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Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 685 Lovely And Deadly Summoner
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A charming little girl with delicate features appeared in the doorframe that lead to the rooftop of the kindergarten building.

Nial had gotten up from the ground, and he eyed the little girl with a sense of curiosity.

There were only few kindergarten children willing to stay away from him. The charming little girl in front of him was one of them.

Her royal purple eyes widened seeing him, and her pointy ears began to flap. This caused her wavy black hair to flutter.

'She looks like a mixture of these three women…but why? How do I know these three women?'

On the inside, Nial's mind was a mess. He couldn't really understand how a picture of three unknown women could flash through his mind. He had never even met an Elven Princess, a human, let alone an Oracle. But why was the picture so vivid, almost as if he had imprinted it into his mind?

He couldn't even see before…so how could he have such a detailed image of their hair, eye, and skin-color?

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'Wait…what am I thinking about? I could always see! Is something wrong with me?' He wondered, pinching the back of his left hand to feel the pain.

It hurt.

He was not daydreaming either.

'I must be tired from working so hard over the last few months!'

"Helly, my name is Nial. Did you want to spend some time on the rooftop as well? The faint breeze feels great in the morning sun," Nial introduced himself with a faint smile on his lips.

He wasn't trying to be too pushy but his interest was picked. The kid in front of him looked like a fusion of the three women whose vivid image had flashed through his mind, and she was already a Summoner at the age of six or seven.

Nial was not too sure how old she was, but she looked a little older than the rest of the kindergarten kids. She was also taller than most of them. Nial was already tall for his age because the mana inside his body accelerated his growth, but he was still a little smaller than the charming little girl in front of him.

'Her mana is much more potent than mine…and she doesn't have a Mana Core?' Nial figured by seeing a pulsating heart of mana where her Mana Core was supposed to be.

'A Mana Heart?'

Nial had already read something about unique mutations of the Creatoran race. A Mana Heart was an extremely rare mutation, and it was an extraordinary condition that could be considered advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time.

Her Mana Heart was connected to the Mana Veins, replicating the tasks of an ordinary heart and veins. The sole difference was that Mana circulated through the Mana Heart and Mana Veins rather than blood. The constant circulation of mana created a constant enhancement of her physical properties, and it purified her Mana as well.

The quality of her mana increased, which meant that her body would undergo a stronger degree of refinement. While that sounded great at first, one would quickly realize that the body of a Creatoran couldn't easily handle mana with too high potency.

The Mana Veins of Creatoran were feeble and tore easily. Thus, the higher the quality of someone's Mana Veins the more likely was it that one had to search for particular monsters to obtain their high resilience by turning them into their Familiars.

A similar scenario occurred to Nial, though he never really thought about it too much. The Mana he absorbed was not too high in terms of quality, which meant that his Superior Mana Veins could absorb a tremendous amount of mana without tearing.

Though, even if things were to change in the future, Goldy's Soul amplification as his familiar had his back!

The little girl in front of Nial didn't answer at first. She was fidgeting from one leg to another, seemingly unsure of what she was supposed to do. Nial had been deep in thought upon finding out about her Mana Heart, which was also why he noticed only now that something was amiss.

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The girl's royal purple eyes were watery and her familiar had been summoned. The Familiar was hiding in her sleeve while a tremendous amount of the girl's mana was channeled inside it.

"I am Celine, and I am so sorry…I hope you can forgive me…" She said while the tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

A moment later, three black needles shot out of her sleeve. They accelerated rapidly and impacted a moment after they had been released.

Their target had been no other than Nial, the Crown Prince of the Lacardian Empyrean Void, and the youngest Summoner in the annals of the empire's long history.

Nial was hit by each of the three black needles, the impact forcing him to his knees. He fell to the ground, the back of his head hitting the hard rooftop floor.

Nial was all by himself, Goldy was nowhere to be seen, and he began to smile sadly.

Weirdly enough, he was not angry at the girl. Big tears trickled down her cheeks as she shot at him. She even asked for forgiveness before attacking him.

'What could be the reason for a child to attack the Crown Prince using her Familiar? Celine is a prodigy, so…why is she even in this academy, in the first place?'

Commoners would be granted a scholarship to attend the best Summoner Academies as long as they awoke their Soul Space before the age of ten. Celine summoned her first Familiar around the age of six or seven. She should be one of the rare heavenly prodigies…so why was she here in the first place?

Nial was not too sure about the reason, and he was a little concerned. Even if the other children didn't sense something amiss. What was about the hidden agents his mother had deployed to keep an eye on him and the kindergarten? Did they ignore the prodigy in kindergarten or what where they thinking?

Little did Nial know that they had already been killed.

Everything had been planned beforehand, and he was the final target!