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One Wild Night

Chapter 555 Murderer And Beast
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As Cassidy stopped in front of Andy, she eyed him, watching and waiting to see what he was going to do while also preparing herself to pounce on him if he so much as made the wrong move.

In a sudden but calculated move that took Andy unaware, Cassidy ripped her shirt in two to expose her twin mounds.

"You bastard!" Andy gasped in shock and outrage as her hands shot out to strike him, but again he was quicker than her.

He pushed her against the door roughly and before she could regain her balance, he pinned her to the door with his left leg pressed between her legs and his left hand holding both of hers firmly above her head.

"What am I going to do about it?" Cassidy asked as his right hand moved unrestricted over her body.

Andy tried to put into practice all the self-defense lessons she had learned over the years to free herself from him, but there was nothing she could do. Her hands were restricted, as were her legs, or else she would have rammed her knee into his crotch to teach him a lesson.

Cassidy held her firmly in place and while she swore at him, his roving right hand grabbed and squeezed her left breast, "Your body still responds very much to me," he noted with much satisfaction as his gaze moved over the face that had haunted him for a long time and his fingers trailed over one hardened nipple.

"You are so full of shit!" Andy spat out with annoyance and she cried out involuntarily when he pinched her nipple.

"Did that hurt? Is that how you like it now? Was this the sort of attention you craved?" Cassidy asked in a cold tone as he glared at her, "I hope you enjoy it because I can assure you, this is the sort you are going to receive when you step out of here."

"That is not your business, you first-class jerk!" She spat at him angrily.

"My business? You may not know it yet, but you are my business. Everything you do is my business and I'm not going to allow you to carry yourself about like some dumbass whore," he said, and Andy's green eyes flashed angrily as she tried to headbutt him, but Cassidy merely stared at her like she was a recalcitrant kid.

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"ALLOW ME? Who the fuck do you think you are to allow me to do anything you disgusting bastard? If I choose to parade myself naked in front of every guy on this ship like a dumbass whore or fuck every guy on this ship, it's my call to make, not yours! So don't make the mistake of thinking that I need your permission, you stupid fool!" Andy hissed at him.

"Choose? Do you think you have the liberty of choice in a ship filled with sex-starved men who want nothing more than to sink their cocks in a woman's warmth? Perhaps I should let you do as you please," Cassidy said as he let her go abruptly.

"Go on out and prostitute yourself, just make sure you don't come back to me after you have been violated," he said, jerking his head to the door for her to leave before turning away from her.

As soon as he turned, Andy attacked him, ready to pull out his hair and gouge his eyes out, and as she had hoped Cassidy turned in time for her knee to shoot up between his legs.

Cassidy's breath exploded and even as he doubled over in pain, she slammed her fist into his chin. He let out a grunt of surprise as he fell to the floor.

"Come back to you? Why would I come back to an animal like you if I'm violated by them when you are just the same as them? For all I know they may even be more decent people than you," Andy said as she kicked him and she watched with satisfaction as he groaned in pain. How she had longed to see him in pain.

Although he was mad at himself that he had allowed himself for a split second to be distracted by his thoughts long enough for her to attack him, he was impressed by her quickness and strength.

Standing over him, with hands on her hips and no care about the fact that her breast was still fully exposed, she looked down at him with a sneer, "You are a filthy bastard, you know that? Acting like you have my best interest in mind here. Calling me names and behaving like a saint, when all you are underneath all this front is a dirty bastard! You brought me here against my will and for all I know you are just like Jero...."

"Andy." He called in a warning tone as he spat out blood.

"What? You don't like being told the truth? You don't want me to be violated yet you are the first person who violated me, so what does that make you? I will tell you what. A hypocritical scumbag. I believe you took me hostage so you could escape, didn't you? We can part ways now. That's the only way I won't be tempted to slash your throat in your sleep," Andy said and turned on her heel, ready to leave.

