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One Wild Night

Chapter 401: Messed Up Family
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Chapter 401: Messed Up Family

"What's going on, Benny?" Tiffany asked from the doorway immediately Bernice stepped into the house, and she paused when she saw her homekeeper carrying Bernice's luggage.         


"Why are you with your luggage? Did you have a fight with Adam?" Tiffany asked as she took Bernice's hand and led her to the living room while the housekeeper took Bernice's luggage to the guestroom.     

"Can I get a glass of water?" Bernice asked as she sat down.     

"Sure," Tiffany said before calling out to one of the housekeepers to get her a glass of water.      

"What's going on?" Tiffany asked once again but Bernice didn't say a word until the housekeeper brought the glass of water.     

"Adam hit me," she said after gulping down the entire content of the glass.      

"Adam hit you?" Tiffany asked, not sounding exactly surprised by the revelation.     

Bernice didn't miss Tiffany's tone, "Yes, Tiff. He hit me," she repeated.     

"Okay. But he didn't send you packing, did he?" Tiffany asked, and Bernice shook her head.      

"No, he didn't. I left on my own. I'm fed up, Tiff. I can't continue with that marriage anymore. I just can't," Bernice said, and Tiffany frowned.     

"Benny, you can't leave just because he hit you. I told you before, we have to find a way to live with these men," Tiffany said as she went to sit beside Bernice and placed both arms around her.      

"How do you do it, Tiff? I don't get it. How are you able to live this way? I can't do it anymore. I'm depressed," Bernice said as she broke into a sob, while Tiffany consoled her.      

"Don't waste your tears on him. Your husband obviously doesn't care about you, and he's not worth it. There is no reason for you to care about him either. All you have to do is find whatever makes you happy, and spend his money on it," Tiffany advised as she held Bernice tightly to herself and patted her hair.      

"What's going on here?" Jackson, Tiffany's husband asked when he stepped into the house and saw the sisters in a close embrace.      

"You're welcome, honey. Bernice will be spending the night with us tonight," Tiffany informed him as he walked over to where she was and kissed her cheeks before glancing at Bernice who forced a smile as she wiped the tears off her eyes.      

"Is everything alright? How is Adam?" He asked curiously.     

"Everything is okay. I just needed a breather from him and the boys," she assured him, and although Jackson didn't believe her, he gave her a nod.      

"Have you had dinner yet?" Tiffany asked Jackson, not bothered by the fact that he was coming home that late at night.      

"No, I haven't," Jackson said, and she smiled at him.      

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"What about you, Benny? Have you had dinner?" She asked, and Bernice shook her head.      

"Alright. Why don't you both go in and freshen up while I have them set up the table for dinner?" Tiffany asked with a sweet smile as she helped Bernice rise from her seat.     

"Give me a minute and I will show you to your bedroom," she told Bernice as she called out to one of the housekeepers and asked her to set up the table, before leading Bernice away, while Jackson headed for his bedroom.     

Tiffany led Bernice to the bedroom, which was at the other end of the hallway from Jackson's bedroom, but two doors away from hers, "That is my bedroom," Tiffany said pointing at her door.      

"Why? You moved away from the one you share with Jack?" Bernice asked, and Tiffany gave her a nod.     

"Yes. We both need our privacy," Tiffany said as they walked into Bernice's bedroom.      

"Why? By the way, when did you change your housekeepers? Why are they all young ladies when you know your husband has roving eyes?" Bernice asked with a frown after they walked into the guestroom.         


Tiffany giggled, "Don't worry about that. I made sure they're all lesbians. None of them will have anything to do with him. If he must act irresponsibly, it has to be outside here," Tiffany assured Bernice, whose eyes widened in surprise.     

"What? They're all lesbians?" She asked in disbelief, and Tiffany laughed giddily.     


"How many of them did you hire? How did you even think to do something like that?" Bernice asked curiously.     

"There are three of them. One cooks, another cleans, and another does the laundry. I told you I'm only going to do what makes me happy. I don't have the time to worry about Jackson or what he does or does not do anymore. I'm focused on me. You should do that too. And get rid of that nonsense thought about quitting your marriage. If you think Adam is having an affair, do whatever it takes to get your mind off it even if it means getting a lover for yourself too..."     

