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Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2024 Grand Scheme (1)
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Bai Xiaoyun traced her daughter's hair gently. "It's tforto go now," she said softly.

Linlin bit her lip, fighting back tears. "Mmm," she mumbled in response.

Bai Xiaoyun gazed at her daughter with overflowing tenderness. "Remember, Linlin," she said, her voice thick with emotion, "your mother will always be with you."

Her figure slowly faded from view, leaving Linlin alone.

"Mom!" Linlin cried out, her voice echoing in the empty space. Tears streamed down her face as she searched desperately for any sign of her mother. But Bai Xiaoyun was truly gone.

Linlin allowed herself to grieve for a while before finally calming down. Clutching the ring tightly, she whispered, "I love you, Mom."

With a shift, she transformed back into her miniature form and returned to the room. Curling up on Yun Lintian's chest, forcing herself to sleep.

In the distance, Bai Xiaoyun watched her daughter, tears welling in her eyes. Every fiber of her being yearned to stay, but reality held her back.

"You should have spent more twith her," Yan Siqi remarked softly. "There might still be stleft."

Bai Xiaoyun shook her head. "No," she said, her voice heavy. "Seeingleave would only make her sadder."

Wiping away her tears, she turned to Yan Siqi. "Did you see it?"

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"Yes," Yan Siqi confirmed gently. "Our primal souls reside within his body, along with Senior Long, Sister Feng, Sister Huian, and Brother Shen. We've all entrusted everything to him."

"Sister Feng and Sister Huian surprisethe most," Bai Xiaoyun admitted, furrowing her brow. "It seems what transpired back then wasn't as we believed."

Yan Siqi remained silent, but a frown creased her forehead. Recalling the past incident left her confused and troubled.

"Let's find Senior Long," Bai Xiaoyun decided. "He might have answers."

Yan Siqi silently agreed. With a shared nod, the two figures vanished without a trace.

The Next Morning

Yun Lintian woke up in a daze, blinking at the ceiling. He hadn't expected to sleep so soundly here.

Shaking off the lingering grogginess, he looked at Linlin, and Qingqing curled up beside him. With a playful smile, he tapped their heads lightly. "Rise and shine, sleepyheads! The sun is burning your butts already!"

"Mhm..." Qingqing mumbled in annoyance, rolling over to avoid his touch. As a spirit body, she didn't require sleep, but for sreason, she had relished it today.

Meanwhile, Linlin stirred and stretched languidly. Yun Lintian couldn't help but notice a subtle change in her demeanor. Something seemed different, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Yun Lintian rose from the bed, retrieving three cups of coffee. He took a steaming cup and leaned against the window, gazing at the bustling street below.

On his return to Earth, Yun Lintian brought back a significant supply of coffee. He'd even cultivated a variety within the Land of Beyond Heaven. Now, he could indulge in his preferred beverage whenever he desired, a welcchange from the ever-present tea.

Linlin, mimicking Yun Lintian's habit, picked up her cup and perched on the windowsill, slowly sipping her coffee. However, her thoughts lingered on the memory of her mother's departure the previous night.

Qingqing, detecting the aroma, twitched her nose and opened her eyes. In a swift movement, she leaped out of bed and snatched her coffee cup, downing it in one go.

"More, Big Brother Yun!" she chirped, licking her lips and holding out her empty cup.

"Greedy cat," Yun Lintian chuckled, pouring her another cup.

A knock interrupted their morning routine. It was Nantian Yu's voice calling out, "Lintian, let's go! The competition is about to begin."

Yun Lintian performed a quick washup before heading out. They grabbed breakfast from a street vendor and made their way to the plaza where the competition was taking place.

Today marked the final round. The plaza thronged with an even denser crowd compared to the previous day. Yun Lintian and Nantian Yu navigated the throng and secured a spot to witness the competition.

The event commenced, punctuated by thunderous cheers erupting periodically. While ten competitors participated, the true spectacle unfolded as Yan Jingru and Jin Yang engaged in an intense, hours-long battle. Ultimately, the victor emerged as everyone had anticipated: Yan Jingru claimed victory fair and square.

While Jin Yang displayed evident dissatisfaction, he surprisingly managed to control his emotions. He scanned the crowd and spotted Yun Lintian and Nantian Yu. A flicker of anger crossed his eyes, swiftly replaced by a chilling smile.

Nantian Yu noticed this exchange, a frown etching itself onto her face. A wave of unease washed over her. Undoubtedly, Jin Yang was harboring sscheme.

Yun Lintian, naturally, caught the exchange as well. However, it held little concern for him. He easily surmised the nature of Jin Yang's brewing plot.

City Lord Li Shan ascended the stage to announce the results. He presented rewards to the top three winners, followed by a speech about the upcoming Yellow Emperor celebration event. Finally, he proceeded with the closing ceremony.

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As the crowd began to disperse, Yun Lintian pulled Nantian Yu towards Yan Jingru.

"Congratulations, Miss Yan," Yun Lintian offered sincerely.

The Vermilion Bird God Clan disciples scrutinized Yun Lintian curiously. However, upon recognizing Nantian Yu, they promptly dismissed him from their attention.

"Thank you," Yan Jingru replied with a gentle smile. But a pang of guilt flickered in her heart as she saw Yun Lintian today.

Before she could speak further, Yan Feihong intervened, addressing Yun Lintian. "Our lord is pressed for time. You may take your leave."

Yun Lintian raised an eyebrow, sensing something amiss. He didn't press the issue, however. With a cupped fist salute, he said, "Thank you for your time. I'll excuse myself now."

He turned and departed directly. Since Yan Siqi evidently had no intention of meeting him, Yun Lintian would seek alternative methods to contact Bai Xiaoyun and even the Primordial Azure Dragon God himself.

"You should leave him," Yan Jingru advised Nantian Yu, her voice laced with concern. "He's in danger."

Nantian Yu fell silent, fully aware of the truth in her statement.

Lifting her head, she said, "I understand. Congratulations on your victory."

With Yan Jingru's guilty gaze trailing behind her, Nantian Yu turned and walked away.

"Let's go," Yan Feihong said, his attention no longer lingering on Yun Lintian as he escorted Yan Jingru away.

Yun Lintian looked at Nantian Yu and said reassuringly, "There's no need to worry. Trust me, he can't harm me."

Nantian Yu met his gaze and declared, "I'm leaving tomorrow."