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One Wild Night

Chapter 683 Wedding Planning
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After picking up her pen and journal, Lucy returned to Jade's bedroom and knocked on the door softly, and once Jade opened it Lucy smiled at her hopefully, "I was hoping we could go ahead with our plan for tonight? Candace is leaving by weekend, and since she is here already, we shouldn't waste the opportunity," Lucy said and Jade nodded in agreement.

"I don't mind. But do you think Sonia would want to? She didn't look too pleased earlier," Jade said, remembering her brief altercation with Sonia.

"Sure, she will. This is for her after all. I will get the others. You can wait at the Den," Lucy said and Jade shrugged.

"Alright. See you downstairs in a bit," Jade said before shutting the door as Lucy went to get Candace.

Candace, who lay on her bed fuming as she wondered what Matt was up to at the moment, looked to the door when she heard the knock. Even though she wasn't pleased with Matt's decision to come over here tonight, a part of her wished it was Matt who was at the door.

Maybe if he apologized for showing up the way he did, they could make up and who knows what else could happen?

She went to open the door and tried not to show her disappointment when she saw Lucy standing outside her door.

"Hey," Candace greeted with a surprised smile.

"I guess I wasn't the one you were expecting, right?" Lucy asked with a small smile not missing the disappointment in Candace's eyes.

"You weren't, but doesn't mean I'm not pleased to see you. Are you alright now? Come in," Candace said as she held open the door for Lucy thinking that maybe Lucy needed someone to talk to.

After Lucy walked in, she shut the door behind her, "I'm okay. I came to inform you that we will all be meeting in the Den to go ahead with the wedding plans. We can't miss such an opportunity when you came over tonight for it," Lucy said and Candace raised a brow.

"That's nice, but are you sure you're okay with planning a wedding after what happened earlier?" Candace asked and Lucy smiled.

"I resolved things with Jade already. We shouldn't let such minor misunderstandings ruin our plans. Tonight is about Sonia not me, so please go down to the Den. I will get Sonia and join you there," Lucy said as she headed for the door.

"Alright then. I will be down in a jiffy," Candace promised, and Lucy walked away, heading to Sonia and Bryan's bedroom.

"Sony?" Lucy called as she knocked on the door and Sonia opened the door almost immediately.

"What's wrong? You want to come in?" Sonia asked with a frown, wondering if Lucy had fought with Tom.

"What could be wrong?" Lucy asked with a smile and then looked past Sonia into the bedroom.

"Is Bryan not inside?" She asked, wondering why Sonia was asking her to come in.

Sonia shook her head, "He is probably downstairs with Matt. Why are you here? Did you fight with Tom? Did he overhear all I said?" Sonia asked with concern and Lucy smiled as she walked into the bedroom.

"Of course, he didn't. Tom isn't the type to eavesdrop. I'm sure he opened the door the moment he got there. Anyway, I came to get you so we go down to the Den…"

"What for?" Sonia asked in confusion.

"We have a wedding to plan, remember? Jade and Candace will be there waiting," Lucy said, and Sonia beamed her a smile.

"Really? I didn't think we would make wedding plans after...."

"It's your wedding, Sony. There is no way I would let my issues get in the way of our plans," Lucy assured her, and Sonia hugged her.

"Thank you. Although I'm surprised Jade agreed to come down for it. I thought she would be sulking or mad," Sonia said as she pulled back.

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"I thought she might be too, but I was surprised when she apologized to me," Lucy said and Sonia smiled.

"That's nice. I guess Tom scolded her," Sonia said and Lucy shrugged.

"Maybe. Let's get going. We don't want to keep them waiting," Lucy said, and they headed for the door.

They both walked out of the room to see Candace walking out of her room, so they all walked together.

The moment they got to the Den, they saw Bryan and Matt seated there already playing PS.

"Hey, babe!" Bryan called to Sonia as he paused the game, and she went to him.

"You didn't tell me you will be down here playing games with Matt," Sonia said with a scowl and Bryan pulled her down on his lap.

"I thought you'd still be busy with Lucy. And I wasn't sure if you'd be mad at me or not," Bryan said before glancing at Lucy who was already seated.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Lucy. I didn't mean to question you that way," Bryan said, knowing if he resolved things with Lucy, Sonia would be less mad.

"All is forgiven. I hope you don't mind releasing your fiancée to us, we have a wedding to plan and we don't have all night," Lucy said and Bryan grinned.

