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One Wild Night

Chapter 617 Island
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Sara's secretary, Emma, stood to the side as she watched Sara point out different designer items to the sales person attending to them in the boutique.

"Hmm. I'm not sure about her shoe size," Sara said thoughtfully to no one in particular as she walked over to the shoe section and eyed the shoes in display.

As far as Emma was concerned, Sara was buying too much. But she couldn't voice her concerns. She was of the opinion that if Sara wanted to build a relationship with Crystal, the best way to go about it was to talk with her not buy her love.

"Well? Why aren't you saying anything?" Sara asked as she turned disapproving eyes to Emma.

"I don't know her shoe size either. I've not met her yet," Emma said politely.

Sara pursed her lips for a moment, "Well, I can always bring her here next time. For now, these bags and clothes are more than enough. Let's go," Sara said and both the sales person and Emma followed her to the counter to conclude the transaction.

Sara had spent most of the night thinking about Crystal, and she wanted to handle things with her very quickly. She didn't have the time to waste, especially not now that she had arranged a meeting with the head doctor at the research center.

"Do you think she is going to like the gifts?" Sara asked Emma after they got into the car and were on their way to see Crystal.

Emma smiled as she knew Sara expected, "Of course, she would. Who wouldn't?" Emma asked, knowing that was exactly what Sara expected her to say.

"I thought so too," Sara said with a satisfied nod as she glanced outside the window.

Emma had worked with Sara long enough to know when she asked for your opinion, you were only supposed to say what she wanted to hear and not what you thought. Your opinion meant nothing to her. You were being paid to massage her ego not voice your thoughts. No one knew better than Sara. No one was wiser than her.

If Sara was someone who listened to anyone else other than herself, she would have suggested that Sara slows down so they could look deeper into the girl first, but what did she know?

Once the car stopped outside Crystal's residence, both Sara and Emma got out, and Emma carried most of the shopping bags, while Sara took one and led the way.

Thankfully, there was no gathering of people in front of the place today, and the first person they saw directed them to Crystal's apartment.

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Once they got there, Sara knocked on the door and waited for some seconds before the door was opened.

Crystal scowled when she saw Sara and Emma. She tried not to let her eyes betray her excitement at the sight of the shopping bags.

"What do you want?" She asked impatiently even though she had been waiting all day for Sara to show up.

"I know we didn't start off on the right foot yesterday. But I'd love to make up for it. I brought you some gifts. Can I come in?" Sara asked with a hopeful smile, and Crystal looked at the bags with false disinterest as she stepped aside for them to go in.

Her apartment was cramped inside, but there was no denying that it was a bit stylish. Trinkets and some keepsakes she had stolen at different points in her life decorated her little abode.

Crystal watched as the bags were dropped on top of her coffee table, and she looked at Emma, "Who is she? Your daughter?"

"No. This is my assistant, Emma. Emma, you can wait in the car," Sara said, and Emma excused herself immediately.

"Don't expect me to offer you anything. Why are you here again after all I told you yesterday?" Crystal asked with a scowl.

"Are you not curious to see your gifts? You should check the things I got you," Sara suggested with a bright smile even though she hated the guts of the little brat. Not even a word of thanks for the expensive gifts.

"I didn't ask you to get me anything, and I don't think you should be the one to tell me when to check them out. Are you trying to buy my affections? Do you have ulterior motives for approaching me?" Crystal asked, and the smile faltered on Sara's face.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why are you here, old woman?" Crystal cut in, and Sara stiffened.

How dare the lowlife refer to her as old? She would relish the idea of killing this girl now, Sara thought. She wouldn't feel any guilt when it was time to take out this mannerless and uncouth girl.

"You are being rude, you know? I'm here to get to know you. Aren't you curious to know if I'm truly your mother?" Sara asked, and Crystal took an exaggerated breath as she went into her room, took out a pair of scissors and clipped her nails in front of Sara. Then she returned into the bedroom, picked up Candace's nail clippings which was wrapped in a tissue.

"Have these. I'm scared of needles, and I love my hair too much to take out a strand. Take these to a lab and get them tested. You can come back to me after you get the results," Crystal offered and Sara took the nail clippings from her.

"Shouldn't I be the one more concerned with conducting a DNA test?" Sara asked curiously, wondering why the brat wasn't grateful that someone as wealthy as her was claiming to be her mother.

