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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 326 A Selfish Request
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But he had no time to wonder about these things, as a massive explosion rocked the western side of the Bastion. Astaroth's head snapped in that direction, as he started running again.

He massaged the one person he was sure knew what was happening.

'Athena, what the hell is going on in the western part of the base?'

The response took a few moments to arrive.

'Leon is fighting.'

'What the hell is he fighting to be making this kind of ruckus?' he asked back.

'One creature that answered his challenge was more of an opponent he was expecting, I think.'

Astaroth grumbled at that response.

'I knew he shouldn't have done that,' he grumbled mentally.

There was nothing he could do about it now, except help the fight end sooner. If they brought it up a notch, Astaroth was scared that Leon would blow up their newly reconstructed buildings, and possibly the base.

When he reached the site of the explosion, Khalor was already flying overhead on his drake. But he had yet to take any action.

He quickly messaged the Necromancer.

'What are you doing? Get down there and help Leon, before those two blow up the fortress.'

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'We shouldn't butt in.'

'What do you mean?! We need to. Otherwise, they will raze this whole place to the ground.'

'I tried sending help. Look at the center of the crater.'

Astaroth turned his head to the explosion crater. He quickly understood what Khalor meant.

In the middle of the blown-in ground, there was a purple armoured form, completely immobile. Next to it, a snapped halberd.

He looked at Leon, and by how he was looking at the cadaver of the death knight, he could infer what had happened. But he couldn't let the fight continue here.

He ran forward, getting close to Leon, before hearing a deep voice from behind him.

"Another flea wants to put its nose where it doesn't belong."

By the size of the shadow over him, and its form, Astaroth knew who it belonged to. Where the Giant white tiger had been, the spot was now empty.

Leon reacted on the double, jumping just over Astaroth's head, and kicking the tiger away, sending him barreling into the outer wall. The impact of the tiger on the wall cratered it.

Leon then snapped toward Astaroth.

"Go away! This is my fight to resolve!"

Astaroth took a step forward, punching Leon in the nose.

Taken aback by the action, the guardian looked at him wide-eyed.

"I don't care if you want to win this fight alone. But stop destroying the base, you colossal idiot! Look around you!"

Leon realized why his new master was angry. Leon had sworn to protect the land under Astaroth's name, and now he was destroying it with every attack.

He looked back at Astaroth with a sorry look.

"Take him outside, into the forest, for all I care. But stop destroying everything here. I'll make sure no one interferes."

Leon nodded his head before dashing toward where the tiger had impacted. The feline was just getting back on its legs when suddenly, a powerful kick struck from its underside.

Feeling its body bend around the leg, and its weight suddenly disappearing, the tiger flew off into the sky. Leon burst off the ground, on a direct trajectory towards it.

Once he was at the same height, he spun on himself, delivering a kick to the tiger's body again, sending hurtling into the forest. Landing atop the outer wall, Leon dashed after his prey.

He had been trying to hold back while he was inside the Bastion, semi-conscious of his surroundings. But he wouldn't have to do that out here.

From inside the base walls, the sonic booms of every attack started shaking the trees ever so lightly. The situation inside the trap zone was quickly settling, as the guilds had called their players back.

It seemed as if the siege would soon be officially over. But other matters required the guild's officers' attention. Phoenix had just sent a message to Astaroth, that she had accomplished her task, and that they should convene a meeting with all the officers.

Astaroth wrote a message in the guild chat, inviting all the officers back into the palace where they had met previously. He got many confirmations in the next few seconds.

He started heading that way himself, using the last minutes of his meld with White to zoom across the base and over the inner wall. Looking at said wall, Astaroth wondered if they should destroy it, or keep it for the future.

He brushed the thought away, thinking it would be better for Phoenix to decide on this matter. As he reached the front steps of the palace, his meld ended, and he returned to his normal hair colour.

Walking inside the palace, he noticed some of the wild elves were inside. One, in particular, was catching his attention.

The wild elf village chief was standing near the door to the throne room. When he saw Astaroth walk into the palace, he walked over to him.

But when he reached the abnormal, what he did, stunned Astaroth and the other wild elves following their chief. He kneeled, lowering his head.

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"Your Highness. I have a selfish request to make. Please offer me a moment of your time?"

Astaroth took a moment to come back from his shock, to which was added all the other wild elves suddenly kneeling too.

"Your Highness!" they all called simultaneously.

"Please. Get up! You don't need to treat me like this. These were your lands, to begin with, chief. I consider you my equal."

The village chief didn't raise his head, however.

"You honour me with your words, your highness. But you are an official ruler. I am but a mere village chief. But my request has to do with this. Please grant me some of your time."

Astaroth didn't want to discuss this in the hall, so he brought him to a room next to the throne room where he would meet his officers in a moment.

As they sat down, Astaroth signalled the village chief to talk. He nodded his head before opening his mouth.

"It is my understanding that you wish to build a city out of this fortress of old. I would like to offer my help with this endeavour."

Astaroth nodded.

"You see, my people, the Elves, are rather reserved to outsiders. Seeing as this is still within their territory, getting their support foremost would be the best first move."

"I see your point, chief. But I still haven't heard the demand in all this."

"Then I will get straight to it. I would like to be named as an ambassador for your contact with the Elven nations. I guarantee talking with one of their own will ease the proceedings."

Astaroth scratched his chin. The idea was not bad.

"I think I should consult with Phoenix on the matter. Would you mind waiting for a bit?"

"Not at all, your highness."

Astaroth nodded before sending a message to Phoenix.

She responded right away.

'On my way.'