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One Wild Night

Chapter 359 Disloyal
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Chapter 359 Disloyal

  Priscilla looked at both men with a poker face as she tried to figure out the best way to approach the subject. 

  She knew they were intelligent men, and it would be stupid of her to try to play them for a fool. At the same time, she had to be careful as she didn't want to overplay her hand since she wasn't even sure yet if they were friends or foes of Rebekah yet. 

  Although she doubted that they were friends of Rebekah since the lady wasn't one to hide her connection with affluent and influential people. If she so much as knew Thomas Hank personally, she would have bragged about it by now, and his identity would not have remained secret for so long. 

  Her eyes twitched suspiciously when she remembered that Rebekah had left only a moment ago. Was it possible that she had sent them here to test her? Was this some sort of test? 

  She mentally shook her head. No. It couldn't be. Thomas Hank didn't seem like the kind of man that would spend his time doing something as unprofitable as testing a person like her.

  Perhaps he also had illegal business dealings with Rebekah? Nah. That didn't make sense. If that were the case, he wouldn't need to deal with her directly when he could just talk with Rebekah.

  If he wasn't friends with Rebekah, and he wasn't working with her, then he was here on his own. The only business that connected them was Lucinda Perry, so that had to be it. 

  Having come to that conclusion, she met his gaze confidently, "I know you. But I'm not sure it's wise to say I know why you are here. But I think you're here regarding my visit to your office yesterday, to see Miss Lucinda Perry, your girlfriend. Am I right or wrong?" she asked, and Tom's lips twitched in satisfaction.

  She wasn't a stupid woman, and he liked that about her. He had half expected her to act ignorant or try to play games with him, but seeing how she went directly to the point, he was half sure he could work with someone like her. 

  "Yes, that is why we are here. You see, I love Lucy very much, and I always love to support whatever she chooses to get involved in. Hence I'm here," Tom said as he watched her, and Priscilla gave him a warm smile.

  "That's so sweet of you," she said as she watched him, still trying to understand what was happening. 

  Was that all there was to this meeting? Why did she feel like there was more to Rebekah's request and Tom's action? She mused.

  "Thanks. As my own way of supporting Lucy's decision to work with you, I'd love to become one of your top sponsors. What does becoming a sponsor entail?" Tom asked, and surprise flashed in Priscilla's eyes.

  A sponsor? Even though she had been hoping that Tom would say something like this or maybe even offer them some money without wanting to partner with them, somehow she hadn't really expected it. It was like luck was on her side or something. 

  Until now, Rebekah had been solely responsible for bringing in sponsors. From the first time they met, she had asked them to leave the financial aspect of the foundation to her. Rebekah brought in the money and sponsors and also had her own people manage the financial records. 

  All Priscilla was allowed to do as the CEO of the foundation was come up with grande event ideas and communicate with the beneficiaries of the foundation. She wasn't allowed to ask Rebekah questions. She was only meant to do as she was told. 

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  Whenever she had an idea for the foundation, she would submit the plan along with an estimate of the total sum of money it would cost to Rebekah, and then Rebekah would give her the money she needed to take care of the event, as well as enough money to care for the beneficiaries of the foundation, and at the end of each month, she received her huge salary like the rest of the staff. 

  She knew that the foundation was a front for Rebekah's money laundering, but she tried not to care because, at the end of the day, she also got all she wanted—doing good for young ladies who had been abused or sexually traumatized, while also making money.

  If Thomas Hank was offering to be a sponsor, then maybe this was the opportunity she needed to finally get out of Rebekah's shadow and actually do something really good for herself before Rebekah decided that she wanted to cut her off. 

  She would hate to go down with Rebekah if or when the time came and all her evil deeds were exposed. It was time for her to set her own path, and maybe Tom could help her achieve that. But first, she would need to earn his trust.

  "Miss Peters?" Harry called, snapping his fingers in front of her when it seemed like she had zoned out.

  She blinked as she tried to focus on them, "I'm sorry. I was just stunned by your offer," she said with an apologetic smile.

  "Can I see your financial reports? I would love to see exactly how things are being run here so that I can offer as much help as I can," Tom requested, and he could see all the wheels turning in Priscilla's head as she watched him. 

  Could she trust him? Priscilla mused as she watched him. She desperately wanted to trust him since something told her this was the opportunity she had been waiting for.

  Throwing all caution to the wind and choosing to try her luck, she leaned forward, "Are you familiar with Rebekah Miller?" She asked, wanting to see if she could trust him. 

  Tom narrowed his eyes, "Why do you ask?" He asked, wondering what that had to do with his request.

  "Because your response is important to me, and it might determine whether or not I need your sponsorship," Priscilla said, and Tom exchanged a look with Harry, who was seated beside him, before looking at her. 

  Harry wasn't saying a word as requested by Tom since they had both agreed that Harry would focus on reading her posture and listening to whatever she wasn't saying. He was to step in only if he felt Tom was mishandling it. Thus far, Tom was doing fine, so he just sat back while observing Priscilla.

  "I've never crossed paths with her, but I know who she is. What has she got to do with your accepting my sponsorship?" Tom asked once again. 

  "Do you know if your girlfriend knows her personally? Or is affiliated to her in any way?" Priscilla asked again, and this time Tom's curiosity was piqued. 

