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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 603: Haruna and Victor
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Chapter 603: Haruna and Victor

Two days later.

After the events of the duel with Victor and Haruna, the group of vampires returned to Nightingale. Apparently, a new ally was recruited by the Fulger Clan, and they wanted to meet with the leader of the Faction, so without much choice, Victor had to postpone their training plans.

Currently, Haruna was in her office thinking about the fight she had with Victor. The events passed through her mind like a movie, over and over again, as she analyzed, understood, and compared.

'It's different... The quality is different...'

Scathach Scarlett, Haruna saw her fight against Inari, and although the woman's power was overwhelming, she didn't feel the way she did in Victor's fight.

'Maybe it's because I didn't directly receive Scathach's gaze at that time?' Maybe, it was a strong possibility that was the case.

Scathach was focused on Inari, and because of that, Haruna wasn't affected as much.

But with Victor, it was different; she had his full intention.

Remembering that overwhelming power, Haruna's body trembled, her breathing became heavier, and shades of red appeared on the healthy skin of her face.

Despite the overwhelming power, Haruna didn't feel afraid... Okay, she might have felt a little frightened, but it was thanks to Victor's words that she managed to overcome that fear and gain motivation.

This event had a significant impact on Haruna's worldview, and after spending a few days recovering Youki, she immediately gave the unimportant things to her generals and focused on training... Or rather, she focused on meditating.

Senjutsu and Ki were volatile energies, and she needed to control them first. Control was the answer to everything involving that energy.

Haruna believed that she had the ability to take Senjutsu to the same heights as Alucard demonstrated in their confrontation.

A fire that could burn everything ignited in Haruna's heart, and even though it had only been a few days, she was full of motivation and ideas for new techniques.

She put her arrogance aside and started to read and learn about everything related to human dance and martial arts.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was very proud of her own style of martial arts, but despite being a powerful martial artist, she knew that she was not invincible. Her 'dances' needed a lot of energy to be used, and if the opponent destroyed some of her attacks or interrupted her 'dance', she would have to expend even more energy.

For high level opponents like Victor, this fighting style was not efficient.

Feeling someone touching her cheek, Haruna shivered as she quickly jumped back and positioned herself to fight. She wondered who was able to catch her so off guard.

When she saw Victor's handsome face, all of her momentum died, and she looked back at him with an impassive expression.

"Yo." Victor raised his hand in casual greeting.

"It's rude to invade a lady's personal space, Victor-Dono."

"Eh...?" Victor looked at her with shock on his face as he approached her with soft steps, "I thought we were past that point M-A-S-T-E-R~."

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Haruna took a few steps back as she tried not to react to the seductive words that sent shivers through her entire body.

Haruna stumbled, and when she went to adjust her center of gravity, she felt strong hands gripping her waist.

She looked up and saw Victor's face.

'Close, close, close, too close!' Despite wearing an expression of indifference, she was freaking out inside.

"When are we going to start training~?"

"First-... Ahhn~." Haruna was going to try to say something, but she accidentally moaned a little when she felt someone touching her tails.

"As expected, they are so cute… I always wanted to pet them from the beginning."

This time, Haruna couldn't keep her emotionless expression and started to blush deeply; her face completely red.

"S-Stop, don't you know the consequences of touching my tails!?"

"Of course, I know~."

"... Huh?"

"Do you think that after the previous fight, I will let you get away from me~?"

"If you think that, you are sorely mistaken, Master~."

Haruna's face turned even redder, and she looked like she was about to pass out at any moment from the rush of blood to her head.

"And if you didn't like it, you would have pushed me out." Victor held Haruna tighter.

Just like Vampires consider the act of sucking blood in the neck region an intimate act, an act that can only be done between lovers…

Something similar happened with foxes. The only one who could touch the fox's tail was the husband or wife of the respective fox. Doing something like that without the fox's permission was very offensive, and it was no exaggeration that the fox could kill the individual who committed such an act.

After all, they would feel like they had been violated.

"Ahhn~." Haruna bit her lips and hid her red face in Victor's chest, not caring anymore.

And it's not like he was wrong. She didn't care if it was Victor who touched her; if it had been someone else, she would have killed them on the spot.

Victor was completely focused on stroking Haruna's tails as gently as possible; her fur was so fluffy that he felt he could stay like that forever.

He sat down on the floor and placed Haruna in his lap, but the woman didn't care. She just kept hugging him while her body shuddered when Victor touched a sensitive area of her tail.

'Her tails are like erogenous zones, huh. So it is because of this that foxes feel offended when someone unknown touches their tails.' Victor was feeling very studious now. He was like a scientist who was figuring out every part of this new 'experiment'.

'By God, these tails are so cute, and Haruna's reaction makes everything better.' Victor was having mixed feelings. He was feeling sadistic for loving Haruna's reaction, and at the same time, he was feeling comfortable because of how cute Haruna's tails were.

Victor felt Haruna squeeze his body even more while Haruna's body shuddered violently.


"Hmm?" Victor took his eyes off Haruna's tails and looked at Haruna as he felt something wet on his legs and realized she had an orgasm.

Victor's sadistic desire grew. He wanted to tease Haruna more, but he knew he couldn't do that now, even she had limits.

'I have to make her get used to my presence... Until she can awaken that side of her that I know exists in her body.' Victor remembered Haruna's lifeless and obsessive eyes and smiled excitedly.

