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Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 87 Clear Understanding
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After jumping on top of the wooden poles, Nial required a second to find his balance.

However, after that, he began to move the Viper spear while attempting to take a few steps and moving along the top of the poles.

This was quite interesting, and it made Nial smile like a little child.

It required lots of focus because a single wrong step on the wooden poles would mean that he would fall to the ground and injure himself.

Meanwhile, a single wrong move while wielding the Viper Spear meant exactly the same as he would lose balance, fall to the ground, or smack his head into the wooden poles.

As such, every single mistake was quite dangerous, just like it was the case while fighting against beasts or other humans.

He had never heard about anyone using wooden poles to train themselves on mastering the art of balancing one's body, but that didn't mean nobody was really training as he did.

In fact, Nial was sure that there were quite a few training programs that required one to focus on multiple factors such as the body's movements and that of one's weapon.

Changing one movement would inevitably change something in the entire aesthetic and also how much strength one could release during an attack.

Right now, Nial might only be focusing on two different factors, but there were many more such as his mana circulation, the opponent one was facing, the environment one was in, and much more.

This only meant that he had many things to learn because Nial felt himself struggling already.

His body might not be fully tended against the injuries right now and his muscles felt quite weak, but that was no excuse.

In the end, there would often be times in the future when he was bound to be dead-tired while fighting ferocious beasts, only to be forced to exceed his limitations in order to survive deadly battles.

Nial was aware of this, and there was not even a need to question whether this would happen or not.

It was obvious, after all.

If he were to search his memory, he would be able to tell that he faced many similar situations, which was why Nial ignored his physical condition as he continued to move ahead.

Wielding the Viper spear in a smooth manner, he mostly focused on it, while doing small steps.

There was no need to go over the top, but Nial loved wielding the spear of his, to begin with.

As such, his smile never ceased, even after he nearly missed the wooden pole he wanted to step on after nearly 20 minutes had passed.

Sweating profusely, he tried to regain his composure and focus despite his exhaustion and continued to move ahead.

Rather than slowing down, Nial's movements were slowly but steadily accelerating.

The fierceness of some spear thrusts was quite shocking, and he continued to move through the poles as if he was gliding in the air.

Every single move of his was graceful as if his body was made of liquid that swirled and hopped from one pole to another like a dancer.

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Kira and Mara had initially been surprised to notice that Nial was missing, only to find him in their practice area later.

They had created multiple areas to practice all kinds of exercises and techniques, and Nial was currently using their parkour.

Yet, instead of activating the runic system with which they had mechanized a few functions of the parkour, Nial continued making use of the wooden pole area.

Seeing his movements, his joy, and all kinds of other traits about his body, which they had only spoken about before, Mara suddenly mumbled,

"He can really visualize everything. I doubt if he would consider himself blind anymore… To think that his curse turned into a blessing by negatively affecting only his eyes…that's crazy!"

Kira could only nod her head, beaming yet again at the fact that she was the one to recommend Nial.

It was almost as if he was sent by God to help her out.

Yet, the more Kira looked at him, the more flaws was she able to see within the movements of Nial.

This was not surprising as he was mostly self-taught, but it made her realize that the young blind man in front of her was far from perfect.

She didn't expect that, but upon recalling his issues, Kira could only add a few more.

Nevertheless, her joy didn't cease because she figured that Nial was truly talented, which was kind of obvious after everything he had told them.

His combat experience was insignificant, yet his achievements were great.

They spoke volumes about Nial's talent, giving Kira the confidence to reveal most of her critiques and observations about Nial without holding back.

"His movements are smooth, but without any real power. Only when he thrusts out with the spear does it feel like he can utilize some of his strength properly. His physical condition is much worse than I expected, and I doubt he will be able to move much longer.

Only his unbending will seems to force him to advance ahead, which is great considering that his mana core talent is quite low. That means with some resources, we will be able to force his breakthrough.

There is no need to waste years on procuring a heavenly treasure or some sort of limit-enhancing treasure.

He doesn't even know how to wield a spear properly, but oddly enough his moves look very professional. Yet, he doesn't have a great set of varieties to fight with as his moves seem repetitive.

His body's movements are also not efficient… From the looks of it, Nial would also recklessly enter the most dangerous zones where the strongest opponents are located because he is oblivious to what he is supposed to do…

That means his knowledge is lacking too…His mana perception is great, but his control and circulation speed have to be improved.

Meanwhile, his rank is simply disastrous and has to be improved as quickly as possible.

If he stays the same as he is right now, he won't survive the Teradan military camp…but in four weeks...probably we could change something!"

