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Omega Summoner-Novel

Chapter 1900 Hidden in the Light
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As soon as Cersei shouted what she said in exchange, a lot of other players did so as well. About a third of the players suddenly lost half their health in exchange for the empowerment of the Devil God Beelzebub. The darkness that was getting pressured by the light suddenly surged in such incredible power that the cloud of darkness itself looked like it had eyes and was alive.

In the end, the darkness overpowered the light and a powerful darkness swept in the area. All the light that the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria created was swallowed up. A scream of pain could be heard as the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria back into her true form as she could no longer maintain the form of light. As soon as the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria returned back, the gods that were protecting the players struck.

Powerful spells and attacks hit the true body of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria which made her scream in even more pain than ever before. She could feel the pain as her actual divine body was being hit by powerful divine attacks. This was her real body which meant that any harm to it would result in something permanent if she could not recover it.

"Such a pitiful goddess. I have done what I can as part of the deal. I must return or my summoner might die." The Devil God Beelzebub stated as he looked down upon the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria and vanished. Adrian clutched the ground as he woke up from his trance and immediately went to call for a healer for himself.

The Devil God Beelzebub could also not maintain the borrowed form that he used as there was an enormous mana usage. He was actually thankful that there were beings that sacrificed their life force to him in order to strengthen himself. The devil gods do not rely on faith because they do bargains with the mortals.

The term deal with the devil originated because that is what they do. They have an even exchange with any being that will have a deal with them. In this case, the players sacrificed half of their current life force or health in order to gain the protection of the Devil God Beelzebub. A deal with a devil is a solid contract which means that heavy repercussions are imposed should one break the other end of the deal.

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In fact, it is a secret that a devil will be your lifelong servant if they were the ones that are unable to keep their end of the bargain. It is also the reason why lesser devils rarely make deals that they cannot accomplish. The explosive strength of the Devil God Beelzebub is due to the deal and if he actually failed to protect the players at that moment then he would be at their mercy.

"I am the chosen one. I will be the one that rules all." The Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria stated to herself as she has not only becmad, but she started to becinsane as well.

The tattered appearance of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria looked incredibly pitiful, but no one was feeling any mercy for her. She was the goddess that orchestrated numerous bloodsheds in her nof cleansing. She also made sure to use demi humans like orcs, dwarves and even elves as sacrifices for dark gods. The Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria is not someone that needs mercy because she did not even give any to others.

The Goddess of War Bellona called upon her war sword that as her weapon changed into a large sword. The war sword of the Goddess of War Bellona is a weapon that could execute even gods if she struck them in their true form. She might be a greater god in strength right now, but the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria no longer has energy to resist.

The Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria was just clutching her head as she lay on the ground like a fallen goddess. The prestige and grandeur that she emitted before can no longer be seen as she is now a goddess broken beyond belief. She no longer has any followers and the angels that followed her due to coercion are no longer alive. The remaining angels that did live either abandoned her or no longer prayed to her.

The Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria was now a goddess with no followers as the world has seen her savagery. The world saw what she called the humans and even her own creations that are the angels are nothing more than fodder to her. She might have the power of a high god, but she would wither and turn to dust in a few years since no one believes in her.

The foundation of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria's strength was faith. If she had the faith of all the humans, then she would have won this exchange, but she only thought of them as nothing more than small mindless beings that were born to praise her. The angels that she created were not the sympathetic and compassionate beings told in legends but mindless creations that carry the savage will of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria.

The world itself has abandoned the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria. She could also feel it as she tried to muster more power to use against those around her, but she could not. She was bathe in pure darkness as one could see there were parts of the darkness that clung to her body and is slowly eating her up. She was no longer the proud and mighty goddess of light as she did not even produce a spark.

"You have relinquished your role in this world which created great chaos. On behalf of the gods of justice, I, the Goddess of War Bellona, shall sentence you to death." The Goddess of War Bellona stated as she raised her large sword and swung it towards the neck of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria.

"Stop! Do not behead her!" Ark suddenly woke up and shouted but he was too late.

The blade of the Goddess of War Bellona already severed the head of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria from her neck. All of the players and even the gods expected that they finally won as the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria has finally been beheaded. Just as they thought that all of it was over, a sinister laugh that is of a female voice echoed.

[The Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria has been put to rest.]

"Finally! Free at last. I did not think that a goddess like her would be enough to houseto reincarnate in this world fully. Such madness and greed made it easy forto incubate. I can finally break free!" A female voice stated as the beheaded golden body of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria suddenly stood up.

"Who are you!" The Goddess of War Bellona asked as the lifeless beheaded body of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria stood up.

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"I am the Dark Goddess of Light! I am the Pure and Holy Womb of Light that hailed from the stars beyond. I am Zehirete!" The female voice stated as claws of pure porcelain suddenly cout of the neck of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria and proceeded to rip the body.

As soon as the former true body of the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria was ripped to shreds, a new goddess emerged from it, but she was definitely not a goddess in the universe of Pandemonium. She emitted a powerful pressure that was indicative of foreign energy which makes any being from this universe sick.

[The Dark Goddess Zehirete, the Pure and Holy Womb of Light, has descended into the world.]

[The Gods of Pandemonium warn all the mortals and calls upon the gods to kill the Dark Goddess Zehirete.]

"So, this is what it feels to have a body once again! Such bliss!" The Dark Goddess Zehirete stated as she stretched what looked like her limbs.

All of the players were alarmed because this dark goddess had the power of a High Goddess just like the Mad Goddess of Light Luminaria. The players did not know how or why such a thing is happening now, but they know that the battle is not yet done. All of them were feeing the immense danger that the Dark Goddess Zehirete emits as if her very presence is danger itself.

"Impossible! You should have been dead!" The Goddess Tethys stated as she was one of the oldest gods in Pandemonium.

"You were killed by the mentor of the Goddess of Light Luminaria! He even sacrificed himself to destroy all of you at that time! All traces of you have been destroyed in this world!" The Goddess Amphitrite added as she was also present in that war back then.

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