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Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 161 Stella’s Guilt
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"Is everything okay? I was surprised by the sudden call", Stella said as she was being wheeled in by Nora.

Zach only smiled as he moved to give them more space. He shut the door behind them before walking over to join them in the living room. Nora felt herself grown nervous at his serious expression and the fact that he had not said a word to them. She exchanged a look with her mother.

'Did something happen?' Nora mused.

"Is Emily alright? Does she need to go to the hospital? Weren't you supposed to come over for breakfast?" Nora fired a series of questions at her.

"Nora", Zach called out. She felt herself grow alert at the way her name rolled off his tongue. "Can you join my wife in the bedroom? I'd like to have a word with your mother."

"Um, sure", she moved on even though she felt odd about the request. But another thought came to mind, was she finally walking into her crush's room? Her heart thudded in excitement.

Once they heard the closing of the door, Zach turned to the older woman. She was clearly shaken in his presence though she tried to keep her calm. He figured she was mostly fearless in what she says because of her background.

Amy could not bring herself to talk to Stella so she asked him to handle that for her. Usually, he would be ruthless but because of her, he would be gentle.

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,m "I'll go straight to the point", he said to which Stella nodded. "We had a break in last night."

She gasped in shock as she cupped her mouth.

"A man known as Viper followed Nora home. We don't know how he found out about us but yesterday happened."

"Dear God no!" She grabbed her head and regret and fear was etched into her features. "Is Emily alright? What about the baby? And you? Did he hurt you in any way?"

Zach could see her genuine worry. Amy was right, Stella wouldn't do that to her. They would have just left but he understood why Amy wanted to talk to her first. Stella meant a lot to her.

"So you know him?" His brows went up.

"This is all my fault! All my fault! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" She covered her face with her hands as she started sobbing.

Bang! Amy's room door violently swung. Zach turned to see a pissed off Nora storming their way.

"I don't care how good looking you are but you DO NOT get to make my mom cry and get away with it!" She glared at him while rishinh to kneel before her mother. "Mom are you alright? What's wrong? What did he say to you?"

"It's all my fault! Nora it's all my fault! It's all my fault!" The sight of her was simply heart breaking.

Nora's features were laced with confusion as she looked at Zach. His expression had not changed one bit. She knew, that even if she tried, he would not give her answers. Only her mother would. She took the older women in her arms and rubbed soothing circles on her back.

Stella felt extremely guilty. Her actions had let to Amy's safety being compromised. She would never forgive herself if any harm came to that poor girl. Her uneasiness increased when she realized she had not seen her since she came in. Zach had not answered her question earlier, either. She felt she no longer had the right to know.

'What have I done?' she mused in the middle of her sobs.

A fair and soft hand took hold of hers. Nora moved when she saw who it was. A tear stricken Stella stared at Amy in disbelief. The young woman was kneeling before her and tears had stained her eyes. Amy moved to wipe away Stella's eyes with her delicate fingers.

"Why are you crying? You did nothing wrong", Amy sniffled.

"And why are you crying?" Stella moved to wipe Amy's tears with her shaking hands.

"How can I not when you are?" Amy replied before she broke out in a sob.

Nora's lips spasmed. Had she been pulled into a soap opera? What is this scene before her. She felt awkward as she watched the two women embrace each other as they sobbed. She looked at Zach, and his brows were pulled together with his gaze fixed on his wife. Of course, where else would he be looking? Can't he just spare a glance her way? The world would turn upside down if he did.

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"Baby", Zach.

"Hm?" Nora hurriedly answered. Then she saw who he was talking to and extended her hum into a tune. She wished she could dig a hole and hide. ach ignored her and moved to Amy.

"Sit down", he moved to help Amy sit next to Stella. He was afraid she would grow uncomfortable if she remained in that kneeling position especially with the baby. He passed a box of tissues to her for the two to share.

"Thank you", they both said in unison.

They chuckled softly and fell quiet as they both calmed down from the crying. Nora was still confused by the situation. She now understood that Zach had nothing to do with her mother's crying. But, what was going on? Was anyone going to talk?

"Are you okay with her being here?" Amy asked referring to Nora.

"Yeah. It's high time she found out who mother really is", Stella sniffled before using the tissue.

"What are you talking about? Mom? What's going on?" Nora felt like her heart would explode right through her chest.

And so Stella recounted everything that happened from the visit they paid to Amy in the hospital.... To Viper finding out about the young woman...

Nora looked at her mother mouth open wide. Everything felt foreign to her. Her body didn't feel like her own. It was like she was merely a spectator to this show. Her mother..... What has she done to her?