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One Wild Night

Chapter 458: He Is Sad.
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Chapter 458: He Is Sad.

"YOU CRAZY FOOL!" Sara yelled angrily into the phone, and Amos winced as he held the phone away from his ear to save his eardrum from the assault.         


"Are you just dumb or stupid? How did a stupid fool like you end up becoming an attorney?" Sara spat out angrily, unable to control her temper after Amos told her about his business with Jade.     

"I'm sorry. I thought I..."     

"You thought what? Are you capable of thinking? Do you even have a brain? Why would you involve someone from the Hank family in this when you know how sensitive this is?"      

"I thought..."     

"Stop telling me YOU THOUGHT!" She barked at him. The veins stood out on her throat and temple as she paced around her hotel room.     

"I am going to kill you if you ruin things any more than you have done already!" She promised.      

Amos took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I will fix this."     

"Oh, yes! You will! You had better! And make sure you find that girl before they do, or else I will be the one to expose you. My only sin is abandoning my family for fame, and I have no regrets. I've lived out my life of fame, and I can as well move away to somewhere else and enjoy my life in solitude. But you? You have a family. You have your wife and kids to think about. What do you think will happen to them if I am exposed?"     

"Are you threatening me?" Amos asked in a tight voice.      

Sara scoffed, "Threat? You don't get it yet, do you? Your life and that of your entire family is in my hands. I'm not making a threat."     

"If you know so well that despite your health, you can enjoy your life in solitude after you are exposed why are you bothering to do any of this? Why not just go and enjoy your life in solitude and leave everyone alone? After all, I wasn't the one who asked you to sell your daughter or abandon your son," Amos spat out angrily.     

"You greedy fool! I paid you for all of this. Get the job done and don't ask me any more useless questions. Find the girl before they do, even if it means you have to kill her so they don't get to her. Just ensure that her liver is preserved," Sara said, making Amos' skin crawl even as his eyes widened.     

"Ki---ill her?" He stuttered in disbelief.     

"Would you rather we leave her alive and they find her? If she is dead I can't be accused of selling off my daughter, can I? Don't you think it's better she dies, and then we can deny whatever allegation they level against me, and that way we are both saved?" Sara asked, and Amos felt his blood run cold as goosebumps rose on his skin.      

He had always known that Sara was a scary person. Since that day twenty-eight years ago when he walked into his mentor's office and saw her sitting there with the Petersons, looking heavily pregnant and ready to sign the agreement to give them her daughter in exchange for fame.      

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He had thought she was evil, but this was different. How did he get himself involved in something like this? With someone like this?     

How could a mother speak so casually about murdering her own daughter? It was one thing to sell off your child but talking about killing her? What sort of a person was she? This was all shades of wrong.      

"Sara, you can't expect me to do that. I'm an attorney of the law..."     

Sara cut in with a snort of derisive laughter, "And you won't be that for much longer if everything is exposed, would you? Quit clowning and get the job done," Sara said and hung up the call without letting him say another word.      

She threw her phone on the bed and took a deep breath as she went to stand by the window. Everything was not working according to her plan and it was annoying her more than she cared to admit.      

Lucinda Perry, Thomas Hank, and now Jade Hank was getting on her last nerve. Why were they interfering in her business with her son? Why couldn't they mind their business? She wished she could get rid of them all, but she didn't want to waste what little time she had on that.     

All she needed was to find her missing daughter. Once she was able to do that, she would get her organ. She knew for a fact that her daughter and Harry shared the same blood group and genotype with her since the doctor had checked it the moment they were born.     

She paused when she remembered something important. The doctor. Thospital where she had given birth to the twins. She needed to take care of it now before either Aaron or Harry decided to go back there to ask questions.      

Although she knew that for now, it was probably all speculation on their end that she had lied about their daughter's death. She knew they didn't know the truth for sure now, and she needed to keep it that way regardless of what she had told Lucy.     

She picked up her phone immediately and dialed a line, "I need you to do something for me immediately. Treat it with utmost priority."         


Away from there, as Harry escorted Lucy back to Aaron's hospital room, he paused when he remembered something, "Could you send me the recording? And her phone number too," He asked, and she gave him a nod.      

"Sure." She said as she immediately took out her phone and transferred it to him the same way he had transferred the recording of Tom's conversation with Anita.     

Once she sent it, they continued walking, "When I'm done taking care of this we can talk about how we are related," Harry said once they stopped outside Aaron's room, and Lucy glanced at him.     

