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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 333 Owner Of The Black Lance
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Standing tall before him was a brown, wingless dragon with stone-like scales. In terms of size, Astaroth felt like he was looking at a cruise ship.

His head was bent upward, looking the dragon in the eye, while the latter was staring him down like prey. Astaroth stayed immobile, trying not to make a sound.

Then a voice resounded inside his head, deep and guttural, closer to stone grinding on stone than actual words.

"Mortal. You have landed in my domain. Speak your purpose."

Astaroth was half-reassured, since the dragon didn't go for a second attack instantly. He hoped he could reason with the beast.

Bending his head slightly downward, to make a gesture of respect, all the while keeping his eyes on the dragon, Astaroth spoke.

"Benevolent Lord dragon. I come bearing no intention at all, other than passing through. I landed here because I could no longer fly, and am on my way home."

The dragon bent down its legs, its massive head lowering down to the ground. The tip of its nozzle was merely a few meters away from Astaroth, and he could feel the wind brushing his clothes from the dragon's breathing.

Its voice grated on his brain again.

"Then why do I smell the blood of my kind on your clothes?"


Astaroth's mind went on the double, trying to find an explanation for this. He couldn't possibly tell it he had provoked it into fighting him, right?

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"Ahh, yes. I have slain one of your kind before. But I was only defending myself and my kingdom. There was no honour in taking its life."

Astaroth's heart fluttered when the dragon's head moved to a higher point, suddenly looking at him from above.

"I can hear your heartbeat, mortal. Do not lie to me, or I shall end your pitiful life."

"I swear I was defending myself, oh benevolent dragon. I only lied about it not bringing me honour. The kingdom did lavish me with rewards for slaying a threat to it. But I took no joy in slaying your brethren."

Silence floated about for a few seconds before the head lowered down again. Its eyes also seemed less predatorial, suddenly.

"Was it perhaps a red dragon?" the grinding voice asked.

Astaroth's heart skipped a beat.

'How does he know?'

"Indeed, it was. How did you know?"

The dragon in front of him suddenly lifted its front legs, raising them over his head. Astaroth froze in shock.

But before he could snap back to reason and dodge out of the way, something else occurred. The form of the brown dragon shimmered before it started shrinking.

It kept shrinking until it reached about the same height as Astaroth. The latter wasn't unfamiliar with dragons in human form, but was still surprised to see another one in his lifetime.

The man in front of him had dark brown skin, reminiscent of the stoney colour of its scales, and was incredibly muscular. He felt like he was standing in front of a contestant in the Mr. Universe competition.

When the man opened his mouth to speak, his voice had also changed. Although it was still deep and gritty, it wasn't like grinding stone anymore.

"Mortal, was the red dragon a young one? With possibly a wound under one of its legs?"

This much accurate detail took Astaroth aback. He started hoping this wasn't the mate of the dragon he helped kill, or he would be a dead man shortly.

"Yes… May I know your relationship with the said dragon?"

Astaroth was already stiffening up his leg muscles, getting ready to bolt out of there. His meld with White was about to end, and the one with Luna was already off cooldown.

Sadly, there wasn't any tree nearby that he could use to travel away. But the dragon did something unexpected again.

A massive black lance appeared in the bulky man's hands, with the bladed point looking like a tri-spoked spiral, almost like a screw. Phoenix had described the weapon inside the dragon's wound to Astaroth, so he knew this was a replica.

"This weapon… Are you the one that wounded it?"

A large bout of laughter escaped the human-form dragon, sending small shockwaves into the ground under him. After laughing for almost half a minute, the dragon looked at him seriously.

"Boy, I am indeed the one who wounded it. This half-witted youngster came at me, trying to establish dominance, since I can't fly. Its total lack of respect for its elders cost him his pride and a nasty wound."

Astaroth stared at the man with his mouth agape.

'Do dragons often fight between themselves?' he wondered.

The muscular man continued.

"I have one question for you, mortal."

Astaroth nodded, not wanting to anger him.

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"This is a tail spike from my tail. I left one in his wound when we fought. Have you perchance gotten it in your possession?"

He pointed at the lance in his hand.

Astaroth didn't know how to answer that question. He didn't have the lance.

But he wasn't sure he wanted to tell the dragon who had it. He was scared to start a dragon fight in Sunpeak if he did.

But since he couldn't lie to the dragon anyway, he came clean.

"I do not. But I know where it is."

"Hmm. Then speak. These tail spikes take decades to grow, and I wish to get it back, so I can put it back in its place."

"About that…"

"What? Cat caught your tongue?"

"No, sir dragon. But your tail spike… Another dragon has it in its possession…"

The dragon-man seemed annoyed for a moment, before he regained his calm.

"Tell me his name. I shall go speak with them myself."

Astaroth hesitated for a second, but didn't want to think of the alternative of not telling him.

"I only know him as Lord Aurexiar. He is the dragon guardian of the kingdom of Sunpeak."

The big man frowned for a second, falling into thought. It almost tempted Astaroth to bolt away while the man was thinking.

He was losing daylight right now, and he was on a clock. But the dragon locked its gaze on him again.

"Tell me which way."

"Pardon?" Astaroth asked, confused.