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Chapter 332 - Altar Call
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The Pangean army and a selected few others that also belonged to the Alliance that Seeker created were those that managed to reach the World Governing Trading Hub.

Each of the surviving submarines had managed to dock on specific islands that were formerly of Hawaii. The large fortress had various devices that connected the islands, and even artificial islands were also created to beautify and stabilize the region after it was decimated from the war.

Cliff and his team had also docked and moved out. Of course, this time, they had a change of uniforms. Cliff wore a rather simple attire and went alongside Lynd, the Covenant, and Warfreakz. 

Under the guise of being moved elsewhere for protection as they became celebrity heroes, which had created a large economic boost to Pangea just in time to solidify the foundations before the withdraw of the WGP's duties all over the world.

These celebrity streamers and heroes were invited to go to the WGP as Pangea feared that they would be a target of hatred from the many nations they allegedly stole billions of credits.

"I can't wait to see Meryl." Lynd smiled.

"It's been a while since we all got together."

"The whole gang of crazies that make up the Save the World Club is back..." Cliff laughed as he recalled how he got invited into this club.

"Charles is also here... And Alean should be going here soon." Lynd smiled.

"Hey, isn't Principal Decker and Ted part of this club as well?" Cliff teased as he looked at the two individuals that were also invited. As Seeker and his group were still students, Jonathan Decker, the principal, and Ted Zyrcon were among the groups who accompanied the trip to embark on a foreign exchange policy that opened Pangea to a working relationship with the WGP.

"Please don't drag me into this." Ted nearly cried. The first time he got dragged into the Save the World Club when he was trying to blackmail Seeker with their Principal and Alean's help. Soon, when Seeker took over the school through Harker, he was 'recommended' by Seeker to undergo the various Unlocked Experiment test along with Principal Jonathan Decker. 

"Don't worry. The school here will allow you to deal and meet with various WGP exchange students. This is another way to enlarge our circle."

"Aren't we going to blow up the WGP? Why should Principal Decker and me be forced to try and infiltrate the arctic nations?!"

"So that you can help us blow it up from the inside," Lynd answered.

"It would be too suspicious to have Meryl be sold to another Emperor pervert. You guys, on the other hand, are the perfect spies." Cliff also added.

Ted wept.

"What about you two? You guys are the leaders of this army? What are you going to do here?!" Jonathan Decker cursed.

"We are going to meet the Emperors. Seeker said that in his past life, the techs of the WGP hid a tremendous secret. Think about it, if the WGP is a seed of the Progenitor, what exactly did they receive? What was the basis of their tech?"

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Jonathan was silent at this question.

"We are off to acquire it."

"You two, also do your best and try not to die." Cliff laughed. He loved the feeling of pushing others into the same terrors he was once pushed into.

"You guys carry on about your business. Lynd and I will head over to this so-called Many Mansions. Seeker should be in the middle of convincing them to join us." Cliff said as he parted ways.

"Are you ready, Cliff?" Lynd asked curiously as they broke away from the rest and headed to a special ship that would bring them to the Many Mansions.

"Ready for what?"

"To fight all twenty-five Emperors and Empresses of the Everhiss clan. And to think we are to fight them without any techs just to prove a point."

"What? We are going to fight them?!" Cliff was shocked.

"Yeah. Isn't it obvious? Why else, only the two of us are asked to join Seeker? We're the only ones strong enough to fight them."

"But... But..." 

"Oh? You didn't know? You need to up that INT stat, Cliff. This was very obvious. Karma rears its vengeance very quickly. You just made fun of Ted, and you're off to fight twenty-five thrones." Lynd shook his head.

Cliff wept.

The Path of Eagle was one of the most mysterious ones among the Unlocked. Seeker knew what his Path would do and how important it is in the future. Without Eagle's Path, they would not have accomplished most of what they did.

And while Eagle was the cause of great devastation on that day, his most important contribution was uniting the world.

There was something in his words that demanded belief. There was something in his speaking that drew people to follow him. And so, here before the great thrones of the many kings of the world, the sermon that Eagle spoke cut them straight to the heart. It was unknown who started it, but some Emperors and Empresses began to sob.

Eagle jumped from verse to verse. He began his tale from Moses and the Prophets and began to interpret Scripture to reveal just what it meant for Jesus to be the true King and the terrifying strength that He had and the many verses that detail how the bloodied and fallen Christ will return no longer a Lamb to slaughtered but a Lion that conquers.

"You are not true kings! Your weakness and futility prove it! I never had your money, your advantage, or your techs, but my power can destroy you! For such is faith! My weakness became my strength! False Emperors and Empresses! Do not be deceived! The Kingdom is coming, and if you don't repent and see the Wisdom of God and turn from your ways, you will all fall like mortals! But if you turn to God and allow Wisdom to rule over you, you will be called, the Sons of God!" At Eagle's promise, he caused gravity to lose its power, and all the Emperors and Empress began to soar. 

