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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 182: The Flames of Wrath!
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Chapter 182: The Flames of Wrath!



The voice of agony and despair of Melodia over her lover's tragedy resonated within Frank's shadow.

"Frank, let me heal you!" roared Hades, as he quickly conjured Gift of Death over Frank's body, healing his large wounds as limbs emerged once more!

The Goblin Emperor glanced at Grandwing's gasping for air with scorn, as he suddenly felt something over his shoulder.

"Give it back…" said Frank, the Goblin Emperor glanced at him, as he suddenly felt an imminent catastrophe!

The fear was so enormous that the Goblin Emperor took away his arm out of Grandwing's chest, dropping his Mana Core as Frank grasped it!

The Goblin Emperor glared at Frank, as if his entire soul emerged out of his body, a monstrous dragon coated in phantasmal and death miasma, it was terrifying!


Frank conjured a Shadow Clone, as the Shadow Clone mode in less than a second, grabbing Grandwing's Mana Core and putting it inside of his chest, then, it began to unleash with all of his Mana Gift of Life!

Gift of Life began to regenerate Grandwing's tissues slowly, as his heart was thankfully not crushed by the attack!

His lungs were though, and also part of his lungs!

However, as long as his lungs were repaired, there was a chance!

Frank bet it all on it, healing Grandwing as much as he could with his Shadow Clone, which quickly leaped inside of his own shadow once more!

All of this happened in mere seconds, as the Goblin Emperor glared back at Frank with fear!

His muscles suddenly felt too heavy, and his whole soul seemed… shivering.

Whatever Frank awakened, it was terrifying to him.

As if the incarnation of not only death but the void itself had emerged.

This was the power of Frank's soul after being blessed by Null!

Suddenly, as Wrath was devouring his soul, the Sin hit an area within Frank's soul where the gifted power of Null was deposited!

Such gift left by Null was not only the blessing but something else, a tiny, bone piece.

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Null had left a challenge for Frank… he could only unlock this little gift whenever his very soul was being destroyed.

He was a god of death after all, and could not find any other way of making Frank realize his own true powers than by making him go through such a thing to awaken his gift!


Frank flashed towards the Goblin Emperor, his eyes leaking an enormous bloodthirst!


Like monstrous berserk, he clashed over the Goblin Emperor's body, as the Goblin Emperor gritted his teeth in desperation, filling his fists with the power of his Aura and then unleashing an enormous barrage of attacks over Frank's soul!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, this time Frank counterattacked!

Using his own fists enhanced by this new power surging from his soul and Wrath itself, he began to match the Goblin Emperor's power, crushing his fist attacks, one by one!

"T-This…! Impossible! Just how… how?! W-What… What are you?!" roared the Goblin Emperor, unleashing everything he had, as he took a glance at Null's power leaking from Frank's soul, his senses suddenly dulled out due to the terrible fear!


The Goblin Emperor's moves slowed down, as Frank's fist caught up to his own fists, crushing his wrists and blowing them away!



The Goblin Emperor cried in agony, as his fists were torn apart off his arms!

However, he could not cry forever, he had to survive!

He glared at Frank with fear, as he unfused everything he had on his Aura and then shaped it as countless fits and spears, making them fall like blazing meteors of brilliant light and abyssal darkness over Frank's entire body!

Clash! Clash! Clash! Clash! Clash!

However, Frank quickly unleashed his Aura over the Goblin Emperor, shaping it as countless jaws of Dracoliches, biting over the Goblin Emperor's Magic Aura attacks, as the Goblin Emperor tried to use his fist-less arms to hit Frank with everything he had!

"G-Get away from me!" he cried, but Frank only grasped his arms with his bony claws and twisted them!


"Unnggghh… Unnngrryaaaaaaahhh! H-How?! How is it possible?!" cried the Goblin Emperor, as Frank continued to crush his arms, he was using all of Wrath and Gluttony now, his soul and mind were about to be completely consumed!

However thanks to Null's gift, which was a small piece of the God's soul merged into Frank's soul, which awakened from its slumber when Wrath tried to devour it, Frank was able to resist the deadly soul-consuming power of Wrath!

Just for a few seconds, at the very least!

Frank suddenly conjured even more bones around him, shaping them all like jaws of dragons, rushing towards the Goblin Emperor and showing him with biting attacks from all sides!


The Goblin Emperor began to be torn apart from all sides, as he tried to resist with his magic, but suddenly felt as if it was almost completely… empty!

