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One Wild Night

Chapter 818 Big Bro
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Chapter 818  Big Bro

Jade was still seated in the dining with a frown etched between her brows as she tried to figure out what was up with Andy when Candace returned.

"I'm back. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long," Candace announced as she took the seat opposite Jade.

Jade glanced up at her, "You didn't. Is Andy okay? She didn't seem fine," Jade asked, concern coloring her tone.

Candace nodded, a hint of worry in her eyes. "She's a bit tipsy. I guess she had a little too much to drink at her place," Candace said and Jade sighed.

"I see. So, what did you want to talk about?" Jade asked, her voice tinged with weariness.

Candace hesitated, her gaze searching Jade's face. "You know how Andy and I were talking to you yesterday?" she began tentatively, and Jade gave her a nod.

"Well, she mentioned something about me shutting you up in front of Lucas and Tyler. So, today we got talking and I wanted to know why she said that, and she sort of implied that I've been talking to you rudely. I was wondering if you think so too?" she asked, her tone tinged with apprehension.

Jade's eyebrow shot up, "Why are you asking me that? Shouldn't you be able to answer the question yourself? Think about the way you talk to me, especially in public, if I did the same to you, would you appreciate it or not?" Jade asked since that was what she had wanted to talk to Candace about.

Candace's brow furrowed, her confusion evident as she wondered why Jade sounded so upset. "Is that a yes?" She pressed, seeking clarification.

"Yes, Candace. It is a yes. I don't like the way you talk to me in public," Jade said, her tone tinged with hurt.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Candace asked in confusion.

"At first it was fun. I assumed it was like the banters between you and Harry, but it has become increasingly embarrassing and annoying. Now it feels like you are always wanting to oppose me at every turn whether we are alone or in public and it hurts my feelings. That is what I wanted to talk to you about." Jade's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she struggled to compose herself.

Candace hadn't realized the impact her behavior was having on Jade, and it weighed heavily on her conscience.


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"Please let me finish. I was going to talk to you about it before you brought it up. So kindly let me exhaust all I want to say," Jade said and Candace gave her a nod to continue.

"I know I do not have the best of behavior, and I might act childish and immature a times, but I don't think it is okay for you all, especially you, Candace, to shut me up in front of others. If you all think I'm too childish and immature to hang out with you, then I will have to stop being friends with you. I don't want to be around people who act like I'm a nuisance or make me feel so bad about myself. Maybe it's best I relate with you going forward as just Harry's sister," Jade said, wiping off the tears that had rolled down her cheeks.

"You shouldn't say that, Jade. We've come a long way. You know your friendship means a lot to me," Candace said, her voice filled with sincerity.

"I don't think it does. If it did, you would treat me with more respect. Isn't friendship supposed to be about having each other's back and covering each other's flaws in public and dealing with them in private? Andy seems to be my only friend among all of you. She has never shut me up in public yet she is the one who brought up the subject yesterday…."

Candace shook her head to stop her, "I didn't know how to go about it. I wasn't sure if I should talk to you, and that was why I always tried to jokingly tell you the truth bluntly," Candace said even though she wasn't sure jokingly and bluntly made sense together.

"Jokingly tell me the truth bluntly? What truth have you told me, Candace? That I make everything about myself? Like you did on the yacht in front of everyone? Do you think I just show up and choose to make everything myself? Is that the way you would want me to tell you about yourself in public?"

Candace's heart ached at Jade's words, and a pang of guilt coursed through her. "Jade, I swear to you, I didn't mean to disrespect you. I love you too much to ever want to do that. I admit that most times I like to get on your nerves by taunting you just for fun, but not once have I thought of disrespecting you. I love and respect you too much to want to do that. I've told you several times before how much I look up to you and how you're part of the reason I chose to study law…."

"Yes, that was before you got close to me. And as the saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt. Maybe I should have kept our relationship at a professional level. I know I'm not perfect and I still have a lot to work on, but I'd rather do it beside people who genuinely love me," Jade cut her off, her heart burning more and more as she spoke.

"C'mon, Jade. You know very much that I love you. We all do. I had no idea I was hurting you, Jade. I'm truly sorry I made you feel this way. Believe me, I never meant to hurt you. I only talk to you that way because of our closeness. I wouldn't speak that way to a stranger or someone I'm not close to, would I? I never thought you'd take it so personally. I'm sure Sonia and Lucy didn't mean to be rude to you either," Candace said, her voice filled with regret as she reached out to hold Jade's hand.

Jade sat silently, her emotions swirling inside her. She wanted to believe Candace's words, but the hurt ran deep. She valued their friendship, but recent events had left her feeling isolated and unappreciated.

She needed to clear this up because they were beginning to make her feel like it was best to shut up around them rather than have them shut her up, and if that was the case, then she would rather not spend time with them anymore.

"It will never happen again, I promise, twin sister-in-law," Candace said, tugging on Jade's arm playfully.

A hesitant smile tugged on Jade's lips, "Are you sure?"

