all.

Almost as bad as missing a single phone call from your mother.

But oh well... how bad can she be?