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One Wild Night

Chapter 415: Harry’s Biological Mother
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Chapter 415: Harry's Biological Mother

"I think you dropped this," Harry said as he looked at the lady who was standing by the door of the restaurant staring at him.         


Something about her seemed familiar, but he couldn't tell what it was since he could swear that he had never seen her before. He doubted that he could ever forget a face such as hers if he had ever seen her.      

Sara's secretary took a step forward to take it from Harry, but Sara placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her, "Don't worry. I will get it myself," she said as she stepped forward instead and approached Harry with a smile.      

"You are such a gentleman. Thank you," she said as she received it from him and Harry gave her a polite nod.     

"You are welcome," Harry said, and turned to leave, but just as he took a step Sara stopped him.      

"Are you by chance, Harry Jonas?" Sara asked, even though she recognized him.     

Harry looked at her, surprised that she knew who he was, and at the same time curious to know who she was.      

Hearing her question, Tom who was merely observing, quickly stepped forward when he realized that she might be the Sara, who Aaron was on his way to meet, and who Lucy had told him Harry must not meet.     

When he had heard of Sara from Harry the previous day, he had been expecting to see a shabby-looking lady who was blackmailing Aaron for money or something, but seeing such a dignified person, he couldn't imagine what business she could possibly have with Aaron to make him so upset.     

"Harry, we should leave now," Tom said urgently, and Sara's gaze moved to him.      

"And I take it you are, Thomas Hank, Harry's best friend?" She asked as her gaze settled on Tom.      

Tom had only revealed his identity to the public recently, and seeing how easily she recognized him and described him as Harry's best friend, that meant she knew him in relation to Harry. Although Tom was curious to know who she was and find out what she wanted, this wasn't this time.     

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry, we are in a hurry right now, and we can't stand around to chat with..."     

"I'm sorry, I don't seem to recognize you. Who are you? And how do you know us?" Harry cut in before Tom could finish, thinking that she might be the spouse of a business partner and they needed to greet her appropriately if she was. Something about the way she was looking at him unsettled him.      

Sara smiled, "I am here to meet with an old friend. Someone, I think you know. How about you join us for lunch? Or perhaps we could share a bottle of wine until he joins me while I introduce myself to you?" Sara asked, looking at Harry with a sly smile.     

Sara believed that if Aaron was to meet her having a discussion with Harry, he would have no choice but to tell Harry the truth about who she was as that would make everything faster for her.      

"An old friend?" Harry asked, but Tom quickly shook his head.      

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"No. I'm afraid we can't do that..."     

"I was asking Harry, not you. I'm sure he can answer for himself," Sara cut in with a cold smile, "And you are free to leave if you are in a hurry," Sara said, jerking her head to the side for Tom to leave, and Harry frowned, not impressed by her sudden rudeness.     

Tom cocked his head to the side as he stepped forward, ready to respond to her rude remark, but before either of them could say a word, Tom's phone started ringing and he turned to look at Tom, who quickly received the call when he saw that it was from Lucy.      

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW? Get him out of there and far away from that woman at once! That person is Harry's biological mom!" Lucy snapped at him to make him realize the urgency of the situation, and immediately Tom's heart skipped a beat, as he slowly turned surprised eyes to look at Sara who was staring at Harry.      

This woman was Harry's mom? She wasn't dead all these years? Of all the secrets he had been expecting Aaron to hide from Harry, this wasn't part of it.     

She looked wealthy, and judging by the way her gaze was focused on Harry, he could tell that she knew he was her son. Did she possibly abandon him this whole time?     

Although he didn't know the exact details, but he already didn't like her merely by looking at her, and she looked like the sort of person who would abandon her child.     

No! There was no way he was going to let Harry find out about his mother this way even if he didn't exactly know the story. He would take Harry far away from her even if it meant knocking him out and dragging his unconscious body to the car.      

"Who was that? Is everything okay?" Harry asked, looking at Tom with concern when he noticed how stunned he looked.          


"I can't give you the exact details right now, but we should leave at once," he said in a grave tone, and seeing how serious he looked, Harry gave him a nod.      

"I'm sorry, we have to leave right now. Maybe next time," Harry said and before Sara could stop them, Tom took hold of Harry's hand and pulled him away with him.     

Sara's brow was raised as she watched them walk away. Was it possible that Tom knew who she was? Or was Aaron somewhere around here and had called Tom? She wondered as she scanned the parking lot.      

"Is everything alright?" Sara's assistant asked, and she shook her head.      

"Everything is alright. Let's go in and wait for him," Sara said as she walked past her assistant into the restaurant.     

In the parking lot across from there, Lucy felt like she was going to have a heart attack merely by watching the scene in front of her. She let out a deep sigh of relief as she watched Tom and Harry get into their car and drive off.      

Although they were too far away to hear what Sara had said to Harry, but judging by how easily Harry had left with Tom, she could tell that Harry still didn't know who Sara was.      

