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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 250 Not that smile again -2
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Chapter 250 Not that smile again -2

"Hey, isn't he the guy who knocked out his first two opponents in the first move?" whispered someone from the audience.

"Well, maybe it was just luck, but now the selection is serious... there's no way a guy like him can defeat someone from a class above him," commented a student in a brown robe from the stands.

"Haha, true, and honestly, I don't like his face," complained a stout second-year. "He's just too pretty, to be honest."

Ren steadied himself, eyeing the boy who was standing confidently over his halberd. Without much ado, Ren stepped forward, shifting his entire weight to one side as his footwork directed the blow. The mace in his hand swung hard, the chain extending to its fullest, enough to circle the whole stage at once.

Morin didn't flinch; instead, he jumped up as the halberd fell to the ground, narrowly avoiding Ren's swinging mace.

'Why was I even worried about this guy?' Morin asked himself as he observed Ren, who didn't halt his attack and went for another swing.

This time, Morin couldn't keep himself airborne for long, being a water elemental mage. But with quick thinking, he conjured a stream of water between himself and the incoming mace head, significantly reducing the impact.



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"Huh?"The sudden explosive impact had caught Morin entirely off guard, propelling him backward with unexpected force. Confusion marred his expression, one brow slightly raised in disbelief before an explosion knocked him off his feet. His chest throbbed with a searing pain obscured by a cloud of smoke. He couldn't quite grasp the source of the impact, nor its intensity.

Ren's unexpected maneuver had diverted Morin's attention to the mace's blade, creating a split-second gap, which Ren exploited by swiftly conjuring a spell. Morin's thoughts were a whirlwind, unable to keep pace with Ren's rapid actions.

As Morin found himself soaring through the air, weightless, a jolt ran through him, and he landed with a muffled thud, rolling out of the ring.


"Ren Hilton! WON!" boomed the professor's announcement, echoing throughout the arena.

The abrupt end to the match left everyone taken aback, a stunned silence prevailing over the spectators. Murmurs rippled through the crowd, surprised at the sudden turn of events. Ren's unexpected victory left a lingering disbelief hanging in the air.

Ren, slightly bewildered by the reaction to his win, turned to gauge the audience's response. His face bore a mix of astonishment and slight confusion, accentuated by a tinge of a bemused smile. However, amid the hushed whispers and wide-eyed stares, one voice broke the silence with a cheer.


Ren spun around to identify the source of the outburst, locking eyes with a figure that stood out from the crowd. It was Raven, the beastgirl with striking silver-grey fur adorning her small ears. Her eyes formed a half-moon as she energetically waved her hands, wholeheartedly celebrating Ren's victory.

Ren's bemusement shifted into amusement at the sight of Raven's unexpected cheer. He noticed the odd glances directed at her from the surrounding students. A small chuckle escaped him, entertained by the sincerity of Raven's support.

Acknowledging her cheer, Ren reciprocated with a wave, a half-smile adorning his face. With a sense of humility and gratitude, he descended from the stage, feeling a subtle warmth spreading within him.

He looked at Morin.

Morin, with his chest heaving, stood up and dusted himself off. He wore a mix of disbelief and frustration, eyeing Ren as he made his way out of the ring. The crowd murmured in surprise, still processing the swift end of the match.

As for Ren... He nodded silently thanking Raven for her unexpected encouragement. Raven returned the gesture with a genuine smile, feeling a sense of....it felt like she had decided something for herself.

Exiting the stage, Ren couldn't help but replay the moment in his mind, feeling a surge of unexpected elation. He had won, but the unanticipated cheer from Raven made the victory feel a little sweeter, injecting a dash of unexpected joy into his heart.

As Mary observed Raven's flushed face, her eyebrows furrowed with concern. Her friend's behavior had been puzzling since their return from Elishia Forest.

"Raven, something's off with her," Adam whispered into Mary's ear, causing her to shift uncomfortably away from him. She nodded, her gaze fixed on Raven, analyzing her peculiar demeanor.

Even amidst the clamor of the surroundings, Mary's thoughts were focused on Raven. She recalled the conversation from the previous night, pondering why Raven persisted in her current course of action despite their discussion. Frustration flickered across Mary's face, her jaw tensing involuntarily.

Suddenly, the announcement snapped Mary back to the present moment, her name ringing through the arena.

"Mary Kleine! Cecelia Noctern!!"

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Mary's anger surged as she was jolted from her thoughts. Her frustration intensified, transforming into an irate determination, visible in the fire burning within her eyes.

[Ren Hilton POV]

"Got a girl cheering for you, princess," Blaze teased.

I said nothing as I made my way back to his place, aware of everyone's curious gazes fixated on me.

Erik, firmly planted on the ground, glanced at me and exclaimed, "Hey! How did you do that!?"

"Oh..." I paused and glanced at the Class A students blatantly staring at me. "Just a habit."

What I performed on the stage was something challenging – a weapon-to-spell switch. It's a micro technique known only to those familiar with the weapon. By stopping the infusion of mana into the weapon's runes during my second swing, I diverted Morin's attention towards mitigating an impact I hadn't fully powered. Simultaneously, I conjured a compact fireball, striking him in the chest.

The speed was too much for him to evade in time.

And I won.

I turned around.

As Mary and Cecelia ascended the stage stairs, a hush fell over the arena. All eyes were fixed on the duo poised to clash. The professor's voice echoed, signaling the beginning of the match. The tension in the air was palpable, an anticipation building among the spectators, eager to witness the impending showdown.


[Half Hour Later.]

"Fuck is happening...."