"Sure. You can have her. Thanks for not being mad," Bryan told Lucy before looking at Sonia.

"Since Lucy is not mad, I hope you are not mad at me too? I didn't take sides with my mom, I promise," Bryan said and Sonia kissed him.

"I'm not mad. I don't want us to fight over this anyway," Sonia said and Bryan nodded.

"Me too. So, why don't you go and plan the wedding with the girls, and we can go up together when you're done?" Bryan suggested and Sonia nodded as she kissed him again before rising.

"Sorry you came over when everything is so shitty," Sonia told Matt whose gaze had been fixed on the screen since Candace walked in and he waved it off.

"It's fine. Been a while I beat Bryan's ass anyway," Matt assured her and she smiled as she went to join Lucy and Candace.

"I hope you don't rush off in the morning, let's have breakfast together and chill," Sonia said while Bryan raised a brow.

"Is Jade not joining you?" He asked, wondering why Jade wasn't there yet.

"Why won't I be joining them?" Jade asked as she walked into the Den with her journal and a pen and went to join the ladies.

"Shouldn't you guys excuse us? It's going to be distracting having you in here," Jade said and Bryan shook his head.

"We were here first. And there's a lot of other places you girls can go to," Bryan said and Sonia smiled.

"I'd rather be here and keep my eyes on him. Besides, I might need his opinion on a couple of things. So it's good he is here," Sonia said and Bryan blew her a kiss which she returned, before he resumed his game with Matt.

It didn't take a genius to know that something was wrong between Candace and Matt seeing how he was not even looking in her direction and she was trying her best to not look affected by it.

"So, let's get down to it! What kind of wedding do you want, Sony? Tell us what your dream wedding is, and we will do all we can to make it a reality," Lucy said, jumping right into it since she didn't want them to waste anymore time. It was getting late already.

Sonia pursed her lips as she considered Lucy'a question while Lucy and Jade opened their journals to write.

"Wait, why am I the only one who didn't come with a jotter and pen?" Candace asked as she looked from Lucy to journal, "Lucy you didn't say anything about jotting down stuff," Candace said, making the rest of them giggle.

"I'm not with a jotter myself," Sonia pointed out.

"You are the bride. You don't count. We do the planning while you relax," Candace said dismissively.

"Goes to show you are not organized," Jade said with a sweet smile that made Candace scowl at her.

"I don't think I can stand having you as a sister-in-law. I should probably hook Harry up…"

"You wouldn't dare," Jade growled, making them laugh.

Lucy clapped to get them back to focus, "We don't have all night, ladies. And Candace, it's not compulsory you jot anything down. Jade and I will have that covered," Lucy said kindly.

"Sure. Thanks," Candace said with a nod.

"Sony?" Lucy called, reminding her that she was yet to answer her question.

"I think it's best you ask me specific questions," Sonia said and Lucy nodded.

"Alright, first of all do you want a big wedding or something intimate?" Lucy asked, and Sonia turned to ask Bryan but before she could, Jade stopped her.

"Let's know what you want first. You are the bride," Jade said, and Sonia shrugged.

"I think I would prefer an intimate wedding. It's not like I have lots of people I would want to invite anyway. I don't know about Bryan. He might want his celebrity friends to be present," Sonia said reasonably.

"Bryan, do you want a big wedding party or something intimate?" Jade called out to Bryan.

"Whatever Sonia wants is fine by me as long as I'm not expected to show up in a pink Tuxedo," Bryan said making them laugh.

"Intimate wedding it is then. We will work on the guest list later," Jade said as both her and Lucy jotted it down.

Candace couldn't help but steal glances at Matt. She had noticed that he hadn't bothered to spare her a glance since she walked into the den, and it was agitating her.

How could he say he was here to spend time with her when he had his eyes glued to the stupid game he was playing? She mused irritably as she tried not to let her annoyance show.

From there they moved to other aspects of their plan, talking about vendors and companies to patronize.

"I've received a couple of messages from various vendors on Instagram, begging to offer their services for the wedding. How about we check them out? If they're not good enough, we could look elsewhere," Sonia suggested.

"That's a nice idea. Let's see what they got," Lucy said, and they all gathered around Sonia.

"Why don't we connect Sonia's phone to the television instead of crowding Sonia this way," Candace suggested not only because it would be easier to view the screen that way, but so that Matt would stop playing the stupid game.

