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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 362 Please Kill Me (Part 6)
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Olivia drank the whole liquid in a single motion and threw away the bottle.

Just as she finished drinking the liquid, her body started to change.

"Arghhhh" a scream escaped Olivia's mouth as two black coloured bat like wings came out of her back. Her skin turned black in colour and a beastly aura started to come out of her body. Her hand turned into long claws and the nails of her feet became long.

Evan raised an eyebrow when he saw this because he could feel the aura of a monster coming out of her body.

Simultaneously, Evan remembered Carlos who also turned into a monster while fighting against Valery, but unlike Olivia, he did not drink any liquid to transform.

In less than ten seconds Olivia's appearance completely changed and she was looking like a bat monster instead of a human.

All the injuries that she received earlier also healed and her aura become far more powerful than before. Even though she did not reach S rank, she was far stronger than before.

"This power" Olivia muttered, but her voice was very strange sounding demoniac instead of a woman's voice.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, now even that A+ lightning wolf can't save you from me," Olivia said in a crazed voice and flapped her wings.


Just as she flapped her wings, she turned into a beam of black light and instantly appeared before Adam who was hovering in mid air.

Before Adam could react, she slashed at him using her claws and cut off one of his hands.

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Evan raised an eyebrow when he saw this because even though he was using temporal velocity he found it hard to keep up with Olivia's speed.

After reaping one of his hands, she kicked Adam in the chest sending him down towards the ground.


Adam crashed on the ground, and another thirty meters wide crater appeared there.

Just as she kicked away Adam, the hand she cut off turned into black smoke and disappeared.

Olivia didn't care about the hand that disappeared and looked at Adam with a startled expression because even after crashing to the ground, he stood up as if nothing had happened.

"You really turned him into a monster who doesn't even feel pain" Olivia turned around and said to Evan.

"You will join him soon enough" Evan replied in a cold voice when he heard Olivia.

"You think you can still beat me," Olivia said and started laughing, "You had the perfect chance to kill me before, but now it is impossible for you to kill me."

A dark red aura appeared around Olivia and she charged towards Evan.

Crackle -!

But before she could reach him, arcs of lightning covered her from all directions and Albelu appeared before her.

"Don't get in my way" Olivia shouted and screeched out loud like a bird monster.

A strange sound wave travelled in all directions as Olivia screeched out, and Albelu dropped to the ground from the sky.

The sound wave was actually a spiritual attack that directly affect the soul of the target.

Evan was also affected by Olivia's screech but because of his high spiritual power, he just felt a mild headache from her attack.

When Albelu fell down Olivia ignored it and charged towards Evan once again. I think you should take a look at

Shadow energy churned inside Evan's monarch core and he used temporal velocity to its full power.

"Die" Olivia appeared before Evan in an instant and slashed at him using her sharp claws.

Evan took a step back and barely dodged her claw. But Olivia didn't stop after that single attack and continued to slash at him again and again.

Because of practising with Elysia who is basically a close combat master Evan's reaction speed was quite good.

Utilizing his shadow energy and reaction speed he was somehow able to dodge all of Olivia's attacks.

Olivia was furious when she saw how Evan was dodging all of her attacks, but what irritated her the most was the fact that even though he was barely dodging all of her attacks, his facial expressions were still the same like he doesn't care about her attacks at all.

"You bastard" Olivia growled as the red aura around her intensified, she started to lose control over her emotions and her beastly nature started to take control over her.

As her beastly nature started to take control over her, Olivia completely ignored other things and started to attack Evan furiously. Her attack power and speed increased at the same time.

But even after her attack speed increased, Evan was still able to dodge all of her attacks.

"Aeghh" Seeing Evan was still able to dodge her attack, Olivia roared out loud and her beastly nature completely took over her.

Evan's eyes flashed when he saw this because currently, Olivia was full of openings.

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Suddenly Olivia felt immense pressure on her mind like someone was poking a needle into her brain and her attacks halted for a moment.

Just as she stopped attacking, shadow energy gathered around Evan's fist and while still using mind suppression he punched Olivia.


A booming sound echoed out and Olivia slid backwards. Seeing the result of his punch, Evan's expression changed for the first time.

His punch only created a white mark over Olivia's skin and she was completely unharmed.

'Looks like her defence reached S rank after she drank that liquid' Evan's expression soon returned to normal and he thought calmly.

"I will kill you" Olivia roared like a beast and charged at Evan once again.

If Evan wanted, he could have easily used shadow possession to take care of her. But even after seeing her defence, he did not feel any need to use that skill.

In his opinion, as long as someone is not an S ranker he can handle him using his shadow energy. He doesn't need to use shadow possession to deal with other hunters as long as he has his shadow energy.

Evan dodged another attack from Olivia and punched her once again.

'I think it is the perfect time to use the skill I got after absorbing the remaining cores' Evan thought and suddenly his eyes turned pitch black.


The sky started to rumble and black clouds covered the sky. Even the monsters who were far from the location where Evan was fighting looked in the direction of the black clouds and felt their soul shaking because of fear.


Suddenly pitch-black arcs of lightning started to move inside the black clouds like snakes ready to destroy everything.

"Thunder Tempest," Evan said, and the next second hundreds of pitch-black lightning arcs descend from the sky covering a large area of the wilderness.