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My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 199
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199 Big Sacrifices

(Tom’s PoV)

Clad in a silvery robe that emitted faint glow of white light, her originally brown hair which somehow had a faint red glow on it looked surprisingly suitable and powerful on her. Her sharp eyes penetrated the mist and smokes as another batch of countless shadows flocked around her. But, her mysterious chanting got them to stop as painful wails had once again filled the entire forest.

Again, this batch was burned to death by her. This scene where the mist and the smokes had started to subside as well as the burning shadows was on fire framed her appearance clad in silvery robe with fiery red glow hair and covered in... blood?

I waved the chain in my hands and opened up a path for me towards her before I rushed to her side. There was some blood on her fair and pinkish face, but coupled with her sharp and deadly glare, it gave her an image of a cold-blooded war goddess who wanted nothing but to annihilate everything in her path.

Her hands and clothes were stained with blood and I inspected her quickly, trying to find out whether the blood was hers or not. The one on her face was obviously not hers. But the ones on her clothes... I wasn’t so sure since it was still wet.

Jane walked passed me with cold eyes. It was as if she couldn’t see me, which made me uneasy. Not because she couldn’t recognize me anymore, but because I was afraid with the state of her mentality. She could act like this meant something big had just happened to her, and I didn’t know what that was.

What exactly happened here that could make her lose her mind like that?

I saw her raising her hand and raging fire appeared out of thin air. Hastily, I went up to her and held her hand back. My action earned me a scary glare from her.

“Enough. You’ll hurt yourself.” I said to her as gentle as I could be.


I saw a bit of warmth filled her cold eyes, melting the ice inside. Her stoic face and imposing aura started to diminish as her face contorted in agony. Tears started to trickle down her cheeks as she let out a heart-wrenching cry. She broke down in front of me while mumbling incoherent words.

“What?” I bowed my head to her level so that I could hear what she was saying more clearly. At the same time, my chain moved and counter-attacked the shadows that were trying to attack us.

“They-they sacrificed ba-babies!” She sobbed. “And, and kids.” She cried even louder. “All, all these shadows ate th-them.” She gritted her teeth and killing intent so thick was reflected in her teary eyes.

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In this modern era, was that kinds of dark arts practice still exist? I knew it was, but to the point of giving out such a big scale of sacrifices... I couldn’t imagine how evil this human was.

Just the thought of those innocent children and babies were killed so inhumanly made my blood boiled. Even a man like me could feel disgusted and angry at that thought of it, what’s more a woman like Jane?

It was no wonder she could go berserk like that.

I hugged her for a while until her sobs almost disappeared.

“Where are they?” I didn’t even notice that my voice had dropped low and my eyes were shooting out death glares.

“Some of them have escaped. Siji is chasing after them. The others...” She looked down on her own bloody hands.

“I’ll chase after them. You sit here and calm yourself. Only you can help those poor babies and children. I’m sure you can do it.” I made her sit on a big trunk of root of a big tree with a smile on my face.

Despite the gentle smile I gave her sincerely, we both knew that there was a raging fire in me that needed to be satisfied. Jane nodded and started to control herself. After seeing her calm down, I stood up and looked at the mess around us.

“Men, guard the Master! Annihilate all the shadows! Leave none alive!” I shouted towards the men. The faint white glow grew even brighter, as if it heeded my call. The fire-bearers jumped and encircled Jane and used their fire to block the masses of shadows.

It was a satisfying scene to be looked at. I knew they would take care of Jane where I wasn’t around.

Now that I had made sure Jane’s safety, I went to find Siji. By using our connection, I tried to link where he was and rushed towards that place.

It didn’t take long until I reached the place where Siji was waiting. He was fighting against four men clad in black clothes. They all looked so good in fighting, but it was obvious they were not Siji’s opponent.

Siji really didn’t give them time to retaliate as his every hit was aimed towards their vital points. He was really in a whole new level than us. He really looked like he was dancing as he dodged and counter-attacked all of the attacks.

In just a mere ten minutes later, he finished playing around and all of those men were lying on the ground motionless.

“They’re not dead.” Siji said before I could even ask.

“Let’s bring them back and let Jane take care of them.” I waved my hand and the chains went and coiled themselves around those four people. Then, it lifted them up and carried them back to where Jane was waiting.

Those shadows were all eliminated and the forest turned into a fresh and beautiful forest again. Jane was still in meditating pose. I didn’t know what she was doing, it was just I knew it was not something so simple.

I waited for her to finish while sitting a bit far away with Siji. Those four people were still unconscious, so I was really idle for several minutes. The men went back to the camp, some stayed to protect us.

Several minutes later, I heard a rustling sound and found out Jane had just started to put her feet down on the ground.

“Are you done?” I asked her as I approached her.

She looked at me and nodded slowly. “I’ve sent them away.” She whispered slightly.

I smiled. “Good job.” I praised her.

Probably it was because the danger had passed, her face paled slightly and contorted in pain. Her steps wavered as she sat back on the big tree roots. Blood oozed from her wounds around her legs, and I caught her before she fell down on the ground.

I wasn’t sure about the cause of the wounds. It didn’t look like it was bitten but I knew it was because of the battle just now.

Upon closer inspection, I was speechless as I saw how serious those wounds were. “Siji, bring us back to the village.” I ordered as I picked her up. “Take those four with us.”

“Yes.” I heard Siji replied, then a door was opened in front of me.

The door led us to the house that we were staying at. As expected, Sanjaya was freaking out when he found out that I was not at home. He was just about to rush out when we appeared.

“What happened to her?” Sanjaya asked me in dangerous tone.

I had no other choice but to tell him the whole story, all while we treated her wounds carefully.

“Don’t step out from your room for several days so that you can properly rest.” Sanjaya reminded her as we put her down onto her own bed after treating her injuries.

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Jane was nodding reluctantly. “Where are the others?” She asked me.

I nodded at her. “Don’t worry. I’m keeping them until you’re getting better.”

Jane nodded, agreed with my decision. “I’ll make sure they’ll pay for what they have done.”

Sure thing, they indeed needed to pay for what they had done.

“By the way, where is the Black Creese?” I asked her.

Her expression changed as she heard my question.


[intermezzo break]

Author: Hello, shameless and lazy author here! Tonight, I have a special person as my guest here in my dark and damp room -just kidding. Please, give a warm welcome for Jane Harris!

Non-existent audience: *give a not so heartily applause.

Jane: Thank you. (smiling sweetly)

Author: Well, Miss Jane Harris, my first question might sound a bit bold but please answer it truthfully. Remember, we only allow true confession!

Jane: Author, you know very well this smile is a fake one. Hurry up with the question so I can rest early. (glaring at the author)

Author: Sure. Then, my first question... after your real first night with Tom, have you ever a wet dream with Tom?

Jane: (smirking) Do you consider it bold? Then, let me answer it boldly, just like the way you like it. Yes, I have and I loved it. I think it’s safe to say I’m always feeling horny around him.

Author: .... Damn. Well, my dear readers, if you have any questions to any characters in this story, just feel free to ask and I’ll let them answer it. Hehehe...