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Night of Destiny (Anastasia Tillman)

Chapter 2752
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Harmony saw Samantha peeping at her through the corner of her eye. She looked at Samantha, and Samantha seized the

opportunity to make her presence known. She approached her, smiling. “I think you should pick another gown, Harmony. You don’t

have it in you to express the full beauty of this one.” Sera said, “| don’t suppose it's anything you should be worried about.

Harmony has it in her to express the full beauty of anything she wears.” Samantha's face fell in dismay as she said, “I'll be waiting

to witness your embarrassment tonight.” “I wonder if you can even get in,” Harmony retorted, standing up.

An amused Samantha arched her eyebrow. “What? You think you can cancel my invitation?” Harmony smiled. “Perhaps | can.” This

time, Samantha couldn't maintain the smile on her face any longer. She decided not to get on Harmony’s nerves further because

she really needed to join this banquet.

Harmony saw her off, and a gratified Sera said, “She should feel lucky you didn’t go after her. | can’t believe she cafter you.”

Later that day, Harmony received a call from Ezekiel. He was here to pick her up. Harmony thought about it and brought her earlier

plan up to Ezekiel.

“Samantha's going to show up tonight, but | don’t want to see her, Ezekiel. Can you somehow stop her from showing up?” asked


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Ezekiel hated women like Samantha as well. It was easy to grant Harmony her wish. All he had to do was call, and Harmony’s mood

wouldn't be ruined. “Of course.” Thus, Ezekiel called Jared. “Hey, Jared, | need you to stop a certain guest from joining the banquet

tonight. | don’t want to see her there. No, she’s not an important guest. Just someone’s date.” “Sure, giveher name. I'll tell the

guards to deny her entry,” said Jared.

After the call, Ezekiel put an arm around Harmony'’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. You don’t have to see her tonight.” “Thank you.”

Harmony leaned on his chest, staring at the strobing neon lights outside. She was in a beautiful gown, looking like a princess,

ready to attend a ball. She now understood why so many people wanted to climb the social ladder. The scenery at the top was

gorgeous and relaxing. After she met Ezekiel, he was the one who took her hand and led her to a higher place in life to see the

prettiest things this life had to offer.

She was grateful and never greedy. Sometimes, she thought she couldn't even show off her delight. Otherwise, the gods might get

jealous and snatch everything from her.

The Presgrave banquet saw top dogs from the world of politics and business gathered together. It was a friendly banquet, and

Jared, the heir to the Presgraves, was the host.

Tons of reporters were outside the venue as well. They wouldn't dare expose the top dogs’ identities and what they were doing, but

if they could capture any photos with celebrities in them. That way, they wouldn't be sued if they posted it online.

Lots of celebrities were joining that night. People from the world of emcees showed up, too. As dusk fell and lights shone brighter, a

beautiful silhouette cout of a black car. She was the popular celebrity of the year, Harmony Mayo. She was holding the hand of

a man who was obviously the rich kid of a really wealthy man. Plus, the woman that the man was holding hands with was


Every wave of her hand and every gaze she gave the camera would gain furious clicks and shutters. Even the winds that night

blessed her. When she turned around, her hair billowed in the wind. Frankly, she looked like an angel who had fallen to Earth.

“She’s gorgeous. | had no idea Harmony was this regal or this beautiful.” “Don’t you know? Tons of hotties were in the movie she

was in, but she shone brighter than all of them. She was just a mere newbie back then. Her looks are out of this world.” After

Harmony entered the venue, these reporters decided to take a break. Not too long later, someone else caught their eyes.

“Hey, that’s Samantha. Quick. | can’t believe she’s here. Then again, it's not surprising. Wherever there are rich guys, she'll

definitely be there.”

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