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New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 173 Coming Clean
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Alicia looked at Grandmaster Reuben's reaction and subconsciously took a nervous gulp.

However the Headmaster's expression was not discernable, which left her no choice but to continue explaining.

"Upon realizing the gravity of my sin, I immediately turned back and terminated my agreement with the two representatives of the Vanderford Institute. After that, I have decided to ask for you and Great Inventor Eli's apology."

"I was wrong. Headmaster, I am willing to accept the punishment you may impose to me." Alicia looked at Grandpa Ben with an apologetic and sincere look.

"Hmmm.." Thinking deeply while brushing his long gray beard, Grandmaster Ben looked at Alicia and replied, "Young one, I commend you for turning back and choosing to right your wrongs."

"However, what you have involved yourself into was a serious matter. I'd have to impose a certain level of punishment for you in order to let you know the consequences of your actions. As an educator, one must always uphold utmost importance of moral conduct at all times." Grandmaster Ben told Alicia with a tinge of sternness and reprimand on his tone and expression.

"I understand Headmaster. I have no objections to your decision." Alicia submissively looked at Grandmaster Ben.

She looked at him with a troubled expression and continued, "But I also opted to communicate this matter to you because of how aggressive the Vanderford Institute is in attempting to get information about the Great Inventor's whereabouts. I am afraid that I was not the first one they had contacted from the faculty members."

Hearing this made Grandmaster Ben pause in deep contemplation.

"Alright, I'll keep this matter in mind and have the officers investigate. As for the punishment, I'll give my decision in a few days. Young Alicia, what do you plan to do next?" Grandmaster Ben didn't make the conversation hard for Alicia.

In fact he applauded Alicia in his heart for being courageous enough to own her wrong doings. It was already commendable for her as a precious lady of a prestigious aristocratic family and a notorious prideful person.

He was satisfied to see her improve her character this way. Yet he still had to be fair as the headmaster of the institute. Grandmaster Ben had a hope that this would be the start of Alicia's amazing improvement as an educator.

"I will be asking Great Inventor Eli's apology for this matter." Alicia answered straightforwardly.

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"Do you like me to help you summon her today?" Grandmaster Ben asked with a sincere tone. It was not a secret to everyone in the institute that Eli was under their care.

"There's no need to bother Headmaster, I will be the one to come to her, just like how I approached you." Alicia replied decisively.

"Alright as you wish." Grandmaster Ben nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for hearing me out, Headmaster." Once again, Alicia expressed her gratitude and bade goodbye.

She was greatly relieved that Grandmaster Ben didn't show any blatant disdain or contempt on her confession. Instead, he heard her in an objective manner.

After this, Alicia went back to the faculty dormitories with a heart that was significantly lighter than when she entered the estate.

"Tomorrow, I'll talk to Great Inventor Eli, then I'll be finally relieved of my guilt." She said in her heart full of hope.

Grandpa Ben on the other hand summoned Bramwell and the three deans immediately to discuss the matter of the Vanderford Institute attempting to get a hold of Eli.

"This matter may be out of hand if we keep on turning a blind eye and act like it's nothing." Grandpa Ben declared to everyone with a dark expression.

With how things escalated in Alicia's case, the Vanderford Institute seemed to be desperate enough to commit things such as bribery.

Even if he was confident that Eli would choose to stay in the Farauld Magic Institute's side, the desperate attempts of the Vanderford Institute and other competitors would cause a great disturbance and turmoil in the campus.

The officials needed to think of a way to contain these things once and for all.

"What to do? The matter of the institute spies is very tricky to handle, because not only the faculty members might be involved, who knows if the students were also contacted by these people?" Dean Simone was also equally bothered by this incident.

It is not because of the fact that the person involved was Eli, but it was because of  the fact that if they couldn't handle the situation well, they would never be able to handle similar things in the future, may it be Eli or another budding talent.

As a prestigious institute, they have to learn to protect and retain their talents.