"But the guys…" before Lucy could protest on behalf of Bryan and Matt, Jade walked over to where the guys were and picked up the remote control of the television.

"Sorry guys. Some things are more important than others, and right now we need to make use of the television," Jade said and without waiting for them to protest she switched the channel so that Sonia could cast her phone to the tv.

"So, what are we supposed to do now?" Bryan asked with a scowl.

"Sit with us and share your opinion since it's our wedding," Sonia said sweetly as she connected her phone to the tv.

"Yes. You too, Matt, since I'm sure you're going to be Bryan's best man," Jade said so that Matt wouldn't leave.

"It was a good idea to connect the phone to the... ahh!" Lucy gasped when she suddenly felt the vibration between her thighs.

"What? Are you okay?" Sonia asked as all eyes turned to Lucy with concern.

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Lucy tried not to blush or look embarassed as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright," she said as she crossed her legs and while the others focused on the screen she looked at the door in time to see Tom who was grinning at her.

"What took you so long?" She asked, making the others look at Tom as he strolled into the Den.

"Missed me? I had to give Harry a call considering how I left him earlier," Tom explained as he looked around and then looked at the screen.

"How are the plans coming along?" He asked as he sat with Bryan and Matt.

All the others looked at Tom, surprised that he didn't sound any bit upset as he had sounded earlier. He sounded normal like his usual self.

If anyone had taken a closer look they would have realized that he was even looking happy now. Happier than he had been before the whole family drama started.

"Everything is under control," Jade informed him and they all returned their gaze to the screen.

While the others fixed their gaze on the screen and were busy talking about whether or not to patronize one of the vendors, Tom's gaze was fixed on Lucy.

From the way she sat, he could tell she was bracing herself for the next vibration so he relaxed as he watched her, enjoying himself.

Each time she glanced at him, he winked at her and she smiled as she returned her gaze to the screen.

When he was sure she was distracted enough and was in the middle of an argument with Jade over why one vendor was better than the other, he discreetly pressed the button again.

"C'mon, Jade! Take a look at ahhh!" Lucy exclaimed as she shot out of her seat and Tom strangled a chuckle as everyone looked at her again.

"Are you alright, Jewel?" Tom asked before anyone else could, and as Lucy opened her mouth to speak Tom pressed the plus button increasing the vibration frequency.

"Babe?" Tom asked when Lucy closed her eyes as she tried not to moan.

To the others, Tom sounded worried and concerned, but Lucy could hear the laughter in his voice.

Why was he not turning off the vibrator already? Did he plan to make her orgasm right here under the watchful gaze of everyone? Lucy thought as she choked on a moan.

Seeing how Tom was still seated and watching Lucy who was bent forward with her eyes shut, Sonia put two and two together and an amused smile twitched her lips when she realized what was happening.

"I don't think Lucy is feeling well. Maybe we should continue later. Tom, maybe you should take her upstairs," Candace suggested as she went to stand beside Lucy and patted Lucy's back which was trembling.

Lucy gritted her teeth as she looked up, not minding that her face was red, "I'm alright. I can manage," she assured them breathlessly as she held Tom's gaze.

Tom, who was struggling not to smile, pressed the power button on the vibrator so she could catch her breath.

"Are you sure you're alright? We can go upstairs…"

"Ye--s. I'm fine," Lucy said with a sigh, determined not to give in so easily, even though she knew she was horny as hell and the tingling in her clit was not going to stop anytime soon.

She was soaking wet down there, and any slight movement caused her clit to tingle.

She sat down and crossed her legs tightly together while Tom licked his teeth as he watched her, "I'm sorry for the interruption. So, as we were saying... ohhh!" She rose abruptly when Tom discreetly pressed the button again while trying not to laugh.

"Jade, please continue. I need to use the restroom," She said as she hurriedly left the Den and Tom rose with his hands tucked in his pocket.

"I should go check on her," he said with a straight face before walking away.

Immediately they left, Sonia, Bryan and Matt who had caught on to what was going on with Lucy burst into peal of laughter while Candace and Jade looked at them, wondering what was amusing about Lucy's discomfort.

"What is funny?" Jade asked in confusion.

"I don't think Lucy will be coming back any time soon. Let's just continue with the meeting some other time when she doesn't have to use the restroom," Sonia said with a grin.