Normally, criticism was seen as something bad, but for Kira the exact opposite was the case.

By picking out Nial's issues and addressing them one after another, she was confidently stating that he would be able to fix them as long as he worked hard on them.

If she were to see someone without talent doing something great, it wouldn't affect her at all.

That would be the case because she figured that it was the limit of the Original who had given his utmost efforts to reach that kind of strength.

In the end, she might even praise the said Original.

Yet, Nial's issue was something completely different.

He had never received proper tutelage in any kind of subject, whether it was theoretical or practical.

As such, everything he had achieved on his own was through his own efforts, in a matter of a few weeks at that.

Thus, Kira's eyes gleamed, which was clearly perceived by her sister, who began to smile lightly.

'Did you finally find your next victim?'

In the end, both Kira and Mara were not exactly old.

They might look younger than they truly were, but that was mostly owed to the rejuvenating trait mana had.

The more mana one possessed the younger one looked, and the longer one could live.

As such, Kira and Mara looked not much older than Nial, who thought that they were merely a few years older than him.

That was even more reason for him to show them proper respect as they had reached a tremendous strength and status in the ranks of mankind.

Yet, oddly enough, he felt that they were more like older sisters to him than anything else.

Thus, the moment he couldn't move anymore, Nial noticed Mara looking towards him, while Kira seemed to be returning to the Mansion.

Her steps were steady, and she seemed to have a goal in mind, which made Nial curious.

Initially, he thought that both of them would present their plan on how to make him as powerful as possible, while not suggesting ways that would kill him.

However, in the end, it didn't really matter whether one or both sisters were going to tell him their plan.

Hence, when he was done with his training for now he felt pretty satisfied. Both the sisters had watched him for the last few minutes of almost an entire hour which he spent on training himself arduously.

It was because of this that Nial's legs felt wobbly, causing them to give in the moment he landed on the ground.

Having jumped from the wooden poles, Nial immediately knew that it would be quite a hassle as his legs were much more exhausted than he initially presumed.

Fortunately, he had a little bit of mana left which he used to envelop his lower body, forcing himself to remain strong and steady, and land on the ground a bit clumsily once he retracted his mana.

Holding a glass of water in her hand, Mara extended it to Nial while smirking subtly as she said.

"Don't worry about my sister. She is purchasing everything you'll need to become stronger.

After all, we want you to shine brightly once you enter the Teradan military camp, right?

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To be honest, this will be quite difficult, and you won't be able to be as strong as them, but that's not necessary. Slowly show everyone your true value and potential!"

Nial couldn't tell if Mara was trying to motivate him or if she was attempting to talk him down.

However, in the end, he could understand her concerns.

Mara's sister had only one recommendation and she would only get more attention from the government and other high authorities, let alone another recommendation to use if he performed well.

There were many other risks that came forth with recommending a stranger from a middle-class family, but that was not something Nial knew about.

In fact, when Mara encountered Nial for the first time, she had also thought that there was something special about Nial and his friend.

Unfortunately, the situation had been different in comparison to his encounter with Kira, otherwise, everything might have ended differently.

Nevertheless, Mara was not someone who regretted her past decisions.

Instead, she accepted the past, and stepped forward, while embracing her mistakes and right choices equally.

This was something Nial was attempting to do as well.

It was easier said than done, but Nial believed that he was doing great right now.

Right now, he was quite lucky to have encountered the sisters, which made him happy.

After all, he wouldn't be able to receive any kind of professional training, advanced knowledge, and learn even better ways to absorb and annex mana.

In fact, Nial believed that the [Control of the Ancient Monarch] technique he received from Master Junades might have a way to allow him to absorb and annex mana in the best possible way.

This caused him to subconsciously take the book out of his spatial ring as he opened it while drinking some water.

He didn't feel like answering Mara's question because she confused him too much.

Thus, he remained seated on the ground and asked instead,

"Do you think it would be a good idea to learn the Control of the Ancient Monarch technique first, before learning how to properly absorb and annex mana, or should I do both simultaneously?"

Trying to change the topic, Nial asked her a question and noticed that it worked perfectly fine, only to hear Mara's dumbfounded question.

"Did Junades really give you that technique??!"

He had expressly stated that he had received that technique from Master Junades, but the way Mara was asking him that with squinted eyes made him share the truth.

Hence, he mumbled in a low voice.

"Yes, I got it because I won a challenge against him."

Initially, Nial thought that she would let go of the topic, but when he heard Mara's next question, he couldn't help but be a little bit confused.

"Don't tell me you sparred against him…and you won the technique you are currently holding…That's a lie, right?!?"