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Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 Take the Day Off

Hayley was lazing around the opulent villa, looking like the very picture of privileged insouciance with a

morning glass of red wine in hand and an expensive nightgown draped over her frame. Spread before

her was an indulgent breakfast that the maids had decked out earlier that morning.

Just then, an incoming call interrupted her conversation with Erica, and Hayley quickly said, “I’ll talk to

you soon, Erica. I need to take another call.” With that, she hung up the call with Erica and put May’s

line through. “Hello?”

“Miss Seymour, it’s me, May.”

“You did well last night.”

“Thank you, Miss Seymour. There’s something important I need to tell you, though—Anastasia was

with President Presgrave last night.”

The color drained from Hayley’s face. “What?”

“I was supposed to be writing up an evaluation report with Anastasia last night, but President

Presgrave was there as well, and the both of them left together shortly after.”

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Unbridled hatred flashed in Hayley’s eyes as she thought seethingly, So Elliot was the man who

accompanied Anastasia last night? Could he be the man Erica was talking about? The one who looked

a lot like Anastasia’s kid? Damn it! Anastasia must have put on quite the act to earn his sympathy and

prompt his protective side!

Hayley had a feeling that Anastasia had set her eyes on Elliot. She wouldn’t discount the possibility that

the past five years had turned Anastasia into a greedy and shallow woman, though in all fairness, no

woman in her right mind would turn away a fine specimen like Elliot.

Does this mean she’s trying to steal my man? Hayley gritted her teeth and vowed that she would not let

Anastasia get away with her dirty tricks.

That weekend, Anastasia refused to let her son out of her sight, and this continued until Monday rolled


When she had dropped Jared off at the kindergarten and watched him skip happily through the main

entrance, she let out a sigh of relief. Then, upon glancing at the time, she hurried off in the direction of

the company.

After arriving at her office, she took a sip of water. Now that the time was past 10.00AM, she

summoned her courage and grabbed the phone on her desk, thereafter dialing the extension line for

the president’s office.

It wasn’t long before a low and husky male voice sounded on the other line. “Hello?”

“It’s me, Anastasia. I… I’ve decided that I would like to meet your grandmother,” Anastasia said

hesitantly, slightly fumbling with her words. After that night’s event, she thought she ought to stop giving

Elliot such a hard time.

For a few seconds, there was nothing but silence on the other end of the phone. She thought her heart

might drop straight through her stomach when she suddenly heard him ask in a low baritone, “When

are you free?”

“I’ll be free as long as it’s before 3.00PM,” she answered. She needed to pick Jared up from school

later in the day, and she didn’t have time tonight, either.

“Okay, then we’ll go right now,” he said, his voice deep and alluring as he drawled each word over the


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At that moment, it was as if Anastasia’s mind had imploded. Wait, what? Right now? That’s too soon!

“But I have work,” she said, though even she could hear how forced the excuse sounded.

“Take the morning off, then.”

“But I—”

“Do I have to do it for you?” he pressed in amusement.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll do it myself.” She didn’t want to trouble him, and she couldn’t very well risk having

more rumors about them flying around after this.

“Then I’ll see you at the main entrance in ten minutes,” the man said conclusively and rather

authoritatively before he hung up the call.

As such, Anastasia made her way over to Felicia’s office and asked for a day off, claiming that her son,

having been traumatized from the events of that night, needed her company. Naturally, Felicia did not

question her and agreed to her request.