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One Wild Night

Chapter 383 Looking For Trouble
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Chapter 383 Looking For Trouble

  Jade paced around the room as she thought of Harry, while wondering what was going on with him and why he was rejecting her calls.

  Had she overdone it with her last phone call to him the previous day? Was that why he was avoiding her call now? That had been the first thought that came to mind, and then she had discarded that thought, thinking Harry wasn't the type to avoid things that way. 

  Was he sick? That had been her second thought, until she called Tom to find out if he was okay, and after hearing from Tom that they had all met for dinner the previous evening and he had been fine, she had returned to her first conclusion that he was probably avoiding her. If he was ill, Tom would definitely know about it, so that wasn't it.

  Or what else could it be? If he was busy, all he needed to do was receive her call and tell her it wasn't convenient. If he was in a noisy place all he needed to do was send a text saying he would call back. So why wasn't he doing either?

  She stopped in her track when her phone started ringing and quickly picked it up from the bed when she saw Harry's name displayed on the screen.

  "Why were you rejecting my call?" She asked immediately she received the call.

  "I'm sorry. I was in the middle of something when you called. Is there a problem?" Harry asked calmly.

  "Is everything okay?" Jade asked when she heard his dispassionate tone. 

  "Yeah. My dad wasn't feeling too well and I was expecting a call from the doctor. That was why I rejected your call," Harry explained, and Jade's brows pulled together.

  "Your dad? What is wrong with him? How is he feeling now?" She asked with concern.

  "He will be fine. I just arrived at the pharmacy where I want to get some antihypertensive medication for him. Why did you call earlier? Is there something you want to say?" Harry asked, and Jade sighed.

  She had been calling just to hear his voice and to flirt with him as usual, but she could hardly say that. Not when he had more important things to worry about, "I just wanted to hear from you, and let you know that Jero will be leading us to the cartel lords tonight," Jade said, and Harry nodded. 

  "You are not the one to make the arrest so you shouldn't go there. Ask Jero to lead the police to them. You have done your part, so stay out of trouble and let the police do their job," Harry advised.

  "I wouldn't need to be there if the system wasn't so corrupt. But you have nothing to worry about, I will only observe from a safe distance to make sure there are no foul plays," Jade promised. 

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  "Are you sure you will be fine on your own?" Harry asked, and she smiled when she heard the worry in his voice.

  "It's not like you can come here to babysit me. Just take care of yourself and your dad, and once I've wrapped up things here I will take you up on your offer. You should run along now. Call me when you are bored or you feel like talking to me," Jade said before hanging up.

  Harry sighed as he dropped the phone on his lap but he made no move to get out of the car. Was his father's worry about his relationship status the reason for his sudden health challenge? Or was his health challenge the reason he was suddenly bugging him about being in a relationship? Harry wondered.

  After thinking about it for a minute Harry got out of the car and went into the pharmacy to purchase the medicine. Once he was done, he drove home and by the time he arrived, his father was fast asleep.

  He dropped the medicine by his father's bedside and just as he turned to leave, his father's phone started vibrating with a phone call. Not wanting it to disturb his father's sleep, Harry picked the phone quickly and walked out of the bedroom.

  Harry noticed that the caller's number was saved as 'Sara' but not being the type to receive his father's call, he ignored the phone call as he walked into his bedroom to change out of his work clothes. 

  Once he was more comfortably dressed, he picked up his laptop and returned to his father's bedroom to work while also keeping an eye on his father. 

  After he settled down on the other side of the bed, he opened his laptop and started going through his emails. Once he saw the date, he realized what it was that had been bothering him, and why he had woken up upset. It was his mother's death anniversary. He glanced at his father's sleeping form, wondering if that was why he was feeling so emotional as well. 

  Aaron's phone started ringing for the fifth time and this time Harry received the call when he saw that it was from the same caller. Who was this Sara lady and why did she keep calling? Harry wondered. 


  "Hello!" Harry spoke at the same time as his mother making her keep quiet when she heard his voice, "This is not Aaron. I'm Harry, his son. I'm sorry my father is not.." before Harry could finish speaking Aaron who had been asleep jolted awake and snatched the phone from Harry, his eyes looking wild as he glanced at the callers identity.

  Harry looked at his father with a frown, and noticed how his face paled immediately he saw the name displayed on the screen before smashing the phone against the wall.

  "Why are you answering my call?" Aaron bellowed at Harry, more out of fear than annoyance.

  "Calm down, dad. You shouldn't raise your voice that way when you are not feeling well," Harry said, trying not to read too much meaning to his father's behavior since he was ill.

  "I want to go home. I don't want to stay here anymore," Aaron said, his heart beating really fast as he got off the bed.

  "What home? You are not in any shape to go home. And even if you were, you said you were going to stay here for a while. Why the sudden rush?" Harry asked without getting off the bed as he watched his father pack his bags. 