It was a strange experience for them. They began to move in a strange pattern. But unlike before, these men and women did not complain or curse out but allowed the power to move them.

"This is grace! The self-proclaimed gods are allowed to call upon the name of the real God! You called this place, Many Mansions. But God has prepared an even larger mansion! No doubt you borrowed the name of this fortress in that place! But this Many Mansion has not lived up to the glory prepared for the Many Mansions of His House! It will be far more glorious! The thrones that you are on will not be a throne of metal or any technology but will also be made of something glorious! For He, Himself promised that on that day, this world would be shaken! He will cast down all these people who think themselves to be gods! He promised it in Haggai 2, For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts."

A vast trembling occurred as Seeker performed his part to make it all the more convincing.

He used the energy he had stored in for several days to create a powerful Realm force. The Many Mansions of the Everhiss clan was underwater, and no solid foundation kept it secure. As such, the force that Seeker created caused a great trembling all over the Many Mansion.

Eagle had also used his gravitational powers to cause the trembling further.

The entire fortress began to quiver. Although it wasn't strong, it was noticeable.

The Emperors and Empresses began to cry as they were brought back to their respective thrones.

"Cast away your foolish pride and offer your thrones and your crowns to the true King of Kings!" Eagle ordered.

Instantly, everyone began to abandon their thrones and fell prostrate.

"Seeker, can you use your Unlocking to change your voice?" Eagle asked.

"Yeah… Why?" Seeker was confused.

Meanwhile, Cliff and Lynd had just arrived at the Many Mansions of the Everhiss clan.

Cliff began to ask and bombard Lynd with many questions as to what he can do and how he could make his adjustments. Cliff needed every detail of Lynd's power and when he might use these powers. Since Cliff relied on memory, he had to make the necessary preparations for the battle. This was his strength and power.

The nearer they reached the room that servants of the Everhiss called the Throne Room, the more nervous Cliff was and would even repeat a question to Lynd despite his unforgetting memory.

"Relax, Cliff! You're strong enough to kill me. You'll survive this!"

"Not without any techs! You two could live through a nuclear bomb! I'm just human!"

"I thought you reached Inhuman a few days ago?" 

"That's not what I mean!" Cliff spoke with Lynd with the fast and inaudible means that the servants around them couldn't hear.

"You just tell me where to go and who to hit first like what you did earlier. Leave the fighting to us. But be careful though, these are Emperors after all. Their Invoking could rival Overcomers after all. You've seen their power and arrogance. I'm sure you won't underestimate them. Even Seeker doesn't. You might just get to see a serious Seeker Carlean and experience it." Lynd sighed.

Cliff felt all the more nervous.

"What will… Seeker do? Can you tell me what actions he will take?"

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"He will surely use his Surmounting Strength. Right now, he will have the strength of a true Rank Hero. He will do the same thing in the Kraken and show off his power to intimidate them. He will rely on Richie's sounds as well. But with so many Emperors and Empress, he will Walls of Jericho, especially if we are already there. The battle starts when we enter the room."

"This battle is important, Cliff. As a General, you must reach my level of understanding, Seeker. The fact that you didn't know what our task is proving just how far you still need to scale. You need to know what Seeker is thinking. Just like me. Our minds have to all be one." Lynd looked Cliff into his eye and warned him.

"The battle begins now. Be ready."

And soon, the servants pushed open the door, and there Lynd and Cliff saw the great battle of Seeker. 

"Was Grace that taught my heart to fear, And Grace, my fears relieved! How precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first believed!" Seeker sang.

The Emperors and Empresses sang their heart out in worship as Seeker led the song.

One by one, Eagle was praying over the Emperors, and whoever he prayed over would howl even louder.

Cliff wore a peculiar expression, and Lynd looked as if he got kicked in the groin.

Seeker kept on singing and noticed that Lynd and Cliff were looking at him with that expression.

Seeker made a helpless shrug and kept singing with a voice of an angel.

"Are we... suppose to engage in this 'battle' with Seeker?" Cliff asked.

"Ye-yeah..." Lynd gritted his teeth as he answered. He had boasted too much to renege in his belief.

Cliff looked at Lynd with an odd stare.

"So... Are you going to sing tenor or bass?"

"You want to... do a three-part harmony?"

"Seeker's already doing melody... I'm more of a bass singer." Cliff answered shyly.


"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see!" Cliff and Lynd joined in with Seeker and produced a masterpiece.

Eagle kept leading the group in prayer, and many called upon the name of the Lord that day.

That day, an alliance that would redefine the Unlocked armies happened.

That day, Seeker acquired one of the most mysterious techs that they had failed to acquire on his past life.

That day, the fantastic three-part harmony Christian acapella group, The Way, The Truth, and The Bass, began their singing career.