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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 715 Being A Father Is Hard But I Won’t Back Down
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The Demon King in Terra had the power to unleash an army as he slowly grew stronger and awakened, my daughter, the Demon King reincarnated, has such a power latent within her, and as it is specified in her Trait description ITSELF, I am probably guessing it right, this army is connected to her Trait now, and she might quite possible just summon an army of Miasmic monsters of amazing power if she ever wanted to… quite easily.

This is a bit bad… I think this is quite bad, yeah. If she goes all out of control, she might end up invading worlds without realizing it and unleashing an Apocalypse over them as these miasmic monsters devour everything… It would be bad; many innocents would die as well- Wait a second.

This doesn't sound so bad… If those worlds got a lot of monsters maybe, or other beasts and stuff, and if they could be remotely controlled by her, maybe they could even inherit her gentle personality and not be aggressive towards people? If I make them slay the "evil" of these worlds, wouldn't we be doing something good? And the amount of EXP and App points we could get from that as my daughter is added to my party automatically and to my system as well… It would be monumental.

The more worlds I am connected, the more EXP and App points can be dragged through such a mean as well! Isn't that a bit crazy? I am pretty sure I cannot do such a feat myself, but with the help of my amazing daughter, it could be… But it would need some trial and error, and I cannot make her connect to the worlds I am connected to, so she will have to dream about a  different world and connect to it, and then bring her army of chaos and darkness to invade the world.

I am quite the tyrannical overlord myself, as a part-time job…! So it wouldn't be so bad if I let my daughter become the little tyrannical empress and conquer worlds by destroying their "evil" and conquering the hearts of the people with her amazing performance of kindness… Ah, yes, this is it! I think I brainwashed myself into thinking it is okay.

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However, it is all up to whatever she ends up dreaming about…


Styx looked into my eyes sleepily, she was resting over my chest so cutely, she was getting all sleepy now, I guess it is time to bring her to bed soon.

"What's wrong? You're feeling sleepy already?"

"Babuhh…" She said, as she rubbed her face over my chest and slowly closed her eyes.

Ah… Wait, she fell asleep over my chest?! How do I move her now without disturbing her?!

I don't want to annoy my daughter's sleep! But if I don't do anything… I will remain here forever until she finishes her nap?! This is not a good thing! Ah… Well, she's so cute I guess I could let her take a short nap.

I saw that Alexander was playing around with Annabelle, his big sister and Hilvera and Asterion, they were all siblings by now so he was quite happy with them. And then, I noticed Axitl reached my side and slowly and gently lifted Styx off my chest.

<br/>"W-Wait, no! She was so warm and soft…" I sighed.

"Hehe, now she's mine…" She whispered to me, as she held Styx with her arms gently, the girl continued sleeping like nothing, comforted by her mother's hug.

"Well, let's go back home for now." I said.

"Hm! Let's go." Said Axitl.

And like that, we decided to return home after we had a nice lunch, we put Styx over the crib, it seems she had yet to fill her diapers, usually babies fill them almost right after eating something, but I suppose she'll make us wait a bit more, a sleep is all she needs to process all that food down though.

As everyone settled down back at Earth, I decided to talk a bit about Styx's Trait with everybody. Alex was sleepy too so he went to sleep on his crib as well, so he wasn't present for this overly complicated talk that he probably won't understand.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I told everyone about what Styx had as powers, they were rather shocked, although Axitl already knew because I told her when Styx was born, but the rest were all shocked, they thought that Alex's Trait was rare and that the possibilities for something like that showing up in a new child were low, like a one-time-event or something, well, that wasn't the case, Traits seem to be… to always appear in any of my direct children, so I can expect Cathyl, Clishya, Orb, and Vheslia's children to also have Traits!

,m Wow, four more babies to wait for, I cannot wait for them to be born, but… Ahh, wondering about all the time I will be forced to attend to the children and everything… It is indeed quite tiring, gods, it will be very tiring, I might die out of exhaustion. Oh well, there will be my wives there but… How many children would that be… six? Yeah, six children, babies I will have to attend… Ahh, I think I am beginning to not want them to be born so soon… Haha, but I cannot really turn back now, I have to just… embrace it.

I am a strong man… I-I know I can do it, I did this to myself, I made the girls pregnant because I… I wanted, so no regrets. No regrets! I will take them all! Come as soon as possible, babies! Your father is a hard worker, he's not backing down!

"F-Frank? Are you listening to us?" Asked Gwendolyn. Apparently everybody was speaking but I was thinking things of my own…

"A-Ah, sorry, I was thinking about… stuff." I sighed.

"Well, anyways, isn't Styx a bit… dangerous?" Asked Orb.

"If she can get into any world within her dreams, this is really a double edged blade of a Trait… She could end up making other people suffer unknowingly if she ends up summoning an army there…" Sighed Clishya.

"I know, I know, this is why I am teaching her the basics about… how to be a good girl." I said.
