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One Wild Night

Chapter 427: Unsubtle Matchmaking Attempt
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Chapter 427: Unsubtle Matchmaking Attempt

Lucas had a lot on his mind as he sat in the restaurant, waiting for Miley to arrive. He didn't know what to expect from her, especially as she had said she was coming with Amy.          


He was yet to make up his mind concerning his discussion with Lucy earlier. Even though he understood everything Lucy had said, and as much as she was right, he also wanted to look out for himself.     

It was wrong timing. He had met Miley at the wrong time. If he hadn't just experienced this crazy relationship with Rachel, maybe he would have been open to getting to know Miley and being friends with her, but he was yet to heal emotionally, and the worse thing he could do to himself was to get involved with someone who would leave him devastated soon.     

As much as he liked her and enjoyed her company, and how she seemed to make him forget his problems, he knew that it was all temporary. She might make him forget all about Rachel and her problems right now, but in the next couple of months, Rachel won't be his problem. Losing her would be.      

He would rather go through the regret of not getting involved with her, than going ahead to set himself up for such heartbreak.      

Lucas stood from his seat when he saw Miley and Amy approaching the table. He had to admit to himself that both ladies were dazzlingly beautiful in their individual ways.     

While Miley was dressed in a revealing skimpy red dress that showed off her feminine curves and cleavage, Amy was dressed in a partially decent white dress, which gave off some sort of shy feminity vibe.      

Upon closer appraisal, he noticed that something seemed different about Amy. Although he could not entirely understand why he thought so, but Amy looked sort of more beautiful and feminine.      

What changed? He wondered as he continued to look at her for a moment before he realized it, and then his gaze shifted to Miley for confirmation.      

It wasn't just Amy. It was the both of them. Looking at them, he could bet that they had a makeover. He had noticed the change in Amy because unlike her, Miley had looked strikingly beautiful and sexy to him from the first time he opened his eyes in her apartment, so seeing her this way wasn't surprising.     

But seeing Amy that way was surprising. He couldn't exactly remember her face the first time he met her at Lucy's, but he could remember thinking that she was smart, and something else he remembered clearly was wondering why she was visiting dressed in tennis outfits.     

He couldn't help but wonder if they had gone for the makeover just for this meeting. He hoped not.     

"Hello, handsome!" Miley greeted with a cheerful smile that lit up her beautiful blue eyes as they got to where he stood.     

Before Lucas could respond to her greeting, she embraced him, "You smell so nice," she said with a wide smile as she pulled away from him.     

"You smell nice, and look nice too," Lucas said in return, and she raised a brow.     

"Look nice?" Miley asked with displeasure, while Amy tried not to giggle since she knew 'nice' wasn't the word Miley had been aiming for when she dolled up.     

"Yeah. You look nice. Why? You don't like looking nice?" Lucas asked innocently as he pulled out a chair for her.     

"Really, Lucas? Nice?" She asked again without taking her seat, while Amy pulled out a seat for herself and sat down to enjoy the show.     

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This time Lucas looked at Miley in confusion, wondering what was wrong, before glancing at Amy who was obviously struggling not to laugh when she met his gaze.     

"Say stunning," Amy mouthed to him, and Lucas frowned as he tried to make out what she was saying.      

"STUNNING!" Amy mouthed again, and Lucas sighed inwardly when Miley turned to know why he was staring at Amy while she was talking to him.      

Stunning? That was what she wanted him to say? Lucas thought with a scoff. Too bad for her that he was only going to say what he wanted to say, and not what she wanted to ear.      

"Yes. You look very nice. And cute too. Now sit down. We are the only people standing in here," Lucas instructed as he returned to his seat.      

Amy's lips twitched in amusement at Lucas' attitude. Too bad Miley was ill. They would have made quite a fine pair, Amy thought sadly.      

Miley's lips pouted sulkily as she lowered herself on the seat he had pulled out. Nice and cute? She had never been complimented that way before. How could he say she was cute? Cute was meant for describing babies and guys not a gorgeous lady like herself.     

"Hello, Amy! I can call you that, right? I don't know your last name else I would have used that instead," Lucas greeted, and Amy smiled at him.         


"Amy is fine," she assured him.      

There was no reason to address her so formally since she was certain this was not going to be the last she would be seeing or hearing of him even if things didn't go well between him and Miley. He was Lucy's twin brother after all, and she was going to continue working for Lucy.     

"He should also know your last name. Her last name is Grant. Amy Grant," Miley supplied just as a waiter approached their table to take their orders.      

After the waiter left, Lucas looked at both ladies without saying a word, and Miley flashed him a cute smile which made him smile since it seemed like she had gotten over her annoyance at being referred to as nice and cute.      

"It's good to see you again. How have you been?" She asked, and Lucas shrugged.      

"As you can see, I'm fine. What about you? How are you feeling? And why are you in Ludus?" Lucas asked, and she shrugged.      

"Why else do you think I'm here if not to see you?" Miley asked, and Lucas glanced at Amy who was looking everywhere else but at him.      

"To see me?"     

"I told you I missed you. When I called Lucy and she said you were in Ludus, I decided to come down here too," Miley explained, and Lucas frowned.      

