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My Werewolf System

Chapter 482.2: A Special Boy (Part 2)
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There were now many bases of the Howlers gang that were spread around the town. Here the bases would be used to pass on information, work as a base of operations, income, outcomes, and more.

In fact, many of the bases were just places that, in the past, the old gangs used to use, and the Howlers had taken over. It was impossible for Kai to micromanage everything, which was why these bases were being used.

Each area would have a captain of a squad of sorts, and they would pass down the information that was revised from the core leader which was in charge of certain districts and so on.

In this case, Kai, passed the information to Innu, who would then pass on the information to the captain of the squads and in this case the captain of this squad in this particular area was Innu.

However, each squad captain would also have the number of Kai, which was only to be used in emergency cases and Park had deemed the situation enough of an emergency to contact him.

This was the system that Kai had set up, to control the whole of Slough, and the Howlers gang as they got bigger and bigger. Kai knew that there would be adjustments that needed to be done here and there, but this was his concept and idea.

If it worked, then this plan would also work when they grew outside of Slough and started to operate in other cities as well. For now, Kai was imagining each district as a separate city.

There was another reason for doing things this way, and that was to keep the identity of the core members, or the lieutenants of the gang as some of the members referred to them, as a secret.

The core members of the Howlers gang, whenever meeting other members or in the area, would wear the masks on their faces covering their identity. Of course, there would be those that knew the real appearance of these core members.

Olivia being a big example, as nearly everyone recognized her with or without a mask, but it would still make finding out their identity harder. In the end, it was up to the core members as to who they decided to reveal their real face to or not.

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Currently, Park and all of the members involved in the bakery incident were in one of the bases. This base in particular was inside one of the sporting shops that was part of their territory.

In the back of the sporting goods shop there was a stock room which had a cleared out area for them to conduct their meeting in. All of the members, including the injured ones, had been made to go down on their knees.

This was all at the order of Innu, who stood at the front with his arms folded.

“I can't believe you guys. I explained to you all about the importance of this area to the gang.” Innu said, shaking his head.

“An investigation into what has happened is currently ongoing so we will find out what happened. Now, I don't like to waste my time so I’m going to tell you all now. If we find a reason why what happened today, happened, your punishment will be a harsh one. Or you can tell me now whatever it is you are hiding to make it lighter.”

Although Gary had said to get rid of certain members from the gang, Innu felt like these people were his responsibility, and in order for something like this not to happen again, he needed to find out the truth of the matter.

For a second, the three at the back glanced and looked towards each other, and eventually the one in the centre, who was unhurt, lifted his head.

“It all started from us.” The man admitted. “We were collecting our payments like we usually did and… we asked for a little more. We thought the gang could use the funds. The owner said that she was struggling. Because of that, she refused to pay and… that's when that kid got involved.”

“You asked for more?” Park repeated as he turned his head to look at them. “Didn't you numbskulls listen to anything I said. We don’t ever ask for more, and those that are struggling you report back to me!”

Park was furious after learning this, because he knew that the lieutenant several times emphasized this point.

“What is so wrong?” one of the beaten up members asked. “Why are you making a big deal about asking for a bit more money? We were the ones that got hurt. I mean, we are a gang right, we are already extorting people, and we're bringing in money for the gang. What is wrong with that?”

Innu slammed his foot on the concrete ground, which surprisingly made quite the snap, as loud as a clap causing everyone to shut up.

“I’m afraid after learning of this, there is nothing I can do. All three of you are to leave the gang immediately. You are never to use the Howlers' name again, or apply to join the gang in any way or form.” Innu was blunt with his words, and since this was an order from Gary in the first place it would have been something he would have had to have done anyway.

Immediately, the three of them stood up.

“Wait, you're really going to listen to that green haired punk, and kick us out of the gang for this! I don't understand, what the F*ck did we do wrong, other than getting our arse kicked trying to protect the gang's name!”

“Because those are the leaders' rules!” Innu shouted back. “We made it clear when everyone joined the Howlers that we are different from other typical gangs. Our protection fee is more like a service to the shops, so the other gangs don't touch them and they feel safe.

“Yet, your actions undermined that. We are trying to build a place with the people in this community. In truth, if there weren't other gangs and the police actually were able to do their job properly then there would be no need for us to even do this.

“But our leader has stated that we are the necessary evil that has to exist in this world. That's why we do what we do.”

Innu then looked toward one more person, who had his entire foot bandaged up.

“You as well, you are no longer part of the Howlers gang. The leader has stated clearly that there is another rule. The Howlers are to try and not involve the general public.

“Gangs shall fight with other gangs, those who know what they are getting into, but for the general public who don’t wish to live the same life as ours, we are not to involve them. Only if you feel like your life is on the line are you allowed to act in a certain way, which is why you, throwing that blade without thinking, means you are no longer allowed to be in the gang.”

The member stood up, clenching a shaking fist, but didn’t say much else like the others, at least not immediately.

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“That green haired person, he is someone isn’t he?” The man asked. “No normal teenager is that skilled at fighting, and is able to just throw a knife at someone like that. On top of that, you followed his orders down to the letter, by getting rid of us.

“You’ve just done it in a roundabout way so we don’t get suspicious.” The man then smiled. “I guess we just messed with someone that we weren’t meant to touch.

The man then bowed down. “Thank you for the opportunity that you have given me.”

With that said the man started to walk away, until.

“This is B*llshit! What type of rules is this gang running! We did nothing wrong, screw you and screw your gang!” the man shouted as he charged forward and ran toward Innu.

Park was ready to get up off the ground and stop him but before he could, Innu charged forward and kneed the man right in the stomach, letting go, the man immediately fell to the ground.

“Please, don’t make me kick all of your arses, because you know I can.” Innu claimed. “The rest of you, get out of here, and remember to follow the rules, I know you were all just following procedure so there’s no need to worry about that.”

The members stood up and started to walk their way out of the room, however, Park had waited until all of them were eventually out and it was just him and Innu.

“I wanted to ask Sir, about that boy, who was he? Should I be aware of his presence as part of the gang and why was he so… skilled?”

Innu smiled at the question.

“I can't really say anything, but I will tell you this. It would be good in the future if you ever did see him to do whatever you can to get on his good side, and to just do whatever he asks.”


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