... While ordinary men ran from 'crazy' women, Victor actively tried to create more of these crazy women...

Victor stopped stroking Haruna's tails which fell sloppily to the ground. He could feel Haruna's warm breath on his chest, and her breathing was uneven, as if she had been running through the desert for several hours.

Victor looked at Haruna's cute ears and started gently stroking them.

That sudden touch made Haruna's back arch a little, and her tails lifted as if they were full of energy.

"Are these ears functional too?" He whispered gently close to Haruna's fox ears.

"Y-Yes, I have heightened hearing in these ears. It's like the hearing of animals, only much sharper and more refined." She replied while squirming.

The ears were a sensitive spot as well, but not as much as the tails, so she wasn't 'suffering' as much.

'... Those gentle touches... It's like he was touching something very precious...' Haruna melted with Victor's caresses; she didn't even feel like getting out of that position.

"And your human ears, what are they for?"

"It's more like a way to hear sounds at lower levels. That way, I can shut off my fox ears and not hear everything."

"Hmm, super hearing can be bothersome sometimes, huh."

"Yes, although I control it well, the enemy can take advantage of this weakness in a fight." For some reason, Haruna didn't feel bad for explaining her weaknesses to this man. She felt that he had never tried to harm her. The trust he gained from her in just a few days was unreal; she wasn't used to getting so attached to someone like that.

'Is it because of his honesty?' Since Victor arrived, he had never lied to Haruna. Yes, he omitted several things, but they were important matters or secrets, but other than those exceptions, he never lied when interacting with her.

"Hmm." Victor nodded. He could imagine someone using a sonic attack to disable Haruna.

"… How did you get into this room?" Haruna asked something she was curious about from the beginning. She knew Victor wasn't rude enough to break in, so he must have gotten permission from somewhere.

"Oh, I was looking for you until I ran into Kuroka in the halls, and she said you were here, I knocked on the door and walked in, and you still didn't hear me."

"Seeing that you were concentrating, I touched your body to get your attention."

"…Oh." Haruna felt a little bad now for looking at him coldly before.

"Don't think about nonsense. It's normal to react like that when someone invades your personal space. After all, you weren't aware."

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"..." Haruna snuggled into Victor's body and deeply smelled his scent as if she were marking him.

"How do you know what I was feeling…?"

"I am an empath and someone who is extremely skilled at reading body language; few things can escape my senses."

"... This is unfair. You have a lot of advantages when negotiating."

"Fufufu," Victor didn't deny it, "You might not know it, but your tails react a lot to your emotions. I found out that you were feeling bad before because of that."

Haruna's face blushed a bit, and her tails started to wag as if she was nervous; realizing the involuntary action she was doing, she consciously stopped her tails.

"… Ugh, I am very aware of that fact, which is why, when I am trading, I always consciously control my tails, but sometimes, I just forget about it."

"You don't need to consciously act around me. Just act normal; I like to see your tails wagging. They have quite a hypnotic effect."

"...." Haruna displayed a small smile and relaxed her body. Soon the tails started to act by themselves as if they had a life of their own.

Victor laughed a little at this sight and stroked Haruna's long black hair.

The two were silent for a long time, just enjoying each other's presence. Haruna found this time in silence quite comfortable, and she started to feel something that all of Victor's wives felt when they were with him like this.

Peace and comfort, it was as if all the responsibilities had disappeared, and she could finally relax.

Unconsciously, Haruna started to close her eyes. These sensations of peace, trust, and comfort, Victor's gentle caresses, the small noise of Victor's heart beating. All these sensations were making Haruna slowly enter the realm of unconsciousness, her nine tails began to wrap around Victor's body as if they were afraid he would run away, and she fell into the realm of unconsciousness.

"Haruna-sama...-" Kuroka entered the room but stopped stiffly in the doorway as she stared at this vision with wide eyes and her mouth open in shock.

She never thought she would see her leader in such a vulnerable state. She was always so serious, always so rigid; it was surreal what she was seeing now... For a moment, Kuroka thought she was seeing things, or it was a crazy dream.

Kuroka's eyes met Victor's violet eyes, and she saw the man just nodding to tell her to leave.

Kuroka nodded and gently closed the door as if she were afraid of waking Haruna.

Outside the office, Kuroka stared at the wall for a long time, her mind trying to process the sight she just saw.

The supreme commander of the Youkai, the woman who united all the Youkai into one banner, the woman who sent the middle finger to the gods, the woman who was feared and respected by all Youkai for her strength was in such an intimate state with someone... and a vampire, no less.

Kuroka's brain started to reset, and she thought again about what she just saw, and soon her face turned a little red:

'I mean, I understand why she got like that. He's so strong and handsome, not to mention he's a progenitor, the perfect candidate for having kittens...' Kuroka thought, but immediately shook her head in denial:

'Haruna is not like that. She doesn't act on instinct, he can be very handsome, but if he was evil or rotten inside, she would never have approached him.'

As a supreme commander, Haruna was required to gain a skill, the ability to judge someone's character, a skill that all leaders are required to have, and this skill was quite exceptional in Haruna. After all, she had to fight in a civil war with various races meddling in the conflict.

'If Haruna judged him trustworthy enough to leave her body so unprotected...' Kuroka displayed a small excited smile:

"Does this mean that I can be an aunt in the future? I wonder what kind of children the two of them will have~?" Kuroka chuckled to herself and started to walk away from the spot.