"You shouldn't have made the trip. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be here. I might decide to leave this night or tomorrow morning," Lucas asked, and Miley smiled.     

"Then it's good we are here. At least I get to see you before your next trip," Miley said cheerfully, but Lucas continued to frown.     

Something told him that there was more to the trip than just coming to see his face, but he didn't want to dwell too much on it, "Have you decided to start receiving treatment and inform your family about your health?" Lucas asked, and Miley shook her head.      

"Not yet. Let's not talk about my health or family until we are done. Let's talk about fun things," Miley suggested as she looked at him curiously, "Did you miss me?"     

"No," Lucas said without thinking twice, and Amy watched him with interest.      

"You answered to quickly. You are supposed to take your time to think about it before responding," Miley pointed out with mild annoyance.     

"I don't need to think about it. If I missed you, I would know. I didn't," Lucas said thinking that would discourage her but Miley shrugged.      

"It's fine. I missed you enough for two," Miley said, and Lucas glanced at Amy in time to see her roll her eyes, and his lips twitched in amusement. He felt partially relieved to see that she had pulled herself together and had stopped crying so much like she had been doing the previous day.      

Miley glanced at Amy, "Why are you not saying anything?" She asked the same question that had been on Lucas' mind, and Amy shrugged.     

"I have nothing to say. I'd rather listen to the both of you. You are both fun to watch," she said with an easy smile.     

"I'm sure Lucas would like to know one or two things about you, won't you Lucas?" Miley asked, and both Lucas and Amy glanced at her with a curious look on their faces as they wondered what she was up to, before they looked at each other.      

Amy flashed Lucas an awkward smile, and judging by the innocent look in her clear amber eyes, he could tell that she had no idea what Miley was up to, "I don't mind," Lucas said after a while, surprising Amy who had expected him to say no.      

Why didn't he say no? She wondered as she glanced at Miley. She soon realized that she was in trouble when Miley winked at her. She should have known that it was a bad idea to tag along with Miley. She should have sat at a different table, she thought as she returned her agent to Lucas who was still looking at her.      

"There isn't much to tell. You know my name. You are aware I work with your sister. Miley here is more like a sister to me than my best friend, and I would marry her if she was interested in girls," Amy finished, making Miley giggle, while Lucas looked at her with interest.     

"Are you into girls?"      

"Nope. I'm into Miley alone," Amy said with a grin which made the corners of Lucas' lips twitch with an amused smile.         


He had to say he sort of envied the friendship and love between both ladies, "I see."     

"She is single by the way. And she is very much into guys like you," Miley chipped in, startling both Lucas and Amy who had not been expecting such an unsubtle matchmaking attempt.     

Thankfully, they were both saved from the embarrassment and awkwardness of that moment by the arrival of the waiter who brought their orders.      

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Amy eyed Miley with displeasure as she wordlessly scolded her with her eyes, but Miley winked at her.      

Lucas didn't know what to say or do, so he picked up his wineglass and sipped from it, without looking at either of them.      

"Why don't I move to the next table so that you can both interact comfortably?" Amy suggested when she noticed that Lucas seemed uncomfortable, but Miley shook her head.      

"We both know you won't be comfortable sitting there by yourself," Miley said, and Amy raised a brow.     

"Says who?"     

"Says me. I know you, remember? I'm probably going to end up getting into a fight for your sake before the night is over," Miley said with a giggle, and Amy laughed.     

"I'd rather you don't do that. Your dad gave me an earful the last time," Amy said, while Lucas listened to their interaction with interest.     

Miley turned to him when she noticed the interest on his face and told him how she had been in the habit of fighting guys off Amy because of her sharp tongue.     

"I'm sure that's one reason she's still single," Miley said and Amy rolled her eyes.      

"Don't worry, you won't get into a fight, and I'm perfectly capable of turning away guys politely now," Amy assured her, but Miley still shook her head.      

"Your presence here doesn't make us uncomfortable, or does it affect you, Lucas?" Miley asked, and Lucas who was feeling like they were putting him on the spot, gave them a nod.     

"Yes, it does," he said, and Amy smiled, while Miley raised a brow.      

"Why? Would you rather have dinner privately with me?" She asked with a hopeful smile, but Lucas shook his head.      

"It's not that. It just feels weird for me to be having dinner with the both of you. Maybe if there was another guy..."     

"You mean a double date, don't you?" Miley asked with an excited smile, and Amy giggled when Lucas sighed wearily. Miley was obviously wearing him out.      

"This isn't a date," Lucas corrected.      

"Do you have a friend here in Ludus? You could invite him to hang out with us tomorrow," she offered, and Lucas raised a brow.     

"Who said I'm hanging out with you tomorrow?" He asked, and Miley grinned at him.      

"I was hoping we could all hang out together if you don't travel tomorrow. It would be fun," Miley said with a bright smile, and Amy decided that it was time to step in and save Lucas when he looked at her with weary eyes.      

"Let's just eat. One date at a time," Amy suggested, and Lucas flashed her a smile of gratitude before focusing on his food.     

Even though he wasn't feeling hungry, giving his food attention was the escape he needed from facing Miley.