She let out a shriek when Cassidy grabbed her ankle and pulled her down causing her to fall back on her ass, "Fuck!" She swore as the pain shot through her entire body.

"Damn, you bastard!" She swore as Cassidy rolled over her despite the fact that he was still reeling in pain, and she reached out to scratch his face.

"Stay still!" Cassidy hissed at her as he grabbed a fistful of her hair to stop her from scratching out his eyes.

"Get the fuck off me! I don't want you touching me or talking to...."

The rest of her words were lost when Cassidy covered her lips with his bloodied lips.

"Damn it! When did you become such a hellcat?" Cassidy yelled as he pulled away from her when she bit his lips.

Andy spat out his blood that had stained her lips, "If you don't want to die, get off me, and stay away!" Andy snapped at him as she pushed him away from her and tried to rise.

Cassidy rubbed his chin as he hefted himself up, "You are so damned stubborn and annoying," Cassidy said with disapproval as he rose.

"You wanted to get a breath of fresh air and privacy. You can do both here without subjecting yourself to being ogled at. It's safer," Cassidy said as he offered her a hand.

Andy ignored his hand as she rose on her own, "I'm not interested in sharing the same space with you," Andy said as she headed for the door.

"You can have the space. I will leave," Cassidy said as he brushed past her and headed for the door, while Andy remained where she stood, watching with guarded eyes as she waited for him to leave.

"Do you truly despise me so much?" Cassidy asked, and Andy's nose wrinkled with disgust.

"Am I supposed to like a man that raped me? A man that had his men murder an innocent girl who was trying to earn a living? A man that kidnapped me and separated me from my family? A man that almost got me killed because he did not have the common sense to ask if I could swim or not before blowing up a ship and killing everyone he claimed to be his men? You tell me. Is there anything worth liking about you?" Andy asked with disgust.

"The girl was a collateral damage. Those were not my men. They were my father's men. And I would never have touched you if I had known it was your first time," Cassidy said with a sigh, at least grateful that she was talking to him now even if she was expressing her dislike and anger.

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"So it would have been okay to force yourself on me as long as I'm not a virgin?" She sniped at him angrily.

"No, Andy! Damn it! That is not what I meant...."

"So, what did you mean?" She asked coldly with her hand on her waist looking at him and waiting for him to give her a response.

"I was angry that night, alright? I was bitter and sad! I was drunk and I wasn't in my right mind. I'm not proud of my action...."

"Yet, you repeated it," she said, reminding him of the subsequent times he had her.

"Alright. I admit it, I went about it all the wrong way. I felt responsible for you and...."

Andy scoffed in disbelief, "It's astounding how you can look so smart yet manage to come up with something so ridiculously foolish. You felt responsible for me? And the way to express that was by making me your personal whore?"

"I was drawn to you, Andy. And I thought it was mutual since I made sure to give back as much pleasure as I took," Cassidy said, and Andy shook her head.

"You are mistaken if you think it was ever about the pleasure for me. I only tried to find what pleasure I could get out of the whole exercise because that was the only way I could endure it. Do you have any idea how humiliating each experience was? How much I would scrub my body after each experience and sit under the shower to cry because I felt ashamed and disgusted with myself? I may have let you have your way with me, but I loathed you every bit as much as I loathed every person that Jero passed me to. You are no different from them or Jero," Andy said, and Cassidy nodded.

"I despise you more than you can ever imagine Do not be deceived, Cassidy. You are nothing but a rapist, a beast, and a murderer."

Cassidy ignored the insults. He couldn't get mad at her for calling him those names. He had forced himself on her. And thanks to his father he had become a beast and a murderer, so she had every reason to see him in that light.

"That is fair. I deserve all of that," he said and without another word to her, he turned around and walked away from there, giving her the space she needed.

She could hate him all she wanted, she had every right to do so considering what he had done, but he wasn't going to let her leave. At least not yet. He needed her help. He was going to keep his hands to himself and stay away from her if that was what she wanted, but he was not going to let her go.