  He looked directly into her eyes, trying to decide whether or not to tell her the truth, but seeing the determined look in her eyes; something told him that she had her own agenda. He highly doubted that Rebekah would have wanted her to mention her name in such a conversation. 

  "She doesn't. They've never crossed paths either," Tom said and watched as her brows creased as though she was trying to figure out something.

  "However..." Tom continued, and she looked at him sharply.

  "Her daughter, Anita, used to be in a relationship with me, but she didn't really take me seriously because she didn't know who I was. Now that she knows who I am, I suppose she is interested in me again. She also used to be friends with Lucy," Tom explained, and Priscilla's eyes narrowed as she finally connected the dots.

  She had been right. Rebekah had an ulterior motive for wanting Lucinda Perry. She possibly wanted to get rid of Lucy so her daughter would have Thomas Hank. But how did she hope to achieve that by offering Lucy these benefits? Or perhaps was she thinking of doing that by tearing her away from Tom's side? Crazy bitch! Priscilla mused in amusement.

  Seeing as Tom was being honest with her, even more honest than Rebekah had been, she decided to be honest with him as well, "Ask your girlfriend to turn down the offer," Priscilla said, and this time Tom looked at Harry, who looked almost as surprised as he was.

  "Why? You are the one who offered her the job, why are you asking me to ask her to turn it down?" Tom asked, acting ignorant. 

  By now, he was curious more than ever before about the relationship between Rebekah and Priscilla. Something seemed off. Why would she so easily want to ruin Rebekah's plan?

  "It wasn't my idea to approach her with the offer. It was Rebekah's," Priscilla explained. 

  "Rebekah? But you own this foundation. Why is Rebekah the one giving the orders?" Tom asked, wondering why she was being so open with him. What did she stand to gain from this?

  "She is one of our top sponsors," Priscilla lied. 

  "And you're willing to go against your top sponsor for a new sponsor? Why?"

  "I can't answer that question," she said, not wanting to say something that might implicate her. 

  "You do realize that asking her to reject your offer means you don't want my money? Since Lucy's job here is the only reason I'm offering to be a sponsor. I will ask her to reject your offer then. Thank you for your time," Tom said as he made to stand up.

  "You don't get it, do you? I'm doing you a favor here. Isn't it obvious that Rebekah is up to something? Why would she make such an outrageous offer to the girl in a relationship with her daughter's ex? A man that her daughter still wants, and I'm sure she also wants you to be her son-in-law," Priscilla said, making Tom return to his seat.

  "I suppose you'd be needing a favor in return?" Tom asked insightfully.

  "What I'm trying to say is that I don't know what she is up to, and I don't want to be involved in whatever she plans to do," Priscilla said, and Tom nodded even though he didn't entirely believe her. She wanted something. He could see it in her eyes. 

  "What would happen to you if she finds out that you went against her and told me this?" Tom asked, and Priscilla shrugged.

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  "She will probably kick me out, I suppose," she said without thinking, and Tom raised a brow.

  "She has that much power?" Harry asked quietly, giving her the impression that she was slowly being backed into a trap. 

  "She has all the power. She owns this place. I'm just a front," Priscilla confided, and Tom raised a brow. 

  Interesting. He had thought she was just a sponsor. This new information just made it clear that there was more to the Foundation than he had thought. 

  "Is there another reason you are giving us all this information aside from the fact that you don't want to get involved in whatever she is planning? What do you hope to benefit from this?"

  Priscilla cleared her throat, "In exchange for the information, I would like you to promise to be my first real sponsor when the time comes that I have to leave here and establish my own foundation for abused girls. Lucy can also work with us if she is interested in helping teenage girls with a history of abuse or sexual-related trauma," she said, and Tom nodded. 

  It made sense that she was doing this because of her personal ambition. This just made things easier. He silently thanked Rebekah for whatever she must have done to make Priscilla this disloyal to her.

  "I will do that on one condition," Tom said, and she raised a brow.

  "Go on."

  "Lucy is going to accept your offer, but you will communicate every instruction that comes from Rebekah concerning Lucy to me," Tom said, and Priscilla's eyes narrowed when something occurred to her. 

  "This is the reason you came here, isn't it? You already knew that there was something fishy about the offer. You already knew everything, didn't you?" She asked, even though she wasn't expecting an answer. She had been right to not have underestimated these men. They were successful businessmen for a reason. 

  "Why do you want her to go ahead with it?" She asked in confusion.

  "I have my reasons. Just report to me, and help me keep an eye on Lucy. In return, I will become one of your major sponsors after I've taken care of this," Tom said, and she nodded. 

  As Tom and Harry walked out of the building a moment later, Harry turned to Tom, "Are you sure it was wise to trust her? If she could easily turn on her boss that way, I don't think she can be trusted."

  "I never said anything about trusting her. She is ambitious, and that is what I trust. We are not going to be doing any business with her. All we have to do is keep Lucy safe until we put our plan in motion. We have one final stop to make before we return to the office," Tom said, and Harry raised a brow.

  "Where are we going?"

  "To find someone who is desperately in need of exclusive news," Tom said in a tone that told Harry that he already had someone in mind. He didn't need to ask him what he was up to. He knew it already.

  "What about the good sister?" Harry asked, referring to Lisa, who was the only sane person in the family.

  "If she is wise, she will keep her distance from her family. If she joins them for that interview, she deserves whatever embarrassment she will face."