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My Werewolf System-Novel

Chapter 194: The Next Step
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Chapter 194: The Next Step

Walking down the streets of Slough, one particular teenage boy was getting strange looks from the passers-by. All because of the look on his face. Right now, Gary was spouting a grin so wide that his eyes were almost closed, and one couldn’t help but look and wonder if the high schooler was actually okay.

Funnily enough, Gary didn’t notice any of that. Right now, he was in his own world, feeling better than ever before. Entering the Wolf’s Pool Club, the first thing Gary did, without evening looking inside, was to announce.

“Today’s a great day!”

The other Howlers had opened the place a while ago, and there were already a few customers inside playing pool and eating a few snacks, though the majority were from Austin’s school. As quick as they looked at Gary, they quickly carried on doing what they were doing before.

One person, though, noticed the smile and almost dropped the tray that was in his hand.

“No, it can’t be… she actually said yes?” Innu’s mouth was left wide open.

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Gary didn’t say anything, he just placed an apron on himself as he went to ask all their customers if they wanted anything, making sure to praise their place’s membership program, trying to win them over as loyal customers. Unsurprisingly, his attitude didn’t win him any friends, yet, once again, he didn’t seem to care.

Meanwhile, Innu needed to sit down for a bit, occupying a seat on the stool by the counter.

Although he didn’t know Xin very well, she was a pretty girl, and, as mean as it might sound, he had actually had made a few plans for what would happen after Gary had been rejected. With his head down, the last thing Innu had expected was for him to get pulled by the hem of his shirt, nearly getting dragged across the counter.

“Would you elaborate on that bit about someone saying yes?” Marie ‘requested’ with a smile on her face. Innu felt like he was staring death straight in the eyes. Peeking down, he could see two concealed blades which she had trained with daily, and he was currently very afraid that she might choose to use them on him.

“Hey, hey, what’s the big deal? What exactly do you plan on doing once I tell you, Marie?” Innu asked nervously, unaware where this sudden anger had come from. In the end, she soon let go as Gary walked past, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

She then smiled at him and gave him a light wave, as he walked back, Gary returning the gesture. For the second time today, Innu was left with his mouth wide open, as his eyes went back and forth between Marie and Gary.

“Yo-you-yo- you li-“

“Shut up!” Marie hissed at him, quickly placing her hand over Innu’s mouth. It was impossible to tell what she planned to do afterward, but luckily for him, a customer came over, saving him from impending doom. He couldn’t believe the complete change in behaviour the high school girl displayed towards the customer as he placed his order.

‘Why the hell are all the cute girls after Gary? And I bet that guy doesn’t even know about Marie’s feelings! Seeing it in person is even more annoying than in those dramas.’ Innu would have loved to cry out his frustration, but now was neither the place nor the time. ‘Damn, is it his green hair? Should I dye mine as well?’

The day continued and as the sky started to turn dark, business hours were over. They weren’t risking another incident like what had happened before. Although they assumed it wouldn’t happen again… not anytime soon at least.

Today, though, it was a bit more special than usual, as Kai had a serious face on. He informed them all that there was something he wanted to talk about now the place was open for business again. Currently, the Howlers were all sitting down on the sofa on the other side of the counter behind the pool tables.

Kai was the only one standing. Due to the tension in the room, even Gary finally snapped out of his earlier daze, focused on what Kai was about to say.

“First of all, great job everyone. Now that the Wolf’s Pool Club is back in business again, we can finally start making some money as a gang.” Kai started. “Thankfully, with the money the grey colour gang ‘generously donated’ we were able to pay for the repairs. After a few more days like this, profit will be no problem, but there is a reason why businesses don’t last long in Slough, and that’s because what happened to us could happen again.

“The good news is, now that the grey colour gang is gone, we don’t have to worry about them coming after us. In the meantime, the red colour gang are scrapping around doing the Grey Elephant’s bidding, and it looks like a fight between the Underdogs and the Grey Elephants is on the horizon.”

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Hearing this news, Innu and Austin were very shocked. The gang war between two colour gangs had caused the police to quarantine the entire Chavley area, simply because they had lacked the manpower to do anything about it. What would happen if two big time gangs would have a go at each other…

“Now I don’t yet know when it will happen, but if I were to make a careful estimate, probably in one week at the earliest, one to two months at the latest. Either way, no matter which gang wins, they’ll have suffered serious losses, to the point they won’t have the manpower to claim the territory that they have won.

“In those times, the smaller gangs will come in and swoop in on the loser’s business. Now here’s where the problems begin, as a small-time gang ourselves, we’ll be dragged into that mess, whether we’ll like it or not. While the rumours about us caused the grey colour gang’s disbandment are great to keeping gangs in line, it will also get us targeted in the upcoming war.

“I, for one, don’t want to be caught with my trousers down, which is why I called this meeting. Right now, we need to do a few things. The Howler’s need to grow our gang reputation to protect this place, strength, and money. Now what if I told you there was a way to get all of that at once?” Kai smiled mischievously.

As expected, the blonde teenager already had a plan.

“Aside from the colour gangs, which are now down to black and red, there are five small-time gangs that made a bit of a name for themselves. Their territory isn’t really worth mentioning, and the colour gangs have used them as sort of puffer zones.

“What we’ll do, before everyone starts fighting for scraps, is to go and pay each one of them a visit. While the colour gangs might not have cared about them, for the Howlers, they’ll serve as perfect stepping stones. We’ll take over their territory, and spread our name.

“If our leader agrees, of course!” Kai looked over to Gary. Now the others did so too, waiting for an answer.

A war between the Underdogs and Grey Elephants. Both gangs had a reason to go after Gary, and if this is what they needed to do to face them head on, if this is what Kai thought was the best for them, then he would gladly lead them.

“Of course,” Gary answered.