"Tiffany!" Bernice called out in alarm.     

"You already said it that he doesn't care about you," Tiffany said reasonably.     

"I am married. I have my kids to think about. What will they think about me?" Bernice asked, and Tiffany rolled her eyes.     

"Who cares? It's not like you're going to tell them about it, or are you? It's going to be a secret. No one has to know about it," Tiffany assured Bernice.     

"What if Adam finds out?" Bernice asked thoughtfully as she considered Tiffany's advise. She needed attention. She needed to feel loved and to be touched. She couldn't keep begging Adam to have sex with her while he looked at her like she was undesirable.     

"Like I said, it's going to be a secret. You could bring your lover into the home as your househelp. No one would suspect a thing. Your happiness must always come first, Benny," Tiffany said, and Bernice blinked at her.      

"I don't understand you, Tiffany. Just what are you up to?" Bernice asked, and Tiffany shrugged.      

"I've found different ways to please myself. And now I'm happy with myself. My life. And even my marriage. Trust me, Benny, you should listen to me if you want to be happy," Tiffany encouraged.      

"Besides, Adam would most likely not be bothered if he finds out you're having an affair since he doesn't care about you. Who knows if that would be what he needs to spur him into caring about you?" Tiffany asked, and Bernice sighed.     

"I really don't know, Tiff," Bernice murmured, thinking about their mother and what she would think. One her way to Tiffany's home she had thought about what her mother had said about cutting her off. Her life would be over if she left her marriage and her mother cut her off as well. She would lose on all sides and she wasn't sure she was bold enough for that yet. Besides, she still had her kids to think of.     

"Don't worry about it and just freshen up. I'll be waiting at the dining," Tiffany said before walking away.     

Once Tiffany walked out of the bedroom, she dialed her mother's line, "Bernice is here, Mother," she informed Rebekah.     

"If she refuses to return to Adam's house, throw her out," Rebekah ordered.      


"No buts. Your sister is out of her mind to have left her home. And the only way we can help her come back to her senses is by abandoning her. Talk some sense into her. If she doesn't listen to you, throw her out," Rebekah ordered.     

"One more thing, make sure neither Lisa nor Anita hears of this. You know how those two can be. I don't want Lisa encouraging her to leave her marriage, and we can't afford to have Anita start having doubts about getting married to Thomas Hank. All that love talk your sister is spewing is trash. Make sure she comes to her senses," Rebekah added before hanging up.      

Tiffany sighed as she returned to the dining where dinner was being set. She looked around to be sure that her husband wasn't anywhere around before spanking the ass of the housekeeper who was setting the table.      

The housekeeper grinned at her, and drew her in for a quick kiss, "Come to my bedroom by midnight," Tiffany whispered to her before sitting at the table to wait for her husband and sister.      

After Bernice had freshened up, she stepped out of her bedroom dressed in a set of satin pajamas. She stepped into the hallway at the same time as Jackson stepped out of his bedroom, and they looked at each other since they were standing at opposite ends of the hallway.      

Bernice resisted the urge to run into her bedroom and shut the door behind her when she saw her immoral brother-in-law. She usually avoided visiting Tiffany because it was a known fact amongst them all that Tiffany's husband could never resist anything in skirts, and she had caught him checking her out a couple of times in the past.          


If she had a choice she would have gone to somewhere else, but she was closer to Tiffany than her other sisters. Lisa was too judgemental and wouldn't understand what she was going through, while Anita was young and inexperienced. Tiffany was the only one she could think of coming to.      

She squared her shoulders and walked down the hallway while Jackson did the same. She tried to quicken her pace so that she wouldn't have to walk with him or speak with him, and Jackson smirked when he noticed how uncomfortable she was.      

Bernice was the first to get to the dining, and she didn't make eye contact with Jackson who she noticed was staring at her regardless of his wife's presence with them.     

Neither of them said much to each other. Bernice focused on her food while Tiffany did all the talking. Once they were done eating, Bernice said she was tired and going to bed. Tiffany said they would continue their discussion in the morning, and Jackson said he was going to bed too.      

