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My Vampire System

Chapter 443 Light up again!
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Chapter 443: Light up again!

As Both Quinn and Peter exited from the tunnel, Quinn made sure he and Peter both had the mask with them at all times, just in case they were to split up. As for contacting the others, Quinn felt like it was best to do so only when he knew for sure that they were in a safe place and where they were. Only then would he ask for the others to come to his location so they could start to initiate a plan.

The AI system’s words alone weren’t enough for Quinn to trust. Too many times had the AI hid things from him, and suddenly he had dropped a large bombshell saying that the tenth castle belonged to him. Quinn had long guessed of the probability that the original person the AI system was based on used to be a leader. It was the only thing that made sense as to why he had so much information on everything.

However, saying that these people in this castle all belonged to him as well did come as a shock. The system had stated that those of the Cursed family were his, creating his own new family, but what of the old tenths. The simple answer for all of this for Quinn was "No thank you." Just because he was a vampire now didn’t mean he wanted to be apart of their affairs. More so than not he just wanted to rescue Fex and get out of here as fast as possible.

Still, with nowhere to go and no plan of what to do, as well as the AI stating it would explain more once they reached the castle. Quinn didn’t really feel like he had a choice. At least he knew one thing, The AI system did care for his safety. Meeting the last Vampire leader, Quinn felt and knew he had no chance, and apparently, there were twelve more of them.

It was clear as day that the AI was right that Quinn wouldn’t be strong enough. Without extra help, it would be impossible to save Fex, and maybe this is what he needed.

Walking outside with Peter, the two of them looked at their surroundings, there was a lot more open space compared to the outer city as they approached the outer castle living areas. The houses were more grand in size and they looked fairly well made. However, there was something off about them all and the few people they would see on the street from time to time.

The whole atmosphere felt dead, it was starting to feel a bit depressing and although the houses were grand they didn’t look to be kept maintained.

At first, the system was going to warn them, tell the two of them to keep away from the sight of others in the street.

Usually, the inner area was reserved for only those close to the family, so they would all know each other, but when the system even saw kids and vampires of the regular class roaming about in the area he felt less cautious. It seemed as if the people decided to pay no bother to Quinn and Peter.

The atmosphere and the appearance of such buildings were also noted by the system.

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’Is this all because of me?’ The system thought. ’Did the situation really get this bad after I left? Was it worth it all in the end? To make these people suffer. Please Quinn, I hope you can give these people a better life than I ever was able to.’

All of these thoughts from the AI were kept to himself, and Quinn had heard none of it. He knew Quinn wasn’t ready to face everything yet. Which is why he didn’t want to tell him. If he did, The AI was afraid Quinn would run away and abandon these people, just like he had once done as well.

Eventually, the two of them had reached the castle with no trouble at all. It was just as grand as the others not too far that could be seen in the distance. However, it was completely covered in cobwebs and dust, and there seemed to be not a single torch or light that was turned on inside.

While the others looked alive this one looked dead, the only other castle that had a smilier appearance, was a castle that was at the very end on the same side. However, that castle looked just as grand as the main castle stationed in the center. Quinn had only heard that there were thirteen families and thirteen castles, the main one stationed in the centre belonging to the king made sense, but then what was the extra castle at the end for and why was it so grand in size.

Slightly curious he decided to ask.

"Do you know what that castle over there is for?" Quinn asked.

"That is the fourteenth castle, belonging to the punishers. They uphold the rules of the vampires. At the time its power was seen as equal to the king. In a way, even the king wasn’t allowed to break the long-established rules. Although a big event happened long ago that seemed to change all that, however, there is no need for you to know of that as you have no interest." The system replied.

Quinn continuously looked at the castle. The system was right, he wasn’t interested in what happened in the past but what he was interested in was the fact the castle was abandoned. Perhaps there would be things inside that would be of great use to him.

Focusing his attention on the castle in front of him, Both Peter and himself looked around to see if there was anything they could find. But, there really didn’t seem to be anyone caring for the castle at all. There were no guards standing on the outside.

"Is there really someone inside that can help us?" Quinn asked.

The system didn’t reply, for he was now a little worried as well. Even if he did leave a long time ago, someone should have taken over to look after this place, and he was sure that the person who he entrusted at the time would have fulfilled his duty no matter what.

Walking to the front of the castle there was a large arching door, that was a few meters tall as well as a few meters wide. In the door itself, was the same circle, within circles lock combination. The combination to this one was different from the others but as usual, the system told Quinn which way to turn the locks until a clicking sound was heard.

This was only confirming in Quinn’s mind that the system was telling the truth, he didn’t know why, but as he was turning the last lock a sick feeling was gathering in his stomach. As if after unlocking the door there was no turning back. It was the same feeling he had before he had turned Peter.

"What’s wrong?" Peter asked. "Is it not opening?"

So far Peter hadn’t said much, for he had trusted Quinn. After all, he had come to save him, even though he was in this strange vampire world. This had happened more than once, and Peter was determined to now help him in the future more than ever.

Letting out one last breath, Quinn turned the circle starting the unlocking mechanism. The door’s circles then started to move in place before slightly lighting up, and finally, the doors open wide revealing a dark black space.

Taking a single step in, suddenly, lights and torches started to light up the entire castle inside and outside, and at the very top blue like crystal point also appeared.

These lights could be seen from every castle, the leaders, the people within the tenth city themselves, as well as all of the vampires who were living outside of the castle area. They started to whisper and gasp as they pointed at the tower in front of them.

"Whats going on with the tenth castle!" Timmy said.

The group looking towards the castle had a feeling that perhaps this all had something to do with Quinn and they weren’t wrong.

[The tenth leader has returned to their castle]

[A new territory has been granted]

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[New skills....Ahduwb23A]



After a few seconds though, the lights started to dim in and out as if it was reacting to the system messages that had appeared. Something was clearly wrong, not just with the system but the castle as well. Eventually the dimming in and out had stopped, and all of the lights had turned off at the same time.


[The quest to become a vampire leader is yet to be completed]

[All skills and territories related to the tenth will be locked]

Reading the messages Quinn was trying to get an idea of what was happening.

Still, for a brief second, all of the castles and the surrounding people had seen the castle light up once again, something that hadn’t happened in around a hundred years or so. It was a sign to them all.

Not too far away from a castle, in quite a luxurious house, this fact also wasn’t missed by a man. He stared outside with his eyes winded looking at the tower light up and quickly fall.

"The tenth leader has returned. You’re finally back sir." The man said as his eyes started to water up.
