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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 846
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Chapter 846 Not Just A Slap In The Face

Ruan Anxi took the phone. After checking to see that his subordinate had followed his instructions to the letter, he

dropped the phone into the glass of water near him.

“Please let me go! I won't dare to make the same mistake again,” Rong Jilin said, begging for mercy.

“What grudge do you hold against Ning Ran? Why did you badmouth her?” Ruan Anxi demanded.

However, Rong Jilin was silent.

“Not going to talk? Well, then, remove his pants. I'm going to castrate him myself.”

Rong Jilin was aghast. “No! I made a mistake, and it's all my fault. I bear no grudge against her. Nanshi Corporation

was in competition with us to secure DBA's digital broadcasting rights in China. We almost had it in the bag, but

Ning Ran approached David, and he changed his mind...”

“Who's David?”

“He's the CEO of DBA.”

“So, she went to the hotel because she was meeting that foreigner?” Ruan Anxi queried.

“That's right,” Rong Jilin replied. He had thought that Ning Ran had sent Ruan Anxi to seek revenge against him.

However, judging from Ruan Anxi's response, it appeared he was unaware that she had gone to the hotel to meet

David. Where on earth did this devil pop up from? I can't believe he doesn't work for Ning Ran.

Here, Ruan Anxi threw another question at him. “What did they talk about?”

Although Rong Jilin genuinely had zero knowledge about the details of the pair's conversation, he dared not say so.

“Probably about the broadcasting rights.”

“Did that David guy take advantage of her?”

Rong Jilin was even more terrified of answering that question. After all, he had previously hinted on his Weibo

account that Ning Ran had seduced David to secure the collaboration between Nanshi Corporation and DBA. It was

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that Weibo post that provoked the ire of this devil. But now, he's asking me whether David took advantage of her. In

other words, he also believes something is going on between those two, right? That doesn't make sense, though. If

he believes that to be true, why did he delete my post and slash my face?

“Well, did he?” Ruan Anxi pressed.

“I... don't think so,” Rong Jilin answered hesitantly. Although he knew nothing about Ruan Anxi, one thing he did

know for sure was that the latter was on Ning Ran's side. Hence, even if something happened between David and

her, there was no way he could tell Ruan Anxi that. He was certain that doing so would only spell the end for him.

Nonetheless, Ruan Anxi posed another question that caught Rong Jilin off guard. “How do you know that?”

Rong Jilin cursed inwardly. It's too difficult to answer this question! Does he hope to hear that there's something

between them or not?

Finally, he replied, “I... She went to the hotel with another lady. The other person was a young lady from the capital.

She has a high social status, so it's unlikely she'd be interested in a threesome. That's why I don't think anything


“You don't think anything happened, yet you uploaded a Weibo post sullying her good name?” Ruan Anxi fixed him

with a death stare.

“I'm sorry! I deserve to rot in hell! I was upset that I lost the deal to her, so I wanted to drag her name through the

mud. I won't dare to do it ever again!” Rong Jilin started pleading again.

Suddenly, Ruan Anxi asked, “Will it be your left foot or your right?”


“I was going to slit your throat, but since this is the capital, I don't want to stir up too much trouble. Hence, I'll settle

for crippling one of your legs. Do you want it to be the left one or the right?”

“Please, don't! I know I messed up. I'll pay you! I'll pay you for my leg. I'm begging you. Don't cripple me!” Rong Jilin


“You refuse to choose? Very well. I'll go with the right foot, then.” Ruan Anxi gave a quick upward tilt of his chin, and

his subordinate dragged Rong Jilin over. When Ruan Anxi positioned the scalpel, the latter squealed like a stuck pig.

However, his mouth was quickly covered to stop him from making any sound. Large beads of sweat dripped down

his face, and not long after that, he passed out.

At five o'clock in the morning, Rong Yi woke up. He woke up at the same time every day. As a young pianist with

global influence, his musical accomplishments were not merely due to his immense talent but also the hard work

he put into practicing day in and day out. Ever since he got involved in managing his family's business, his schedule

became even tighter. He had to wake up early every day, then squeeze in time to practice piano after washing up

and doing some morning exercise.

My family doesn't lack money or need me to earn a living by being a pianist. Nonetheless, playing piano is my

greatest passion. The joy of watching the business profit is nothing compared to what music brings me. That's why

I'll continue practicing piano even though I haven't had an official recital in a long time.

He glanced at his phone and saw several missed calls from his assistant. There were also two from his younger

sibling, Rong Jilin.

Rong Jilin was Rong Yi's paternal half-brother. Rong Yi's mother had gone missing when he was still very young, and

his father had later married another woman. They had two children—a son called Rong Jilin and a daughter named

Rong Rong. Although Rong Jilin referred to Rong Yi as his older brother, the two had never been close. In fact, Rong

Jilin had gotten up to many malicious deeds targeted at Rong Yi. The latter was gifted, but he did not like competing

with others. He immersed himself in music ever since he was young, unlike Rong Jilin, who was only interested in

fooling around.

However, Rong Rong and Rong Yi were as thick as thieves. She was intelligent and shared Rong Yi's love for music.

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Although she and Rong Jilin were born to the same parents, they were not that close. On the contrary, she had a far

better relationship with Rong Yi.

As it was still early, Rong Yi did not return the calls, thinking that his assistant and brother would still be asleep. He

went running at the gym and did some strength training. Then, he took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and

had breakfast before practicing piano. However, it was not long before his assistant called him again.

“Sir, something has happened to your brother.” The assistant sounded exhausted, probably having stayed up all


“What is it?” Rong Yi responded. Hearing that Rong Jilin was in trouble had become a norm already. Past incidents

included getting into brawls, taking illegal drugs, and participating in illegal racing. Inevitably, Rong Yi was the one

who would have to get someone to bail him out. Hence, Rong Yi was not surprised to hear that something had

happened to Rong Jilin but instead was very calm.

This younger brother of mine is known for stirring up some sort of trouble from time to time. It's pretty much a

monthly occurrence.

“He was disfigured. There's a slash on his face. The ligaments and Achilles tendon in his right foot were also

severed. They're operating on him as we speak, but if the operation is unsuccessful, I'm afraid he'll end up a


“What? Who would be so cruel? Which hospital is he at now?” Rong Yi was immediately shocked, and his heart

started racing. It never crossed my mind that things would be so serious!

“According to your brother, the culprit was a sickly man. We have yet to ascertain that person's identity. However,

the young master published a Weibo post badmouthing Nan Chen's girlfriend before the incident, so we guess it

was the Nan family's doing,” the assistant replied.

Rong Yi slammed his hands down on the piano keys, making a jarring noise. He roared furiously, “The Nan family

has gone too far! Even if there was a disagreement, how could they cripple one of us? How could Nan Chen commit

such an atrocious act?”

He was usually a cultured and refined gentleman, hardly prone to such fits of anger. Now, however, he was utterly

enraged. My younger brother and I may have a strained relationship, but we're still family. The Nan family has

maimed him cruelly, and it's no longer merely a slap in the face. It's clearly a declaration of war!