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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 284: A Furious Lone Wolf
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Chapter 284: A Furious Lone Wolf


Gustav was minding his own business inside of his room.

After having been brainwashed by Necron, he has been used as a tool to acquire cultivation materials and more, and he often performed rituals where he sacrificed people to feed on Necron's souls and mana.

However, today was his day off and it also seemed like soon enough the people sent to the Dungeon of Westwind would soon come back with the Tree of Rebirth, the last item needed to revive his beloved master.

He was happy that things were finally wrapping up, after so many years of serving Necron in the shadows, the glory of the Ancient Sage of Shadows was finally going to come back to Terra, and he would take the entire world as his once more, as this was his right!

He read a book about magic practice while sipping some tea.

Just a few days ago, he gave Gustav a falsified version of the Jewel of Eternal Life which was made by Dranya and Necron.

It possesses good healing abilities and that's why it was able to fool Akron, the leader of the Lone Wolves, however, it was obviously not able to regent a corpse back into a living state out of nowhere.

What he didn't know was that the man he tried to fool was not sane anymore, and even though he knew that there was an entity immensely strong sleeping within the underground of this city, he had decided to come after realizing things.


An enormous car-sized blade hit the walls of the property that belonged to the most prestigious family in the whole city.

No one, not even strong Magus would ever dare to offend such a family filled with riches and authority!

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However, Akron possessed strength, overwhelming strength.

And against overwhelming strength, not even authority or money can save you.

Akron decided that it was enough, even if he would make of the entire nation his enemy, he didn't give a damn.

He was going to take that jewel and revive his wife, now.


Akron roared like a mad wolf, jumping into the property as many Rank 2 and 3 Magus confronted him.

They aimed at his head as they conjure magic through special artifacts engraved with magic circles, which were able to immediately conjure magic whenever mana and an order to conjure was given to them.

Enormous fireballs, lightning, sharp winds, large icicle spears, and more elemental magic began to fall over the handsome Gray Wolf-kin beastmen as he stood still and received the attacks head-on!


"Trash!" roared Akron, glaring at the Magus trying to stop them with utmost scorn, he showed himself to be perfectly fine, as he had protected himself with a bubble made of liquid metal, his special, and unique magic, Mercury Magic, which let him conjure and use Liquid Metal in a variety of ways!

The bubble quickly shapeshifted into enormous, sharp swords, which he launched directly at the magus!






All the Magus around him were instantly killed as their bodies were sliced into countless pieces by the blades that Akron was able to control masterfully!

He was not a Rank 5 Magus for nothing, his power was unparalleled against anyone below his rank!

The sliced corpses of the Rank 2 and Rank 3 Magus fell over the ground into bloody piles of flesh, bones, and blood, alongside their destroyed artifacts, which were incredibly valuable, but which Akron couldn't care less.

He had not come here to steal anything other than the Jewel of Life!

He was filled with wrath, he had been tricked after all…

One day ago he had finally managed to get enough materials for a ritual of revival he had tried to do within his property, the corpse of his wife has been deteriorating after many years, and although he used everything he could find to preserve her, she was already growing dry.

However, he smiled at her as he believed it would finally be time to bring her back…

But when everything finally triggered, what came back was not his wife… and her body was not fully revitalized either…

What came was a monster with the memories of his wife but not with her soul…

"A-Aaakronnnnnnn… Aaaaaahhh… GAAAHH…!"

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The zombie leaped over Akron as it tried to bite him, her eyes were empty of life and devoid of emotions, this was not… his wife Eleonora.

Akron gritted his teeth, as he fell into complete despair… He was tricked horribly, like a stupid child.

He was such a na?ve man that he felt like he wanted to kill himself for falling over such a thing as an item that could bring back his wife…

He began o cry sorrowfully as he saw the body of his wife being turned into a monster, as he generates a blade and sliced her head off.

The corpse kept moving for a while, but after a bit of struggling, it stopped moving once more.

Akron roared like a monster after that and howled to the moon that he would get his revenge and that he would find the real Jewel of Eternal Life, even if it were to cost his authority, his reputation, or anything.

If he was so strong… why was he holding back so much?

He always thought about his father and the things he taught to him…

But now, things were way too personal to care anymore, he had been tricked, and this only meant one thing to Gustav…

Agonizing death.

Akron braced himself as he continued walking through the piles of blood and flesh, anyone that tried to get on his way was sliced into pieces in an instant, Gustav gritted his teeth as he began to immediately run away, but Akron began to storm and destroy the entire castle-like building, even the family's father, his wife, and his children ran away in fear, as their entire home began to crumble into pieces.

Any guard that tried to take down Akron was slaughtered mercilessly, as he continued to scream the name of the one he came to slaughter.

