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Mystical Journey

Chapter 81
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The golden haired beauty did not say anything as she got down to the floor and performed a leg sweep . Her movements were fast and precise . The part where she sweeped towards was extremely accurate as well; it was in the back of Simon's knees .

Bang bang bang bang . As the sound of a series of blows rang out, Simon's expression suddenly changed . He tried to grab ahold of his opponent's long legs but was easily avoided each time and was repeatedly kicked in the same location instead . His opponent's speed exceeded his by far too much .

Even the strongest power was useless if it could not hit the opponent .

As the two of them fought in the ring, one of them was standing still, while the other was circling around the opponent and kicking from time to time . It was as if an agile monkey was teasing a clumsy bear .

The golden haired beauty's leg sweep was abnormally fast each time . Her fighting skills showed that she had a deep foundation . Her accuracy was also very astonishing . As she circled around Simon, the places that she kicked would always be the same five positions . No matter how much her opponent would try to block, she would be able to repeatedly hit the same positions from different angles .


Finally, Simon fell down on his knees, then could not maintain his balance any longer and fell flat onto the ground with a bang . With his opponent's foot stepping on his back, he could no longer move .

"The Fighting Association wins . "

Garen, who was spectating below, knitted his eyebrows . He was bothered by this type of opponents who specialized in speed as well . With his current increase in combat skill as well as his explosive force, he could easily take down any opponents that entered within a certain range . However, the other students were unable to do that . Simon did not even use the White Cloud Combat Arts . He only relied on his talents and the Explosive Fist Arts to fight and could only be made a fool of by his opponent . It was no wonder that he lost .

"Simon lost, I'll go!" A tall and slim woman suddenly stood up . "Senior brother . " She looked towards Garen .

Garen glanced at her . "Keling, are you confident that you'll win? The other party are preparing to change their member as well . "

"No, I can only give it a try . I checked their information beforehand . The Fighting Association was only inferior to us by just a little the previous time . The fact that they're proactively challenging us this time means that they're confident . " Keling was one of the most elite students picked out from White Cloud Gate and one of the two strongest students . She was also present in the previous exchange gathering .

"It's better if someone else goes . You can't lose here, otherwise it'll affect our morale . " Garen hesitated for a moment, then looked towards another female student . "Jiali, you'll go . "

"Alright . " Jiali was not bashful at all . She stood up and somersaulted into the ring from the side .

"We'll let Jiali squander the opponent's stamina first," Garen whispered towards Keling . Then his line of sight landed on the other muscular male: he was the last candidate of White Cloud Gate . Out of the four candidates chosen by Fei Baiyun, the main force was the two of them . They were chosen to improve their ranking .

Jiali fought against another student of the Fighting Association in the ring . Even though her legs were sturdy, her opponent's kicking power was stronger . After a few kicks in the same spot, Jiali immediately fell down and could not get up any more .

It was just that the girl was born with a strong tenacity . When she fell over, she would get up, doing it three times .

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"The people from White Cloud Gate isn't much after all . With this kind of level, you're simply too weak," the male student from the Fighting Association taunted . Before he even finished speaking, he kicked out once again and viciously struck Jiali's abdomen .


Jiali staggered backwards and fell down on her buttocks . She could not get up for a while .

This girl was still struggling and wanted to get up .

Below, Garen immediately stood up and announced with a frown .

"White Cloud Gate admits defeat for this match!"

Ding ding ding… "The Fighting Association wins . " the old man loudly shouted while shaking the bell .

The other female student standing behind him, Keling, quickly went up to help Jiali get down .

"Are you alright? How does your knee feel?" Keling had a good relationship with her; she immediately took out an ointment and used it on Jiali .

Garen was standing one side with a frown on his face .

"She's even weaker than the external student, senior brother Erwin . I really don't understand how she was even selected . " Back then when he went for the core disciple examination, even the senior brother Erwin who was together with him was stronger than her .

"And if we're comparing tenacity, that girl, Daris, who joined White Cloud Gate for her family's dojo wasn't any inferior to her . " Garen shook his head .

"Senior brother, she's the cousin of Keling . . . " Simon, who was resting nearby, moved closer and whispered .

Garen finally nodded in realization .

"Who's going next?"

"I will!" Keling stood up while coldly staring at the man standing in the ring . "I will go and educate that trash who doesn't know how to speak like a human . "

Garen carefully sized up Keling . She was known as the strongest female disciple within the White Cloud Dojo and was indeed somewhat skilled .

From the luster of her skin, he could tell that her Explosive Fist Arts had almost reached the rudimentary level . Looking again at her posture and movements, there was a strong hint of the Four Big Forms of White Cloud Combat Arts . She actually assimilated the Four Big Forms into her daily movements as training . Her talent was truly astonishing .

"Your Four Big Forms is very powerful . You should be able to win . " Garen nodded .

Keling was startled that her strong point was actually immediately seen through by her senior brother . She did not think much of him previously, but she was currently alarmed and did not dare to act as carefree as before .

