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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 260 Training (Part 2)
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After Nekros dropped, Evan landed on its body.

Even though Nekros was still fine, it did not move after being penetrated by all of those wind spikes because, in Evan's eyes, he already won this match.

If it was a normal cyclops, it would have already been dead or seriously injured after what just happened. But since Nekros is a shadow undead it doesn't have any vital points and was still fine.

Evan was considering Nekros a real cyclops so there was no point to fight against it anymore.

Evan sat down on the giant body of Nekros while deep in thought. Even though he improved quite a bit in the last five days, he still can't fight against Elysia properly.

She is still a monster who can fight against Aqua and others at the same time without losing.

When Evan fought against her, he finds out that he can't react to her attacks properly.

The reason for this was because of her high physical strength. Even though he turned her into shadow undead she can still use light element just like before, and can even strengthen her body with it.

While fighting against her even though he can see her attacks coming thanks to his skill temporal velocity, his body is still too slow to dodge those attacks.

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He can just see those attacks coming, but can't dodge them even with a 30% increase in his agility by temporal velocity.

'If I can enhance my physical abilities I will be able to react properly to her attacks' Evan thought while rubbing his chin.

He can use mana reinforcement to increase his physical abilities, but then he won't be able to use any skills since you can't use skills and mana reinforcement at the same time.

While using mana reinforcement he won't be able to use temporal velocity, and without it, he won't be able to see her attacks properly.

'If only I can use my skills and mana reinforcement at the same time' Evan looked at the Elyisia and sighed.

If he can use his skills and mana reinforcement at the same time, he will be able to see her attacks with the help of temporal velocity, and his body will be able to dodge them with the help of mana reinforcement.

While looking at Elysia, Evan suddenly realized something and his heart skipped a beat.

'Why I didn't think about it earlier?' Evan felt like he is the biggest idiot in the world for not realizing something like this earlier.

When a person uses mana reinforcement, his prime core will direct all of its mana into the user's body enhancing his physical abilities greatly.

But if the user tries to use the skill during this time, the flow of mana in his body will be disturbed and mana reinforcement will stop working.

But Evan is different.

Along with his prime core, he also has his monarch core. During all this time he never thought about using them separately.

''If I use my prime core for mana reinforcement, and my monarch core for skills, wouldn't I will be able to use both of them at the same time'' Evan muttered and an excited expression appeared on his face.

He wanted to try this out immediately so he jumped down from Nekros's body and stood in the middle of the training centre.

He first used mana reinforcement, and a light blue layer mixed with faint black appeared around his body.

After reaching to C rank, he can use mana reinforcement to its full power without suffering any backlash like before.

Evan furrowed his eyebrows after using mana reinforcement because when he used it, the mana from both of his cores was directed into his body.

He just wanted to use the mana of his prime core, but his monarch core also directed its mana into his body.

He stopped using mana reinforcement and took a deep breath.

After taking a deep breath, he once again used mana reinforcement through his prime core and tried to control the mana of his monarch core so that it will not direct its mana into his body.

But he was only able to stop it for some seconds before it once again followed the mana of prime core.

"It is not easy to control the mana of both of the cores at the same time" Evan muttered when he failed to control the mana of his cores properly.

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But he was not discouraged by it and continued to try it.

After restlessly trying for five hours, he was finally able to stop the mana of his monarch core to follow after his prime core.

"It was just the first step but it took me five hours, if not for the fact that I ate mana affinity fruit and my control over mana increased, I am afraid it would have taken me at least one day to reach this step" Evan muttered and carefully controlled the mana of his monarch core.

While still using mana reinforcement through his prime core, he tried to activate his ice chain skill through his monarch core.

But just as he activated the skill, the mana reinforcement he was using disappeared and the mana of his prime core followed after the mana of his monarch core to activate the skill.

"It is not going to be easy" Evan muttered and shook his head.

But he was not in a hurry, he knew this kind of thing can't be mastered in just a single day.

For the next few days, Evan spent most of his time in the training centre. He continued to practice there In order to successfully able to use mana reinforcement and his skills at the same time.

On the tenth day of training...

"Let's try it" Evan took a deep breath and used mana reinforcement through his prime core. After using mana reinforcement he activated his ice chain skill through his monarch core.

When he used his skill, he controlled the flow of mana from his prime core so that mana reinforcement will not be interrupted.

Evan was sweating heavily while controlling mana from both of the cores, but he did not lose focus.

Soon a ice chain came out from the ground and a wide smile appeared on his face, because when the ice chain came out his body was still surrounded by a faint layer of mana, indicating he finally used his skill and mana reinforcement at the same time.