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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 270 Three Bowls Of Blood
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Song Yan turned to look at Fu Yu Shen's cowardly appearance, she knew that the guy was a little coward but she never thought that there will be a day he will willingly say words like —- ' I will be your dog', she rolled her eyes and picked up the backpack from the back seat of the cab and threw it at Fu Yu Shen who caught it with a stunned look on his face. " I don't need such a cowardly dog, who doesn't even know how to stand up straight without trembling out of sheer terror."

Both the driver and Fu Yu Shen looked down at his shivering legs before exchanging another look with each other, Fu Yu Shen curled his lips in a fake smile before walking behind Song Yan who was already on her way to the Qili village. He didn't even have to walk closer to the village to know that there was something weird about it, with every step he took he could sense the temperature dropping it was subtle but very much there causing him to shiver, he hugged his backpack and then looked around.

He had been hoping for some sort of signs that would show that this abandoned area was occupied by humans but there was nothing, not even a small convenience store. He looked at Song Yan walking in front of him and rushed to her side, with a concerned voice he said, " Second sister-in-law, look around this entire area, why do we have to come to this desolate place? It is so remote that I can't even see the sight of any living being two miles away from here. I don't think that anyone lives here why not go back and think about this again?"

" Why does it matter whether or not this area is desolate and abandoned by humans?" said Song Yan as she turned to look at Fu Yu Shen with an amused smile. "It is not like is going to bother me? I don't need to find a living being to find what I am looking for, you know that don't you?"

Then ignoring the stupefied expression on her third brother-in-law's face, she turned around and started walking where the entrance of the Qili village was, Fu Yu Shen watched her go and stomped his feet on the road in frustration, " Looks like she is going to make me a tomb raider tonight!"

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" If you are done throwing tantrums keep up your pace if you get dragged by something I will not save you," called out Song Yan from the front, causing Fu Yu Shen to jump in the air as he looked behind him. " Who …What's there?"

He didn't receive an answer instead a low croak of a bird echoed in the silent surroundings, stunned Fu Yu Shen looked up at the tree from where the sound came and almost stumbled back to the ground. Because on top of the tree sat a vulture eyeing him like he was going to be meal tonight, hugging his backpack Fu Yu Shen retreated and shouted, " What are you looking at? I am still alive! I am not… I will never become your meal…" he was still speaking when the vulture squawked, and to Fu Yu Shen's surprise a bunch of vultures came flying and sat next to the first one causing Fu Yu Shen to make a sobbing expression as he rushed after Song Yan. "Sister-in-law, please wait for me … I don't want to become a vultures' meal!"

The two of them somehow managed to arrive at the Qili village, if anything they realised that the driver's words were true, the entire village was scarcely populated, many houses have been abandoned but those who couldn't leave the village because of lack of money, stayed where they were but at the same time, the houses that were occupied by the villagers had a weird sort of portraits hanging in front of them.

Song Yan with one of her hands in the pocket of her long overcoat walked closer to one of the houses and carefully looked at the portrait, it seemed very old but she could still see the being that was drawn on it with a bunch of humans bowing down to him at the feet of the being was a woman with strange reptilian eyes, with her head laying on the armrest of the throne as if she was the most trusted aide of the being sitting on the throne.

She carefully stared at the woman with slitted eyes and then looked at the Emperor like a being sitting on the throne, her gaze skimmed down to the bottom of the portrait before it dropped to the ground. In front of the portrait were two bowls that seemed to be filled with——

" Is that blood?" asked Fu Yu Shen looking slightly nauseated, however, there was no need for him to ask such a question, with the pile of chicken and pig bones lying next to the bowl, it was clear that the bowls were most likely filled with the blood of chicken and pig, there was also a smaller bowler that was clipped, Song Yan crouched down and picked it up before taking a sniff, the fishy smell evaded her nostrils ——it was just as she thought the small bowl had human blood.

" Three bowls?" Song Yan placed the bowl back on the ground and clicked her tongue. The number three was the most fortunate for humans, it was often said that a group should travel in three parts, however as lucky as it was for humans, it was just as unfortunate for the demons because the number three meant—— The God, The angles and the immortals. Keeping three bowls of blood was a very insulting thing to do as it insinuate making the three pillars of the heavenly world bleed.

Doing such a thing would mean upsetting the Gods and the other three pillars but at the same time it would mean that the villagers were —— she raised her eyes and gaze at the being dressed in the skin of the Emperor——Pleasing the Demon.


" I feel a heavy wave of Yin energy coming from this village," said Fang Yanli as she looked around the village. " There must have been a lot of deaths here, the grudge here is very strong, I am sure that the spirits of those who died were never able to rest after dying but what's weird is that——"

" There is no spirit here," Song Yan walked down the stairs of the house and looked around the village, even though she could sense a very strong grudge surrounding the entire village, surprisingly the entire village was devoid of any spirits neither evil nor wandering, she couldn't sense either one of those.

Fu Yu Shen knew that she was talking to the ghost that always followed her, so he didn't disturb her instead he started looking around the entire village, except for the weird portraits that were outside the houses everything was fine. Though it was scarcely populated, it looked normal only if there were no bowls filled with blood in front of the houses, then it would have been completely fine——

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As the two of them were looking around the village, they heard the sound of cars approaching from behind, a bit surprised Song Yan turned to look over her shoulders to see who it was, who came driving into this remote village.

Two classy black cars that screamed —— ' I am rich!' Came to a halt behind them and Fang Yanli rolled her eyes. " I have to say, I knew that only idiots will come here in this kind of place despite knowing what kind of dangers they might face."

Song Yan glanced at the two cars, she watched as a group of four men dressed in flashy clothes followed by four women stepped out of the cars parked behind them, from the way they were carrying heavy backpacks, ropes and some digging tools, she understood at once why these rich people were here. But what was even more exceptional was the cadaveric black mist behind their back, it was as if she was staring at death itself.

As her gaze flicked through the group, she noticed the beautiful face that always sat behind the desk with eight scrolls in his hands.

Fu Yu Shen too noticed the man standing behind the group, feeling as if he has seen the man somewhere he turned to look at Song Yan and said, " I have seen this man somewhere but I can't remember …I think I just met this man recently… but how come I can't remember him? He even looks so dashing."

Song Yan glanced at him before turning away from the group as she said, " Death always looks beautiful."

"W..What? D…Death?" Fu Yu Shen immediately looked away from the man dressed in a dark black suit before chasing after Song Yan as he said, " That's…That's the grim reaper, then it means …"

" That group will die tonight."