  "I've changed my mind. I want to go home. You don't have to worry about me, I will take care of my health," Aaron said, not looking Harry in his eyes as he packed his bag.

  "Why? Are you going to meet that Sara lady? Who is she and why has she been calling your line non-stop? She was the same person calling you during dinner, wasn't she?" Harry asked, and the shirt Aaron was folding fell from his hands which were now trembling.

  This would have been a good way to break the news to Harry, but it wasn't the right time. He wasn't prepared for it, "You don't have to worry about who she is," Aaron said without meeting Harry's gaze. 

  "Are you upset because of mom? Because today is her anniversary?" Harry asked, and Aaron's heart skipped a beat. 

  Aaron suddenly felt faint, and he went to sit on the edge of the bed. Oh, God! He feared he might have a heart attack if he continued to be around Harry. He had thought coming to be with Harry would help him keep watch and make sure Sara doesn't come anywhere near him, but now that he was here, he wasn't so sure.

  "Dad, talk to me. What is going on with you? You know you can tell me anything, right?" Harry asked, feeling very worried.

  Aaron shook his head, "Not now. Maybe later. Please leave, I want to be alone," Aaron said, and Harry sighed as he got off the bed.

  "That's the medicine the doctor asked me to get you. Don't forget to take them. I will be in the living room, call me if you need me," Harry said before walking out of the bedroom.


  "He seemed very fine last night. I hope he will be fine," Lucy said after Tom hung up his call with Jade who had called to inform him she had just heard from Harry.

  "He will be fine," Tom said as he parked the car in front of the company.

  "From the looks of things I might be very busy today, so you might not hear from me," Tom explained apologetically, and Lucy smiled.

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  "Don't worry about me and just focus on all you have to do. I have a lot on my desk too," Lucy said, thinking of all the work she would have to do now that Amy was absent. 

  First she needed to give Lucas and Sonia a call, and then she would check on Amy, before giving Priscilla a call to discuss her contract signing with her.

  "I will have Adolf deliver lunch to your office. Make sure you eat," Tom said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and then leaned over to her and kissed her lips lightly, "Have a lovely day, Jewel. And try to stay out of trouble. I love you," he said, and Lucy smiled as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

  She had no intention of staying out of trouble. As a matter of fact, she woke up that morning with the decision to go looking for trouble instead of expecting it to come to her. She needed to start taking control of her life and the things happening around her.

  "Have a lovely day, Ace. I love you," Lucy said with a wave as she got out of the car and headed inside the building, while Tom drove off to his private parking lot.

  As Lucy headed for the elevator, she noticed Cora walking ahead of her and she smiled. Just the right person she wanted to start her troubles with. She knew that Cora was going to be trouble if she didn't squash her in time, so she quickened her pace to meet up with her.

  Cora turned when she noticed someone step into the elevator with her, and Lucy flashed her a pleasant smile, "Good morning," Lucy greeted cheerfully making Cora's brows pull together. 

  "Good morning," she greeted as she tried to walk past Lucy and get out of the elevator since she didn't want to talk with her.

  "You should stay! I think we should have a brief conversation, don't you think so? I'd hate to have this conversation with you in the presence of others," Lucy asked, stopping her. 

  "I don't understand," Cora said as she turned to look at Lucy, but Lucy said nothing as she pressed the button for the fourth floor.

  "You were dying to have a conversation with me two days ago, weren't you?" Lucy asked, reminding her of their conversation in the boardroom.

  Cora blinked at her, surprised that Lucy could actually confront her on that. She cleared her throat, "I don't know what you're talking about. I was only talking to you as a colleague."

  "Good. That means you don't mind me talking to you as a colleague either. Do you, Cora?" Lucy asked, and Cora raised a brow. 

  "Director Anderson," she corrected, making it clear she didn't want Lucy to address her so informally.

  Lucy's lips twitched with a smile just as the elevator stopped at the fourth floor and opened, "Oh, I'm sorry. My bad. I heard MY MAN call you Cora, so I assumed everyone was allowed to do so," Lucy said, not making any move to step out of the elevator. 

  Cora was quiet as she looked at Lucy, not knowing what to say to her, "What do you want?"

  "I have a little advice for you, Director Anderson. Girl to girl, and colleague to colleague. I'm not interested in having problems with you. God knows I have more than enough problems to deal with already, so don't play any games with me, and don't pull any silly stunts on me. It's fine that you admire Tom. I have no problem with that since I'm sure a lot of ladies do too. But if you ever disrespect me the way you did again, I don't know what I might do. Unless it's work related, when I'm with my man, please keep your distance. Are we clear?" Lucy asked, and Cora gave her a nod.

  "Thank you. Have a pleasant day," Lucy said with a wave as she got off the elevator.