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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 357: Devoted Love
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Chapter 357: Devoted Love


After such a passionate night with Orb, Frank woke up to the cute girl hugging and kissing his face.

"Good morning~," she said.

"Ah… Good morning. How are you feeling?" asked Frank.

"Good… Although it was a tiring night… I-I managed to have a good nap as well…" said Orb with a gentle smile.

"I see. I am glad that's the case, I wouldn't like it if you didn't manage to sleep well," said Frank.

"Always so considerate even with stuff like this?" asked Orb.

"Well, what's wrong with that?" asked Frank.

"N-Nothing… In fact, it is something I like from you, Master…" said Orb, as she kissed Frank again.

"You're the cutest when you're embarrassed," said Frank, noticing how Orb gets embarrassed often.

"S-Stop saying that! Y-You're only making me even more embarrassed…" sighed Orb.

"Heh, that was my plan…" said Frank.

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The two lovingly chatted and played around for a bit in the morning, until Orb spoke about something.

"Frank, what will happen now?" she wondered.

"What… will happen now?" asked Frank.

"Yeah, the Demon King might be gone, and even the threat of miasma, but what do we need to do now? I am sure that you don't simply want to relax here forever, right?" asked Orb.

"Well… Although I would love to, there are many things we need to do… I am merely relaxing for now because of the time dilation compared to the outside world that we have inside my Divine Realm… But well, one of such things would be going back to Earth to retrieve any piece left from my parent's corpses… I need their genetic material to recreate their bodies after all… After that, we'll probably travel around here and on Earth resolving some issues. Here we need to convince and recruit the Gods that are left, while on Earth I want to kill Wasp, and most likely destroy the organization that contracted him. After all of that is done, I might see what to do… But perhaps more training in between breaks," sighed Frank, he had a very busy life now.

"I-I see… I will try to do my best to help you out with your plans, Master, so count on me for anything, okay?" asked Orb.

"Thanks, it really means a lot," said Frank, kissing Orb's forehead as he hugged her.

Orb rubbed her face over his chest as she suddenly confessed something.

"After last night… I think something is slowly growing within my belly…" she said.


Frank didn't notice anything! It was most likely because Orb's entire structure is an incredibly dense amount of divine soul, so his senses without being activated were not able to see through this density.

He quickly activated Divine Senses, as he indeed detected something slowly growing inside of Orb, something that wasn't really a dungeon monster or anything!

"I think it is a baby… Right? I can't believe it could be possible… But perhaps Divine Bodies can get pregnant… Just like Axitl, right? So even without being made of flesh, and being a Dungeon Core, I can still bear your child, Master!" said Orb with a happy smile.

Frank almost skipped a beat, the happiness of having another child made him almost jump out of his bed, it was way too good!

"These are amazing news… And so fast… But no matter what, let's work to make this baby happy together, alright?" asked Frank.

"Yeah! I am… so happy that we can build a family together, Master…!" said Orb, hugging and kissing Frank again.

"I am happy as well, Orb, I am really happy…" said Frank, feeling that the bigger his family, the better.

"Hehe… Let's make up a nice and big family together, alright?" asked Orb.

"Alright! Wait… How many are there?!" asked Frank.

"Fufu…!" laughed Orb, intimidating Frank a bit…

However, she quickly exploded in laughter.

"Haha! I was joking! It is just one…" said Orb.

"You little brat…!"

Frank quickly attacked Orb with a hug and tickles, giving Orb, who was surprisingly weak to tickles in this form, a lot of hardships… which ended in the two getting into the passion and doing some love for a few minutes, which ended in a warm bath to wash out everything and feel refreshed.

After that Frank and Orb quickly went back to Frank's room, where Gwendolyn and Axitl were sleeping soundly, and were woken up by the pair… as they brought them breakfast.

The two were rather surprised and quickly congratulated Orb for last night, it seemed that even they managed to sense her loud orgasms, which made her embarrassed.

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"D-Don't talk about that so casually! Sheesh…!" cried Orb while getting as red as a tomato.

"Fufu, but it was a nice thing! It was a good thing that you two finally jumped into the bed and did it for a good night. So how did my husband's rod felt, Orb? Amazing, isn't it?" asked Gwendolyn.

"W-Well… Y-You're talking a lot of lewd things in the middle of breakfast!" said Orb.

"Come on Gwendolyn, you don't have to be so direct…" said Frank.

"Hehe, I like this family, we are more unified than I originally thought! Now that Orb is pregnant, you will have three children shortly, Frank~! I hope the three can be good siblings with one another," said Axitl with a motherly smile, her crimson-red eyes looked more radiant than other days. In fact, she had begun to look incredibly beautiful after the first night with Frank, it seems that sex with him has a revitalizing effect on his women, making them look younger and even prettier, even to the point of passively enhancing their strength… Which was the reason for her radiant aura of divine energy.

"Yeah, I can't wait for them to come… It will be a lot of fun to raise them," said Frank.

"Well, raising a child has a lot of things… it is certainly fun, but it also brings a lot of hardships as well! And challenges… Raising my little Annabelle was quite the challenge. Although she has grown a lot lately," said Gwendolyn.

"I am hoping that you can aid us as much as you can…" sighed Frank.

"Sure thing!"


Please make sure to check out my other s, I am sure that you will like them!

D e m o n Q u e e n R e b i r t h: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!: A Story about a De mon Queen who lost everything, in t he last battle, her soul w as split in half and s he was reincarnated twice in her third life.

E p i c o f C a t e r p i l l a r: A Story about a mysterious man who died of a fever and reincarnated as a Caterpillar in the middle of a for est infested with monsters! He w ill have to so mehow survive as a Caterpil lar in t his world filled wit h cha os.

V a m p i r e O v e r l o r d? S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e: The Story of a young and bullied man born in an apocalyptic world, who is given the chance to become a Vampire and dominate this world as he pleases with a malicious and scheming mind!

E p i c o f I c e D r a g o n : Reborn as an Ice Dragon with a System : The St ory of a young adult man who died buried in an ava lanche and was s uddenly given wishes based on his last desires, suddenly reinca rnating in a N orse mytho logy-inspired cultivation world as an Ic e Dragon wit h a System!

E p i c o f S u m m o n e r: S u p r e m e S u m m o n e r S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e : The St ory of a young web ist wh o is suddenly thrown into an interdimensional apocalypse but given a powerful System that lets him summon his characters to aid him!

E p i c o f V a m p i r e D r a g o n : R e b o r n a s a V a m p i r e D r a g o n w i t h a S y s t e m: The Story of a boy born with strange and myster ious powers who was held ca ptive and u sed as a guinea pig through his entire life, unt il the day he died and suddenly re incarnated as a Vampire Drag on Chi mera in a completely differ ent wor ld, create d by an insane Elder Li ch that claims to b e his f ather !