"What I suggest is for us to clearly investigate the extent of the contacts done with the people within the campus. Only then we would be able to think of a better countermeasure." Bramwell suggested.

"I agree with the Vice Chairman. I'll immediately mobilize my team to investigate this matter at our institute." Athena immediately volunteered.

The others nodded in agreement.

"As for the books, I suggest incorporating an array to ensure that the books were only used by the faculty members and students through their identity badge. Although it will not fully prevent the competitors from knowing what's inside the book, at least we can eliminate the threat of the books being stolen by outsiders directly." Zeke also suggested.

"I also agree with that." Simone and Athena replied in unison.

"Alright, since the books were only distributed in the research institute, Zeke, I'll have you handle the installation of the restriction arrays in two days at most. Simone and Athena you will be responsible for your own books. Bramwell, have it arranged for the next batch of printing." Headmaster Reuben summarized all agreements and started to delegate tasks to the officials.

"We will meet after Athena's investigation is done and we will all think of a long term countermeasure."

"Yes, Headmaster!" They responded attentively.

Eli was oblivious of these things that were happening around her. It was only until the next day that she was able to learn about the matter with the Vanderford Institute.

Stepping out of the amphitheater, Eli was welcomed by the lone figure of Alicia, who was patiently waiting at a nearby winter shed near the exit.

"Alicia, why are you outside? It's already winter, why are you staying out in the cold?" Eli asked with a trace of concern. Although they were wearing black robes made from the Forgeworn fabric, staying for too long would still let the wearer feel the cold of the winter season.

"I have been waiting for you to finish your lecture. Come, accompany me to coffee again, I'm shivering from waiting for you to finish." Alicia answered in a straightforward and stiff manner. There was even a hint of being aggrieved in her tone.

In truth, Eli actually finished her lecture half an hour later than usual. This is because it was already the last day of her bootcamp.

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She allowed everyone to freely communicate their questions and troubles from the topics discussed, in order to properly wrap up her bootcamp lessons. As such, Alicia actually waited for half an hour more.

"Alright, let's go at once!" Eli immediately moved to go with Alicia to Lilibeth's cafe.

The two booked the same private room they had been in before. After receiving their orders, Eli looked at Alicia and finally asked, "Why are you looking for me, Alicia? Do you need me for something?"

After sipping her black coffee several times, Alicia put down her cup and slowly glanced towards the waiting Eli, "I am actually here to apologize to you."

"Huh??? Apologize?" Eli was extremely confused.

She didn't remember any offense Alicia made towards her that warrants her personal apology. Even that one time of expressing her frustration at the canteen was too petty for Eli to be asking Alicia an apology.

Looking at Eli's confused expression, Alicia couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh and lament for Eli's naivety.

"You may not know but I wronged you many times already." Alicia slowly explained.

"First was that time when I expressed my contempt towards you and Zeke. You must know that even until now, I still feel salty about that man..."

Upon uttering Zeke's name, Alicia had an extremely annoyed face, clearly indicating her animosity towards the man.

"Then, I was also the one who triggered the spread of rumors in the campus about you being a tyrant."

"Lastly, did you know that I have been attempting to steal your book sets? That time when you encountered me, I was in the process of planning how to do it. Then two days ago, I successfully infiltrated your lesson hall, however, I backed out right after hearing your lectures." Alicia explained these things in detail with a serious look on her face.

"I will no longer justify myself as to why I have committed these things to you. You know very well that I have been struggling in dealing with my own struggles at that moment in this same place. But you know, encountering you made me realize a lot."

"I finally have decided to face everything head on, may it be wins or losses. I will accept them with open arms."

"But in order for me to begin this new adventure, I need to come clean to you first. I ask for your apology, I am sorry for doing you wrong repeatedly. I hope that you accept my sincerest apology." Alicia looked at Eli earnestly.

There was no pretense in her tone, nor her expression. It was all remorse and longing to make up with Eli.