"We could act like such a relationship doesn't exist between us. I understand how awkward it might..."     

"There is no reason to act like it doesn't exist when it does. As upset as I am about everything, I also know I'd rather have you as my cousin than anyone else," Harry interrupted as he looked at her, and Lucy blinked at him in surprise.     

"Harry," Lucy called in a quiet voice.     

"I always wondered why I easily got along with you and liked to tease you, and I think I understand the reason now," Harry said with a small smile, and she smiled back.     

"Tom is already worried about us being related. Said you won't let him be," Lucy said, and Harry grinned.     

"He knows me too well," Harry said, and without thinking, Lucy embraced him surprising them both. Harry stood still for a moment, and then he embraced her.     

"Everything will be fine, Harry. I know you are hurting inside even though you are trying to act like everything is okay. And regardless of the circumstances, I'm glad I got to know you and Aaron, and I'm glad that you are my cousin too," Lucy said as she held him, and Harry shut his eyes against the tears that were gathering in them.     

"And don't worry about Aaron. I won't leave his side even for a moment. Do whatever you need to do, and if you need me to do anything, let me know," Lucy said as she pulled away from him, and Harry smiled at her.     

"Thank you, LuLu."     

"You're welcome, HaHa," Lucy said, and Harry smiled once again, as his gaze moved to the glass part of the door into the room where Tom was sitting on a couch with Jamal on his thighs.     

"Can you let me know when she arrives?" He asked, and Lucy could tell he was talking about Candace.     

"Sure. I will tell you as soon as she gets here," Lucy promised, and Harry gave her a nod before opening the door.     

Tom turned to the door immediately it opened, and he set Jamal down as he stood up. He looked from Harry to Lucy and then back again.      

"I'm leaving," Harry said, and Tom nodded.      

"I will come with you," Tom said before glancing at Lucy.     

"Can you..."     

"I can. You should take Jamal with you. He's going to be bored," Lucy cut in, and Tom gave her a nod before looking at Jamal.     

"Are you coming with us or staying with Lucy?" He asked, and Jamal's brows pulled into a frown as he looked from Tom and Harry to Lucy and then Aaron.     

"I will stay with Lucy," Jamal said, and Lucy looked at him.     

"Are you sure about that?" She asked and he gave her a nod.     

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"If we all leave you will be alone. So I will stay with you and keep you company," Jamal said, and Lucy smiled at him.     

"If you keep being this sweet I'm going to have to dump Tom, and go to you," Lucy said, and Tom glared at Jamal playfully while Harry watched the kid with interest.         


This thoughtful little boy was his nephew? Harry mused as he watched him. Something had tugged on his heart when Jamal took his hand, and even though he had desperately needed to be alone, he had felt oddly comforted.     

He smiled when Jamal met his gaze and watched as the kid looked at him with concerned eyes.     

"Do you still feel sad? Do you want me to hold your hands again?" Jamal offered, and Harry shook his head.      

"I think I'm fine now, thanks to you. You can hold my dad's hand. He is sad," Harry said, and Jamal's gaze moved to Aaron and then back to Harry.     

"Is that why he is sick? Because he is sad?" Jamal asked, and Harry gave him a nod.     

"Why is he sad?" Jamal asked curiously.     

"Someone he cared about hurt him very much," Harry said, and Lucy blinked back the tears that gathered in her eyes.      

"That is very bad," Jamal said with a worried frown, "Can I hold his hands now?" He asked, and Harry gave him a nod.     

"I think he will feel better if you hold his hand," Harry said, and Jamal moved closer to the bed to take Aaron's hand, and Tom placed a hand around Lucy's shoulder when she sniffed a little and dabbed her eyes.     

"Let's go," Harry said to Tom as he headed for the door.     

Tom kissed Lucy's forehead, "Take care of yourself and call me if you need me or if anything comes up," he said before looking at Jamal.     

"Young man, try not to hit on my girlfriend while I'm away, else our deal is off," Tom warned and ruffled Jamal's hair before hurrying after Harry.      

"When is he going to wake up?" Jamal asked as Lucy lifted him from the floor so that he was sitting beside Aaron on the bed.      

"He needs to sleep. But don't worry, he will wake up soon," Lucy said as they both watched Aaron.     

"He is sad. He is crying," Jamal said as he reached a hand to Aaron's face and wiped the tears that rolled down the side of his face.      

"He will be fine. We will all be fine," Lucy murmured as she took Aaron's second hand, while Jamal held the other.