"I am going!" She slightly bowed towards Garen, then ran a few steps and jumped into the ring .

Garen did not watch Keling's match and looked towards the male student who remained silent .

This last core student was called Rimridor . He was currently the strongest male core student in the dojo . Rimridor's elbows were slightly sharp; when his arms were folded together, it was like two blades were placed on his knees .

He was not a new student and had been in the dojo for a few years . He was currently twenty years old . Whether it was the Four Big Forms or the Explosive Fist Arts, he had already truly mastered them . He was different from Garen; Rimridor relied purely on his willpower and perseverance to master this two martial arts . Just by sitting there, he gave others a feeling of a dormant volcano .

"Rimridor, you're up next . Are you confident?" Garen was the senior brother in name . Since his master was not around, then it was his responsibility to ask this question .

Rimridor nodded . "The Fighting Association is not a problem . "

Garen could tell that other than the other Secret Martial Art disciples, Rimridor was not afraid of other ordinary students . If it was not for his age, then he would already be qualified for learning Secret Martial Art .


On the top of the two storey building next to the ring, several semi-circular platforms extended out . On each of the platforms, the Dojo Masters of various dojos were seated .

Fei Baiyun was among them as well . He was seated on a white wooden chair on the right and was looking at his student, Garen .

"Fei Baiyun, is that your last disciple that you've brought this time?" A man with a red goatee was all smiles as he stared at Garen . "I am not impressed at all… He's still inexperienced compared to my Shield Strike Gate's head disciple, Pharo . "

"The ability of someone is not determined by words, Gate Master Chris . " Fei Baiyun glanced at him . "Even though Garen is still young, he can calmly and independently handle matters on his own . Regardless of his martial prowess, I am very satisfied with this . "

He originally thought that the sixteen year old Garen would panic when handling such matters when he was not around . He did not think that he would witness Garen methodically handle things in such a mature manner . Little did he know that Garen was actually not an ordinary sixteen year old . Adding his previous life, Garen would be in his forties .

The man with the goatee snorted and did not continue further . There was no point since he already knew that White Cloud Gate did not have any intentions of competing this time .

However, an elderly man with dark skin sitting on the other side narrowed his eyes .

"Old man Fei, let's set aside this exchange gathering . Your eldest disciple, Rosetta, crippled my second disciple . How are we settling this matter?"

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Fei Baiyun's expression became cold . He recognized the other party as the Faction Leader of the number ten Double Halberd Fist . He was an experienced veteran from the south .

"I see that it's Faction Leader Watson . It's just that your second disciple, Bessie, is extremely talented and was personally taught by you . How could my disciple, Rosetta, have injured him? Doesn't it seem unlikely that Rosetta was able to defeat Bessie?"

"The great detective Fisto has already thoroughly investigated the matter . In addition to the investigation on Rosetta's movements, it has already been confirmed that it was your eldest disciple, Rosetta, that injured Bessie . All four of her limbs have been crippled . Hehe… How cruel of her . " Watson sinisterly laughed .

"No matter what, I will thoroughly investigate this incident and give Double Halberd Gate an explanation!" Fei Baiyun knew about the severity of the situation . The sort of move that easily cripples others was no longer an orthodox move .

"There's no need for that . " The elderly man sinisterly laughed once more but he did not continue further and looked towards the ring below .

Fei Baiyun became sullen . This was not the first time he received accusations . Rosetta had caused trouble a few times before, resulting in an awkward situation for the current White Cloud Gate . A few friendly dojos that used to be familiar with them were gradually drifting apart . They were almost isolated .

"It looks like I really need to properly investigate when I get back . Right now it's the exchange gathering between sects, I won't think about such things for the time being . " His gaze landed on the ring below once more .

Above a circular platform, the leaders of the Celestial Circle Gate and Crimson Sand Sword were seated together and were discussing the performances of the disciples below . The two sects had always been united . Even though there was fierce competition between their disciples, the relationship between the two sects were still friendly .

The other leaders of various sects had their own social circles and were discussing their own matters .

Soon, the disciple from the Fighting Association was knocked out of the ring by Keling and was quickly caught by his fellow disciples .

"White Cloud Gate wins . The Fighting Association has failed their challenge," the old man loudly shouted while shaking the bell .

Keling did not move from the ring and loudly said .

"White Cloud Gate wishes to challenge number sixteen White Shark Gate . "

The White Shark Gate was a very strong sect . A female disciple with fair skin and tall figure casually came up and traded a few blows with Keling . Both of them did not want to expend their energies further and simply came to a draw .

It was obvious that they were conserving their energy for the disciple ranking tournament later .

These matches were just an appetizer . The true show was the ranking tournament later . It also included the true ranking competition that even disciples of Secret Martial Arts had to participate .

It was also the focus of the various sects .

After Keling returned, Rimridor did not wish to participate . His objective was the ranking tournament later as well . Garen simply stood up and announced that White Cloud Gate gave up on continuing their challenge .

The matches at the beginning was originally intended for ordinary disciples to demonstrate their skills .