Glad that everyone had retired to their bedroom, Tiffany retired to hers too, and waited for a while before calling the housekeeper from earlier to keep her company for the night.     

Bernice on the other hand, lay on her bed, thinking about Tiffany's advise. The thought of doing something as wild as that gave her a thrill of excitement. All she needed to do was to be very discreet about it.      

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Everyone had something that made them happy. Their mother devoted herself to charity, Lisa's was her jewelry store, Anita's was her job, and Tiffany... She didn't understand yet. She wasn't sure what to make of all Tiffany had said since she knew Tiffany was straight... Or wasn't she? Did she have a male lover somewhere?      

Restless with all that thought, she got off the bed and slowly made her way down the hall to the living room. Everywhere was dark, letting her know the lights had been turned off and everyone had retired to their bedrooms for the night.      

She walked over to the bar and poured herself a glass of wine. She walked outside to the balcony and sat there, sipping from the glass as she gave more thought to it all.      

Taking Tiffany's advise would probably be the best thing to do for herself and everyone. Adam was cheating so she could cheat as well. Her mother had said she shouldn't complain since her husband was taking good care of her and their kids.      

She could do whatever she wanted after her kids left for school and Adam left for work. That way she would be happy like Tiffany was and be able to live with Adam. Her mother also wouldn't be disappointed in her or cut her off. It was a win-win for everyone.      

She let out a sigh as she took a sip from the glass, and almost jumped out of her skin when Jackson spoke from behind her.      

"What a pleasant coincidence," Jackson drawled, sounding really pleased.      

Immediately she stood up, wanting to go inside, but Jackson was leaning against the doorframe with both hands folded in front of him, his lips curved in a smirk while his eyes roamed over her body like a predator salivating over its prey.     

"Why do you always avoid me, Benny?" Jackson asked, and she cleared her throat.     

"I wasn't avoiding you. I'm not avoiding you. I need to retire for the night. I'm tired," she said, feigning a yawn as she tried to walk past him but he didn't budge.     

"You're so beautiful, Benny. How often does Adam tell you that?" Jackson asked, and she blinked at him.      

"I beg your pardon?"     

"If you weren't already married to Adam, I would have married you, not your sister," he said as he reached out a hand and brushed his knuckles over her jaw.     

Bernice sucked in a breath involuntarily before slapping his hand away, "Don't touch me! And do not say such words about my sister. I will pretend I did not hear you. Excuse me," she said hotly as she tried to push him out of her way, but Jackson chuckled.     

"We both know you want me just as much as I want you. I want you badly, Benny. Take a look," he said pointing to his crotch, and Bernice's eyes moved on their own volition to the bulge in his pajamas.      

She swallowed, "I'm not interested in you Jack. I'm not. You are embarassing us both by doing this."     

"Am I?" Jackson asked as he pulled away from the door and took a step closer to her, making her step back involuntarily.     

"You are," Bernice said without meeting his gaze, and Jackson smiled.      

"It is no news to me that Adam doesn't care about you. He said he's not sexually attracted to you, and I wonder if he's just blind or insane," Jackson said as he moved closer to her until her back touched the railing.         


"I'm going to scream if you touch me," Bernice warned.      

He chuckled, "Yes, you definitely will. By all means do so. You don't have to worry about a thing, your sister never comes out after she shuts her door, so feel free to scream," Jackson said as his left hand went around her back, and he pulled her forward, capturing her lips in a kiss.     

Bernice tried to push him away, but Tiffany's words came back to her. Tiffany really didn't care about anything Jackson did anymore, and she had said it herself that she was happy. Tiffany had encouraged her to do whatever made her happy. What would make her happy right now was to go to bed sexually satisfied. Feeling desired and wanted. It didn't matter if it was Jackson. All that mattered was that she was sexually satisfied. Having sex with Jackson who also happened to be Adam's friend would be like getting back at Adam. All she had to do was forget for a moment that Jackson was her sister's husband. Tiffany didn't have to find out about it. It was going to be a secret.      

With that thought in mind, Bernice gave in to Jackson, and let him take her at the balcony.