Then, he sensed it, Frank had been absorbing his Mana somehow!

Of course, this was thanks to Ginseng within Frank's hand, which was doing all of this for him while he battled against the Goblin Emperor!

However, because the Emperor had so much Mana, it took it a long time to finally empty it completely!

The Goblin Emperor agonized in pain as his entire body was torn apart into fleshy pieces, his arms were eaten like a snack, and then his legs, shoulders, and stomach!

Frank pounced towards it, throwing the barely-living torso into the ground, as the Goblin Emperor despaired!

"Nnghh…! T-This… Unnghhh…!"

"How about we do something you're familiar with?" asked Frank, smiling maliciously as his bony claws pierced the Goblin Emperor's chest, grasping his enormous Mana Core!

"GGGRRRYYYAAAAAAA…! I was… supposed to be the… Emperor…! To dominate… this world!"

"You're nothing but food…" muttered Frank, as the Goblin Emperor died while glancing at his gleaming crimson eyes.


Frank took away the Mana Core of the Goblin Emperor, an enormous jewel with black and yellow colors, gleaming with Abyssal Darkness and Heavenly Golden Flames…

Frank opened his mouth, throwing the Mana Core into his mouth, and crushing it with his long fangs!

Eating the large Mana Core, an enormous power embraced him!

Gulping the crystal fragments through his throat, the power of the Goblin Emperor became his own!

Frank's entire body was embraced by an enormous amount of power, as his Mana Core began to glow eerily, gleaming with a new power!

However, before Frank could even relax, a loud explosion happened!


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An enormous Crystal Sphere covered in darkness and crimson light emerged out of the floor, unleashing a power that was completely different from the Goblin Emperor!

"W-What…?! Wait, that's…! Ungh… The Dungeon Core!" said Frank, glaring at the sphere which suddenly gleamed in crimson light, pointing all of its concentrated power towards him!

"Intruder detected… Initializing extermination…"

"A Dungeon Core… attacking a person?!" thought Frank in disbelief…

If his own ears did not lie to him, he clearly heard that he was an intruder… and that he was going to be… exterminated!

Frank tried to move… however he could, slowly, and while trembling, even!

His soul was aching horribly, and he felt as if his head were about to explode!

The glowing red light was charging more and more…

…Within the moon of Terra, the Goddess of Chaos, Axitl, glanced at this scene inside of her Divine Realm, where time compared to the outside world goes fast, making of this scene as if it were in x0.25 slow motion.

"Good, now that the Emperor is dead, Frank should receive its power and- EH?! Why is that Dungeon Core going up? What is it doing?! Eh?! Wait for a second! What are you doing?! Do not point that to FRANK! He is done with his trial! Look at him, he is all exhausted! HEY! Fuck! This thing is not listening to me?!" roared Axitl, gritting her teeth as she seemed to have messed up!

Aztraloth at Axitl's side seemed just as concerned!

"My lady… this was because you overcharged it with your power! It has gone berserk! There is so much power that a measly Rank 1 Dungeon Core can take before going crazy!" said Aztraloth, Axitl's companion and pet.

"What should I do now?! I cannot… possibly let him die! Everything would be pointless if he dies! This is not supposed to be like thissss!" roared Axitl, as she considered the idea of rushing towards the surface!

"My lady, if you descend to the surface Terra might be destroyed! You are way too strong! The sole impact of your body might break apart the entire continent!" said Aztraloth.

"But Frank is going to die if I don't go! Agh! This was not how it was supposed to go! How frustrating! I cannot let him die! Abraddon and Thineas will get angry, and possibly Zudithe and Judith too!" said Axitl.

"(Eh? I did not know she actually cared about what the other Gods thought about her…) B-But there should be another way! You should have thought about something before doing such a thing for Frank's trial's sake, right?" said Aztraloth.

"I-I didn't plan anything…" sighed Axitl.

"What?! And you call yourself a Goddess, Axitl-sama?!" asked Aztraloth in disbelief, his goddess was way too irresponsible for being someone that held so much power!

"Oi! Do not be disrespectful with me! W-Wait, I got it!" said Axitl.

"W-What? W-What are you going to do now?!" asked Aztraloth.

"Through my connection with Frank by my Divine Protection on his soul, I can just give him enough power to fight against the berserk Dungeon Core!" said Axitl.

"What?! That is insane… You can't possibly-"

"Boop!" said Axitl, releasing a large amount of power towards Frank's soul!

"GAH! You actually did it! Are you insane or something?!" cried Aztraloth.
