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One Wild Night

Chapter 432: Come In
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Chapter 432: Come In

Lucas watched in annoyance as she tittered with laughter. It seemed to him like she found his annoyance amusing.         


"What is funny?" He asked, glaring at her.      

She wasn't usually a violent woman, but after unleashing her anger on him in that manner, she suddenly felt better. Especially knowing that it was Lucas who she had attacked and not a random thief.     

Amy cleared her throat and squared her shoulder as she took a step back, "What are you doing here? And why were you sneaking up on me like that?" Amy asked, and then remembered Miley, "Where is Miley?" She asked with a worried frown.     

Lucas gritted his teeth as he ran his hand over the spots where she had bitten him. It was obvious to him that he wasn't going to be getting an apology from her. That was okay. He wasn't going to apologize to her either. They could say they were even now.     

"She said she will be hanging out with the lady she met at the restaurant. I wasn't sneaking up on you. Your line wasn't going through, so I came over to apologize for being a jerk, and Miley asked me to bring your wallet and key..." He paused when he realized that he was no longer holding the wallet or the key. It seemed like he had dropped both while trying to protect himself from the assault.     

Lucas dimmed his eyes as looked around the darkly lit alley until his eyes fell on the pink wallet which was lying on the floor a few feet from them.     

He picked it up and continued to look around until he found the key, and he picked it up too, "Here," he said as he handed both to Amy, who had also picked up her handbag and sandals, and was now staring at him as she took them from him.      

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"I was just going to get my spare key from a friend," Amy said as she walked out of the dimly lit alley and Lucas followed her.      

She saw the car parked ahead of them and recognized it to be Lucy's car, but she said nothing as she continued to walk while he walked behind her without saying a word.      

When they got to where the car was parked Lucas looked at her, "Get in, I will drop you off at your apartment before leaving," he said, and Amy turned to look at him.     

Looking at the scratches on his face, guilt tugged at Amy's heart, and she didn't know whether to apologize for what she had done or to call them even now.      

While one part of her mind told her that all of it was his fault, and he deserved what he got, another part told her to apologize.      

"You don't have to. I can walk," she assured him, but Lucas said nothing as he went around the car and held open the passenger seat.     

"Get in. Aside from the fact that Miley asked me to make sure you get home safely, I also have to make sure you get home safely so that no one else has to experience what I just experienced," Lucas said, and Amy's lips twitched in amusement as she got into the car.      

She directed him to her apartment, and Lucas silently cussed himself when he realized he had driven past her apartment twice while searching for the place.      

Once they both got out of the car and he escorted her to the door, Lucas eyed her skeptically, "I take it we are even now?" He asked, wanting to get it done with and leave.      

Amy's lips twitched with amusement. Even though the thought had crossed her mind that they were even now, hearing him say it, she changed her mind, "You said you came here to apologize. I haven't heard your apology," She said, and Lucas frowned.     

"After all you just did to me?" He asked incredulously.     

"Both are separate incidents. I didn't do it knowing it was you. I thought I was about to be mugged, and I reacted as any normal person..."     

"Normal? I don't think so. A normal person would scream for help or run away as fast as they can not turn around and attack a man who you have no idea whether he is armed or not," Lucas countered, and Amy shrugged.      

"That might be the way you react to things like that, not me. I work hard for everything I have and I won't let anyone steal anything from me. As I said, I'm yet to get your apology," Amy said, returning to the main subject.     

"If your action wasn't deliberate on your part shouldn't I get an apology from you as well?" Lucas asked with a slightly raised brow.     

"You wronged me first, and you put me in this situation. If anything had happened to me it would have been on you. You should apologize and then I could think about apologizing to you," Amy said, and Lucas scoffed.     

"Think about apologizing? I could be suffering from internal bleeding right now..."     

"Fine. I will apologize, but only after you have apologized," Amy said, and Lucas sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.          

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"I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry," Lucas said, and as simple as the apology was, it sounded genuine.      

Without responding to his apology, Amy turned around and opened the door, "Come in," she said and walked in without waiting for a response.     

Lucas looked at her, wondering why she was inviting him into her apartment just like that. All he wanted was to apologize and get going. He didn't want to indulge in any more conversation with her or Miley for that matter.      

"Are you not coming in?" Amy asked from somewhere inside, and Lucas hesitantly walked in and shut the door behind him.      

Standing inside the apartment, he didn't take a step further and just stood by the door as he looked around the place. The apartment was small. Not tiny, but perfect enough for one or two persons.      

Everything was well organized in their place, and the interior decor was mainly a blend of sugar white and rose. The little apartment was feminine and cozy in a way.      

"I didn't invite you in just so you could stand watch by the door. Come sit," Amy said as she walked in carrying a little first aid box which she dropped on the table.      

Lucas eyed her unpleasantly as she jerked her head to the rose-colored twin sofa in the living room, "I can take care of myself. I will like to take my leave now that you are settled," Lucas said politely.     

"My mother taught me that until your apology has been accepted and your offense is forgiven you shouldn't stop apologizing. I'm yet to accept your apology," Amy said patiently, as she sat on the table opposite the couch as though she was waiting for him to sit so she could treat his wounds.      

"Good thing we were raised by different mothers. That is between you and your mother. I admit that I was wrong and I have apologized despite what you did to me..."     

"Do you want to leave without getting a proper apology?" She asked, and Lucas shrugged.      

"It doesn't matter. I deserve it. Goodnight," Lucas said as he turned around to leave.