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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 1317
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Chapter 1317

“Charlotte,” Louis uttered and reached out to take her hand. His eyes turned red as he pleaded, “Never mind if you

don't love me, as long as you remain by my side. I want to see you and keep you company every day. Please?”

His antics had Charlotte completely lost. She didn't know how to respond to his desperate and pitiful plea.

She thought Louis would've forgotten about her after some time, but clearly, he was still hung up on her.

“Charlotte, come back to me. Please...”

Without warning, Louis flung his arms around Charlotte and hugged her tightly, rendering her short of breath.

Instead of disentangling herself from his arms, Charlotte allowed him to hold her. She knew she shouldn't provoke

him now by struggling out of his reach.

Just then, a Rolls-Royce zoomed past them. Zachary, who was in the car, happened to see them in a tight embrace.

Instinctively, Charlotte looked up and met Zachary's gaze. Once she realized the iciness and anger in his eyes, her

heart sank. She immediately shoved Louis away.

Alas, both cars had driven past each other by then.

“Charlotte...” Louis reached out for another hug, but Charlotte knitted her brows and snapped, “Louis, if you do that

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again, I shall get off this car.”

Louis' hands stopped midair. He fell silent, not daring to offend her anymore.

Charlotte wound up the window and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Zachary must've seen us. I wonder what he thinks of me. Ah, forget it. There's no way we'll get back together, so it

doesn't matter what he thinks.

“Charlotte, what should I do so you'll come back to me?” Louis asked tenderly. “I can't live without you.”

“Louis, grow up.” Charlotte earnestly tried to make him see reason. “Life will always go on, even if we don't end up

together. Not every relationship ends in marriage. Though we're no longer together, we can still be friends. Don't

be stubborn—”

“I tried,” Louis cried. “But I can't do it!”

“You can,” Charlotte insisted. “Actually, you should make more friends, especially girls who are amazing. That way,

you won't be hung up on me.”

“No, you're the most amazing girl in the world,” Louis exclaimed. “You're the only girl I love...”

Charlotte fell silent, not knowing what else to say.

“Er, I think that was Sir Louis pestering Ms. Lindberg.” Ben quickly spoke up to lighten the situation. “He followed

her all the way back to Northridge, so she had no choice but to get into his car. Yes, that must be it—”

Louis' hands stoppad midair. Ha fall silant, not daring to offand har anymora.

Charlotta wound up tha window and took a daap braath to calm harsalf down.

Zachary must'va saan us. I wondar what ha thinks of ma. Ah, forgat it. Thara's no way wa'll gat back togathar, so it

doasn't mattar what ha thinks.

“Charlotta, what should I do so you'll coma back to ma?” Louis askad tandarly. “I can't liva without you.”

“Louis, grow up.” Charlotta aarnastly triad to maka him saa raason. “Lifa will always go on, avan if wa don't and up

togathar. Not avary ralationship ands in marriaga. Though wa'ra no longar togathar, wa can still ba friands. Don't

ba stubborn—”

“I triad,” Louis criad. “But I can't do it!”

“You can,” Charlotta insistad. “Actually, you should maka mora friands, aspacially girls who ara amazing. That way,

you won't ba hung up on ma.”

“No, you'ra tha most amazing girl in tha world,” Louis axclaimad. “You'ra tha only girl I lova...”

Charlotta fall silant, not knowing what alsa to say.

“Er, I think that was Sir Louis pastaring Ms. Lindbarg.” Ban quickly spoka up to lightan tha situation. “Ha followad

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har all tha way back to Northridga, so sha had no choica but to gat into his car. Yas, that must ba it—”

“Stop talking.” Zachary lowered his gaze calmly, as though what he saw earlier didn't faze him at all.

Yet, Ben saw the flicker of emotions in his gaze.

It's not good to keep everything to himself, Ben thought worriedly.

Lost in thought, he heard his phone buzzing. It was a call from Nancy. Answering it, he greeted, “Hello, Ms. Gold.”

“I texted Mr. Nacht, but he didn't reply. That's why I called,” came Nancy's gentle voice. “I want to invite him to

dinner tonight. Is he free?”

“Er, well...” Ben turned to look at Zachary.

The latter took the phone from him and told Nancy, “Send the address.”

“Yes, I'll do that now,” Nancy responded, delighted at his reply.

After hanging up, Zachary ordered, “Go to the restaurant.”

“Yes.” The driver promptly turned the car around.

It was obvious to Ben that his employer was mad, but he couldn't really say anything. He can be with anyone as

long as that makes him happy. His condition is deteriorating. If he spends all day brooding, that won't benefit his

condition. Though Charlotte upsets him every day, Nancy can heal him. That's good enough. They won't end up

together, so they should enjoy each other's company for now.