She turned to Aaron who had become completely white and she clasped a hand over his arm and shook him gently, "You're going to pass out if you don't breathe, Aaron," she told him softly when she noticed that he was holding his breath.     

Immediately, Aaron let out his breath, and he raised a hand to his chest as he tried to calm his racing heart.     

"Don't worry. He didn't recognize her," Lucy assured him when Aaron used his hands to cover his face.     

"I can't keep living this way," Aaron complained, and the cab driver turned to them as he wondered how long they were going to remain in his car.      

"We should go in now," Lucy said as she handed the cab driver some money notes, and they both got out of the car.     

"I noticed she came with someone. Do you mind if I sit with you when you speak to her?" Lucy asked, and Aaron shook his head.      

"I will feel more comfortable if you are there," Aaron said, and Lucy nodded.      

"Me too. I promised Harry I will take care of you. I won't be comfortable if I leave you alone with her," Lucy said, and Aaron smiled.      

"Do you mind if I record whatever you both discuss?" Lucy asked, and Aaron shook his head.      

"It's probably best you do that."     

"When you introduce me, tell her I'm your daughter," Lucy suggested, wanting to see how Sara would react to that.      

"She probably knows Harry is my only child and I don't have a daughter. She would never believe us," Aaron said, and Lucy shrugged.      

"That is her problem. You don't owe her any explanation. Just tell her that," Lucy said as she intertwined her hand with Aaron's hand, and they walked into the restaurant.     

Away from there, in Rebekah Miller's apartment, she walked down the stairs gracefully as she came down to join her daughters who she had been informed were visiting.      

Tiffany and Bernice stood from their seats as their mother walked into the living room with her gaze fixed on Bernice.      

"What are you doing here? Has she returned to her husband?" Rebekah asked Tiffany, and immediately Bernice stepped forward.      

"Yes, I have. I'm sorry for being stubborn and not listening to you, mother," Bernice said apologetically, and Rebekah turned to Tiffany who gave her a nod.      

"My husband was kind enough to drop her off this morning, on his way to the office," Tiffany assured Rebekah, and she nodded with approval.         


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"Good. You may now sit," Rebekah ordered as she lowered herself to her favorite seat and her daughters did the same.      

"You almost disappointed me, Bernice. I'm so relieved that you are back to your senses," Rebekah said as one of the housekeepers came to serve them tea and cookies.      

"I'm sorry, mother," Bernice said with a bow.     

"This must never repeat itself again. You are my first daughter and it is your responsibility to guide your sisters on the right path when they are going astray. What example would you be setting for Anita if she heard of your action?" Rebekah asked, and once again, Bernice apologized.      

"Anyway, it is a good thing that has been cleared up and you are both here. I have good news to share with you," Rebekah said with a pleased smile as she lifted her cup of cinnamon tea to her lips.      

"You do? What could it be?" Tiffany asked as she exchanged a curious look with Bernice.     

"A short while ago, I received a mail from Eric Howells."     

"Eric Howells?" Both sisters chorused in surprise as she had expected and Rebekah's smile widened.      

"Is it the same Eric Howells we are thinking?" Bernice asked their mother in disbelief, and Rebekah laughed delightfully.     

"Yes, my darlings. Eric Howells has sent an invitation for me and my daughters to appear on his show. You know what that means, don't you?" Rebekah asked, and laughed happily when both Bernice and Tiffany squealed with girlish excitement.     

"It means we are celebrities!" Tiffany cried as she embraced Bernice.     

"I can't believe we have become so famous to be acknowledged by Eric Howells! This is unbelievable! It feels like a dream!" Bernice cried, and Rebekah smiled.      

"It is indeed a dream come true. Now I want you both to remember something. We never would have gotten this far had I allowed your father to drag us down with him," Rebekah said as she looked from Bernice to Tiffany and then back again.      

"We must let go of silly emotions such as love. Those are for nobodies. If you want to achieve great things, you must not allow yourself to be tied down by such foolish emotions," Rebekah warned as she looked at Bernice.     

"If you desire greatness, stick to great people. If you want to be considered rich, associate with only the rich. If you want to be influential, stick with influential people," Rebekah schooled them, and both daughters nodded in agreement.      

"I will never forgive any daughter of mine that chooses a different path from the one I have set for her," Rebekah threatened, and Bernice nodded.      

"I will never disappoint you again, mother," she promised.     

"Now we need to get ready for the show. We have to go shopping for a new outfit. It all has to be limited edition designers. And do not let your sister, Lisa, know about this. You know how she is. Even though she's married to a wealthy man, she is completely different from us. I don't want her embarrassing us. I will let Eric know that she's expecting her baby soon and as such, she can't be on the show with us," Rebekah said, and once again they nodded.      

"What about Anita? Will she be joining us?"     

"Of course, Anita has to be there with us. We have to ensure that she looks her best. I want Thomas Hank to see her and know that Lucinda Perry is nothing compared to Anita," Rebekah said with a smirk as she thought about all the plans she had in store for Lucy.