"Of course. There is no reason for you to make all that threat about treating me as Harry's sister. You hurt my feelings, you know? I wouldn't be here or have any of these without your help," Candace said and Jade sighed.

"Alright. Maybe I overreacted," Jade said, her voice softening. "I appreciate your apology, and I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I just needed to let you know how I felt about the way you talk to me," Jade said and Candace nodded, her expression filled with remorse.

"I understand, Jade. Just know that I value our friendship more than you think, and I promise to do better going forward."

"What do you think? It's your feelings. You know what you feel better than I do. Do you think it's Stockholm syndrome?" Harry asked and she shook her head.

"I checked it out on the internet. What I feel isn't the same as the symptoms I saw online. But it doesn't make sense that I have feelings for someone like Cassidy despite all that happened between us, does it?" She asked and Harry smiled.

"You know, when it comes to emotions like love, it doesn't always make sense. The heart wants what it wants. And it would be foolish to beat yourself over it. And you my dearest Andy, is no fool. Leave it to time and chance. Want to know what I have learned from my relationship with Jade? What will be will be. If it isn't love, the feeling will go over time or you will meet someone else and get over him. If it is love, and he feels the same way as I know he does, I don't think you should hold him on to his past. I would burn down the world if anyone so much as lay a finger on Jade, so don't judge him by what he did when he was in pain. Sometimes our pain is capable of blinding us to the pain of others. And hurting people hurts people and bleeds on others. If it's meant to be, I'm sure you both will find a way to meet again. Until then, don't spend what little time I have with you pining over another man. It makes me jealous," Harry finished with a mock scowl, and Andy grinned.

"Geez, Harry! I really didn't want to talk about this, but I'm glad I talked to you. I feel much lighter. I didn't want to talk to Candace 'cause she believes whatever I'm feeling is Stockholm syndrome, and I didn't think she would understand or approve my feelings," Andy confessed.

"Well, good thing you talked to me. So, is that all that was bothering you?" Harry asked, and she nodded.

"Do you want to go to bed now or are you up for a chat and maybe a group movie night?" He asked and she smiled.

"The chat and group movie sounds like a better alternative to sleeping," she said and Harry rose and held out a hand to her.

"I have to freshen up first. I will join you guys when I'm done," she said and Harry picked up the plate she had used in eating.

"I will be waiting for you then," Harry said as he headed for the door.

"Big bro?" Andy called, and Harry smiled as he turned to look at her.

"I love you," she said, and Harry grinned.

"I love you too. Don't keep us waiting," Harry said before walking out.

Once he shut the door behind him, Harry sighed. It seemed like all the ladies in his life were in need of therapy. He might just have to employ one therapist to attend to all of them and heal them from their various traumas.

He returned to the living room to see Jade and Candace chatting about Sonia's wedding, and he smiled when he saw how excited Jade was about their conversation.

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Seeing them that way, no one would believe that they had both just had such a heated conversation a while ago with most of the heat coming from Jade's end.

That was one of the things he loved about Jade. How she was a baby heart and never seemed to hold grudges.

And he liked that Jade had been able to express her feelings and both of them had been able to resolve things. The last thing he wanted was for the lady he wanted to be his partner for life to not get along with his twin sister.

"Have you talked to Andy? How is she?" Jade asked when she noticed Harry's presence.

"She is fine. Was just having a mood swing," Harry said as he took the plate to the kitchen and Jade followed him.

As Harry washed the plate, Jade pecked his cheek and he turned to smile at her, "What did I do to deserve that?"

"It's a thank you," Jade said with a grin.

"What for?"

"For doing what you did. I know you well enough to do that for my sake," Jade said and he shook his head as he dried his hand.

"It was for my sake too. I want you here. I love having you here," Harry said and Jade's smile softened.

"You know, you've changed a whole lot," she said, her voice teasing yet gentle.

"How?" He asked as he carried her and made her sit on the kitchen island while he stood between her wide legs.

"You know, you and your principles. The old Harry wouldn't be caught dead tampering with clocks and lying to keep me here," she said with a teasing smile. Follow current novelenglish.net . s on NovelEnglish.net

He winced internally, the memory of his past self still fresh. The thought of sharing his living space, especially with a woman he wasn't married to, had felt like a violation of his personal code. His principles, once so rigid, now felt archaic and restrictive in light of how he felt about Jade.

"You are right," he admitted, his voice laced with introspection.

He met her gaze, his eyes sincere. "I wouldn't have believed it three months ago. I used to think I knew exactly what I wanted, and what I believed in. But being with you has challenged those beliefs in the best way possible. It's made me realize that sometimes, our principles are tested by the people we love, and we learn that life isn't always black and white, that sometimes the best choices are the ones that make our hearts happy, even if they don't always fit neatly into our pre-defined boxes. So, maybe what I needed was someone to challenge my rigid ways, to show me that happiness sometimes lies outside of our comfort zones."

Jade's smile bloomed as she reached out, her hand gently brushing his chin. "Well, I'm glad I got to be the one to challenge your rigid ways, Mr. Not-So-Principled-Anymore," she said and Harry chuckled as he kissed her while she wrapped both arms around him.