"Why? Did you expect me to open my arms in welcome to you a total stranger because I'm broke and you're wealthy? I've lived most of my life as an orphan and the last thing I want is for someone random to show up claiming to be my family and then disappear on me later. I want proof that we are related. Only then will I listen to whatever you have to say," Crystal insisted, and Sara sighed.

"And if we are? Will you accept me as your mother?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves ma'am. If you don't mind, I need to get back to what I was doing before you came in," Crystal said, and Sara looked at her incredulously as she rose.

"Are you asking me to leave?" Sara asked, unable to believe the manners of the girl. She really hated the girl. It would have served her best if Harry had this attitude and the girl had Harry's attitude.

"Wasn't I being polite enough?" Crystal asked, and Sara headed for the door without another word.

Once Sara shut the door behind her, Crystal smiled greedily at the shopping bags as she picked them up and turned out all the contents.

At least she had good taste, Crystal thought happily as she checked out the brands and price tags on the clothes.

Silly old woman thought the world revolves around her and she could buy everything with money. By the time she was done with her, she would learn that some things were more important in life than others.

Away from there Andy was roused from her midday sleep when a knock sounded on her door, and she reluctantly sat up with a frown.

"You can come in," Andy called, believing it was the cook, since that was the only person who came in to serve her meal.

After her exchange with Cassidy the last time (chapter 555), they had not crossed paths. She had remained in her room, and Cassidy on the other hand had ceased coming to check on her or bring her meals as he used to.

Her brows pulled together when Cassidy walked in and before he could say anything she raised a brow, "You sure made yourself scarce. For a moment I thought you fell off the ship and drowned to death," Andy said, and Cassidy nodded.

"I'm sure you would have liked that very much. I'm sorry I'm still alive. I'm not here to fight with you, okay?" Cassidy said, and Andy raised a brow.

"What do you want?"

"We will be arriving on the Island shortly. Get ready to get off the ship," Cassidy announced and Andy rose involuntarily.

Although a part of her was relieved that she could finally be on land, another part was apprehensive. She had no idea what was she awaiting her on the Island. It made her very nervous.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I thought we had two more days?" Andy asked as she rose.

"It was estimated that way because we expected a turbulence, but thus far everything has been good," Cassidy explained before turning to leave.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" Andy asked uncertainly, stopping him before he could leave.

"I just told you. Take care of whatever you need to, and join me on the deck," Cassidy said impatiently.

"There is nothing I need to take care of. It's not like I came here willingly or with a luggage, did I?" Andy asked, and Cassidy sighed.

"Alright. Come with me if you please," he said, and walked away, leaving her to follow him.

"I suppose I can get feminine clothes on this Island? You don't expect me to keep dressing up in male clothings, do you?" Andy asked as she followed him.

"I didn't think that would be the most important thing you'd worry about. But you don't have to worry. There is a closet full of whatever feminine clothes you'd like to wear," Cassidy assured her without sparing her a glance.

"What did you think would be the most important thing I'd worry about?" Andy asked, but Cassidy said nothing as he led her through a door to the deck so she could view the Island from the distance.

After their little fight the other day, he had decided to stay out of her way. He had done so many things he wasn't proud of in his life, but none of them tormented him as much as hurting her did. He knew nothing he said or did was going to change her opinion of him, so the best thing to do was keep his distance. Both physical and emotional.

"Did you move your family here already? What business do you plan to do here?" Andy asked, wanting to know whatever she could before they got off the ship but again Cassidy said nothing and neither did he spare her a glance.

As Andy followed closely behind him, she tried not to let his cool attitude upset her. If anyone was supposed to act coldly towards the other, the coldness was supposed to be coming from her, so why was he acting like she was being a bother?

She admitted that she had been stubborn and unwilling to listen to whatever he had to say this whole time on the ship, but after spending the last three days thinking about whatever fate awaited her on the Island, she decided that perhaps it would have been wiser for her to be on his good side and listen to him when he was willing to talk about himself.

She needed to get more information from Cassidy about the Island and what he wanted from her. That was the only way she could find a means of escape. She had to know all she could about her enemy. His strength, his weakness, and whatever else she could use against him.

"I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I said the last time," Andy started, and Cassidy turned to her.

"I don't think you are. And even if that was true, I really do not need your apology. I'm a rapist, a beast and a murderer like you said," Cassidy assured her as he resumed walking.

It was a good thing he knew he was all of that, Andy mused.

"Still, I'm sorry."

"Let it go, Andy. Now, there is the Island," Cassidy said as they rounded the corner and he pointed to their destination and waited to see Andy's reaction.